
  • Conforming or Being Comfortable: Understanding Jesus Through John 12
    Jun 29 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon guides listeners through John chapter 12, focusing on the significance of Jesus Christ's miracles and teachings. The discussion includes an examination of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the resurrection of Lazarus, and Jesus' purpose as the Son of God. Pastor Brandon emphasizes the importance of understanding and believing in Jesus to gain eternal life, highlighting the contrasting responses of Mary and Judas to Jesus' message. The message encourages listeners to seek Jesus, live a life conforming to His teachings, and make decisions for eternal significance.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    28 mins
  • Decision Time - Understanding the Significance of Jesus' Miracles and Sacrifice
    Jun 29 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon Nicely delves more into John Chapter 11, emphasizing the significance of Jesus' miracles and the profound decision everyone must make about faith in Jesus Christ. He recounts the story of Lazarus' resurrection and the ensuing reactions from different groups—some believed in Jesus, while others, including the Pharisees, plotted to kill Him to protect their positions. Pastor Nicely underscores the importance of making conscious life decisions, particularly about embracing Jesus, illustrating the eternal impact of these choices. He also connects the events leading up to Passover with the concept of Jesus as the sacrificial lamb, stressing the necessity of applying Jesus' sacrifice to one's life. Through personal anecdotes and biblical references, he encourages listeners to take the next possible step in faith and trust God to handle the impossible.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    28 mins
  • The Resurrection and Life
    Jun 29 2024

    In this insightful episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon dives into the book of John Chapter 11, focusing on the pivotal event of Lazarus's resurrection. The podcast begins with an overview of the miracles performed by Jesus, establishing His divine nature and mission. As Pastor Brandon narrates the story of Lazarus, he highlights key lessons about faith, patience, and the divine timing of God's plans. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their belief in Jesus Christ and the importance of walking in His light to navigate life's challenges. The episode concludes with a powerful reminder that Jesus' plans are always for our good, emphasizing trust, hope, and the promise of eternal life for believers. This episode serves as both a spiritual guide and a source of encouragement for anyone facing trials or waiting for answers to their prayers.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    27 mins
  • Listening to the Good Shepherd: Understanding Jesus' Role in Our Lives
    Jun 2 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon Nicely delves into John chapter 10, emphasizing Jesus as the Good Shepherd and the importance of recognizing and following His voice. The podcast recaps a story about a real-life sheep named Chris, relating it to how Jesus takes care of His flock. Pastor Brandon discusses the significance of believing in Jesus' works and words, the eternal security offered through faith, and the biblical assurance of salvation. He also reflects on the importance of living a righteous life and being an ambassador for Christ, drawing lessons from the life of John the Baptist.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    22 mins
  • The Good Shepherd: Understanding Jesus as the Door
    Jun 2 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon discusses the Book of John, chapter 10….specifically focusing on the metaphor of Jesus as the 'door' and the 'good shepherd.' He explores the importance of following Jesus, the truth He offers, and the eternal life He promises. Pastor Brandon emphasizes the struggle of discerning whom to trust in life, highlighting the contrast between Jesus and deceitful influences. He also explains how Jesus' life and death fulfilled prophecies, providing a clear path to salvation. Listeners are encouraged to trust and follow Jesus wholeheartedly, laying down their burdens and finding peace and purpose through Him.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    18 mins
  • Victory Podcast: The Healing of the Blind Man and Its Deeper Meaning
    May 22 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, the discussion focuses on John Chapter 9, wherein Jesus heals a man blind from birth. Pastor Brandon Nicely draws a parallel between physical blindness and spiritual blindness, emphasizing the need to recognize Jesus as the giver of eternal life. The episode explores reactions to the miracle, particularly the skepticism and division it stirred among the Pharisees. Key themes include standing firm in faith despite opposition, the simplicity of following Jesus, and the importance of believing in and worshiping Him. Personal anecdotes and examples from the host illustrate these lessons and encourage listeners to prioritize their faith in their daily lives.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    28 mins
  • Running the Race with God's Light: Lessons from John Chapter 9
    May 22 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon Nicely explores John chapter 9 and the story of a blind man healed by Jesus. He discusses the context of the passage, emphasizing the persistent attempts on Jesus's life and His unwavering mission. Key themes include overcoming others' perceptions, the personal race given by God, and staying focused despite life's storms. Pastor Brandon also shares personal anecdotes and real-life examples to illustrate the message of hope, purpose, and joy found in Jesus Christ. The podcast emphasizes the importance of following Jesus's teachings and finding light in the darkness through faith.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    30 mins
  • Understanding True Freedom in Christ: A Continuation of John 8
    May 22 2024

    In this episode of the Victory Podcast, Pastor Brandon Nicely continues into John 8, where Jesus propounds the idea that true freedom comes from accepting Him. He reads key verses and provides context, emphasizing Jesus' urgent message for people to turn to Him as He approached His crucifixion. Pastor Nicely draws parallels with contemporary life, urging listeners to recognize Jesus' truth, regardless of their background or past actions. He discusses the importance of personal faith and transformation, and how Jesus provides purpose, guidance, and peace in life. The sermon also touches on themes of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, stressing the necessity of humility and obedience to God's word.

    Join Pastor Brandon Nicely, of Victory Baptist Church in celebrating the transformative power of community at this cherished institution, shaping the lives of members and the wider Clifton Forge community.

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    26 mins