This whole episode is a vibe! He’s genuine. He pushes limits. He uncovers his true self and unlocks his next level in life….all from just well, changing!
It's hard to embrace change and even the unknown. Not many are up for it! Do you feel like you are not meeting your potential sometimes and feel challenged to try something new? We get into it on a personal and professional level!
Meet Danny Zaslavsky, Co-Founder of tech company, VinCue. He's also a car dealer. He opens up on how and why he ventured into learning software! He exposes meaningful and impactful insights we can all gain from! This is an episode like no other I've done and it's one of my fav's!
"Run faster" is his motto - "Leaders should have vision, pace and do what they expect others to do! Get out there and make yourself uncomfortable and do things to help others without worrying about what's in it for me."
We talk:
✔️Identifying purpose
✔️Your why
✔️The people/partners in your life
✔️Experiencing pain can launch new thinking and new successes
✔️Ridding noise that takes up valuable time & space in your life
✔️Risk tolerance
Dealer Talk with Jen Suzuki Podcast | | 800-625-1590 |
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