Auto-generated transcript: We are on 75 going from Fort Toddy to Tampa and on the right is the Evacuates National Park. And almost for probably 50-60 miles we had the channel which they have cut, repeat the road in the park. We saw alligators, we saw cosplays, we saw cowherds, greater or lesser egrets, all kinds of things. So the reason I'm saying all this is because on highways, on roads, I always remind myself, I knew that this is a tariq, this is the way. And there are things about this which parallel our lives completely. Now the way is leading to something. You don't just get onto the road and start driving. You go onto a road and you're driving to a destination. And so also in life you can just live or you can live with a purpose to get to a destination. You get on the road and when you want to get to a destination, nowadays it's very easy because of GPS and so on, but otherwise even otherwise you would look for the shortest way to get there, the fastest way to get there which might not be the shortest but which has less traffic or you might say I want to take a scenic route because I want to see some stuff on the way and so on and so forth. So the choice of your routing is also a conscious choice that you're making. So also in life when we want to live our life and we want to look at the pathways that we choose, that it makes sense to do that consciously and say what kind of life do I want? And I don't mean just for us just to say that you know janla, janla is yes, that is default inshallah and we hope so, but what will get me to janla? What is the best way of living by life in a way that I can get to janla? So that is the detail of it. Now for that imagine that you are on this bus and you have a driver who's an expert driver and who is one of the best routing heroes, so what to do? So you go to the driver and say when this is I'm getting on this bus, this is the bus taking me and you know I like to see something and so on and he says we have to ride, go ahead. Then what you concentrate on is the quality of your journey. You don't spend time or I would say even waste time in trying to make friends with the driver, in trying to have a social life with the driver, in trying to have you know interactions with the driver and stuff. That's not your problem, that's not your focus. Your focus is to get on the right bus, stay on the right bus, see the sites you need to see, learn what you need to learn. What I'm saying is that because today we live in a world where society has among the many ways in which society fools us, it fools us into what has been called the tyranny of feelings and the tyranny of feeling this works like this. It says that whatever I feel is supreme. This must take supersede, this must supersede and take precedence over everyone else's feelings. It doesn't matter what anyone else feels, what I feel must happen and it is the job of everyone else to modify their behavior in order to suit my feelings and if they are not doing that, they are the problem. This is how our society works which is why you have for example children going to school and teachers are taught that you must engage the children, the children must be engaged in your class, the children must find your class interesting, the children must find your class entertaining. Whether they're learning something or not is not top of the line. I don't say that's not important but that's not what they ask teachers. They ask them about how engaged are the children and so on meaning that if they are engaged enough, if they are entertained enough, if they're happy enough, they will automatically learn. Nothing can be further from the truth. The reality is that you go to a teacher like you go to an oncologist because you have cancer and because this oncologist only Allah can cure and give life but for the sake of my example, this oncologist knows what to do to cure your cancer.