Discover the intricate world of food addiction with clinical psychologist Dr. Jen Unwin, who specialises in this compelling field.
Dr. Unwin shares her personal journey and sheds light on the alarming prevalence of food addiction among individuals struggling with type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Together, we tackle the societal challenges posed by ultra-processed foods, advocating for food addiction to be recognised as a legitimate condition deserving of proper treatment and support, much like the historical acknowledgment of nicotine addiction.
As ultra-processed foods continue to dominate our diets, we recognise their potential to hijack the brain, much like addictive substances such as alcohol and nicotine.
This episode explores the struggle individuals face, even those well-versed in health, in making healthier choices despite knowing the harm.
We discuss the ongoing efforts to get food addiction recognised by major diagnostic systems and the importance of the CRAVED criteria in diagnosing this condition.
We also emphasise distinguishing between individuals who need to abstain from specific foods and those who can moderate their consumption.
Strategies for managing food addiction are at the forefront of our discussion, with a focus on identifying foods with drug-like effects and building supportive habits.
We highlight the impact of the Liberate course, an eight-week online program designed to help participants achieve and maintain abstinence, and share insights into our residential treatment retreats in the UK.
Our conversation is a call to action, encouraging reflection, learning, and continuous progress on personal health journeys.
Join us in this episode as we explore the science, stories, and strategies that empower individuals to take control of their health.
Chapter Summary
Exploring Food Addiction in Low-Carb Living (00:05)
Food addiction, societal challenges of ultra-processed foods, and the need for recognition and treatment are discussed.
Food Addiction as a Real Disorder (07:36)
Food addiction is recognized as a result of processed foods, compared to other addictions, and efforts are made to reach a consensus on its definition and treatment.
Criteria for Food Addiction Diagnosis (14:24)
Efforts to recognise food addiction in diagnostic manuals, CRAVED criteria, the importance of abstinence, and upcoming clinical interview tool.
Managing Food Addiction for Long-Term Success (19:39)
Nature's drug-like foods, strategies for overcoming addiction, challenges of maintaining abstinence, and staying vigilant during the festive season.
Liberate Course Impact and Expansion (33:45)
Collaborative efforts in developing a Liberate course for food addiction, including low-carb principles, brain function education, and residential retreats.
Empowering Health Journey Through Podcast (40:09)
Low-carb and keto living for a healthier life, subscribe and rate for more inspiration and empowerment on personal health journeys.
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