• podcast 21/2 How Your Life Journey Shapes Who and What You Do
    Feb 20 2021
    Punam Verma (founder of Soul Traveller Magazine) a BBC Journalist, TV & Radio Presenter, Singer/Songwriter, and Film Producer, talks to Sahar about her journey from civil engineer, to professional psychic, healer and intuitive life mentor and how her life journey prepared her to help her clients overcome their limitations, shift their mindset from victim to empowered creator of the life they yearn for. On that journey, Sahar endured the loss of her father, brother, beloved husband and, more recently, her mother. She learnt about personal resilience having to restart her life each time, rising like a phoenix from the ashes to find a deeper meaning and renewed purpose. Sahar hopes that her listeners will become more deeply aware of how our daily lives shape and create our life journey. Understanding how we can release our limitations to realise what we desire in life brings us joy and freedom. She offers complimentary 40-min. Unbox Discovery session when you complete the online assessment. Life can only get better! Hope that you will enjoy this podcast. Please remember to subscribe and review it. About Punam: Born and brought up in the UK, she is a BBC Journalist, TV & Radio Presenter, Singer/Songwriter, Voice-Over Artist, International MC, Film Producer, Metaphysician, and soon to be Author. She has now created a brand-new travel and wellbeing show called which airs on SKY TV in the UK and on YouTube Instagram @soultravellermagazine Website: www.soultravellermagazine.com
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    8 mins
  • You Are A Vibrational Being
    May 24 2019
    How your name and date of birth affect your well being, work and money. Have you noticed the same patterns playing out in your life and you don't seem to be getting where you think you want to be? Is stress and frustration manifesting as a physical issue? Do you know what your life purpose is? Or are you simply stuck, at some sort of crossroads, uncertain about which way to go? My guest on Soul Talk With Sahar, episode 3 is , a therapist and healer with 25 years’ experience. Being a Highly Sensitive Person has enabled her to attain a deep understanding of how the effects of mind and life affect the physical form. She’s the author of , and “was born with the ability to feel other people’s pain”. By understanding you and the messages of your body, we draw upon the strategy and clarity that reduce subconscious resistance to a healthier, happier life. This process gives you the keys to a life without separation and shows how the aspects of your life are intertwined, and how they weave through all of your relationships. There is no mystery to this process, only that many parts reside in your subconscious, and that her job is to draw out what your body and soul already know, helping you to make the shift you seek. We discuss how she a client’s physical body “speaks to her” she can detect its vibration and is drawn to a specific area that needs attention; how the name of a company, or personal name and date of establishment, and date of birth, respectively, can affect how well you do in business and in life. l and if you have enjoyed this, please review, and subscribe to channel.
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    44 mins
  • Your Voice Is Your Identify, with Stewart Pearce #2
    May 22 2019
    Our voices are at the core of our identity. When we speak, Stewart Pearce explains, we create matter and manifest our ideas through our voices. Stewart Pearce's clients have included Maria Aitkin, Minnie Driver, Kathryn Hunter, Josie Lawrence, Julia Ormond, Vanessa Redgrave, Simon Callow, Jack Davenport, Jerome Flynn and Mark Rylance. with many aspects of the mind and body to connect the personality of voice with the breath of soul. As an Alchemist he enchants, encourages and empowers all that wish, enabling movement towards the Light. He describes his work explaining that “The vibrations of our voice echo the vibrations of our bodies, and in turn echo the sounds of the natural world. Through resonance we connect with the Universe. Our voice is a means for revelation. If we become aware that we may harmonise our total being through its power, we may move from negative disenchantment into knowing what is enchanting about our lives." Understanding how we can release our limitations and, create what we desire in life is what brings joy and freedom. If you have enjoyed this, please review. Subscribe to my .
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    15 mins
  • Reconnective Healing with Dr Eric Pearl
    May 22 2019
    In this podcast, Eric explains what the upcoming workshops will cover; how and why Reconnective Healing facilitates healings for people that are often instantaneous and can last a lifetime. Feeling compelled to teach others, Eric’s work has taken him to over 100 countries and has affected millions of people. He hopes is that one day everyone will learn to access this natural ability, and use it to heal themselves and others. We also discuss the effects of the Reconnective Healing demonstration he very kindly, conducted on my 87 years old mother just before this podcast. During a couple of minutes only; she was able to sense their effect and varying intensity. And when he asked her “where do you think those energies are coming from?” She replied, “From your heart”! And it is something you feel when you are in his company. On a personal note, I found Dr Pearl to be kind, charming, quick-witted, and to have a great sense of humour. If you have enjoyed this, please review. www.SaharHuneidi.com
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    34 mins
  • Shamanic Healing & Soul Retrieval with Dawn Paul
    May 18 2019
    Dawn Paul is a shaman and a healer of souls. Her first book is by the same title, A Healer of Souls, was published in 2012 was intended to provide a helping hand on the journey through life. It is rich with client cases to help you navigate though the many pitfalls life so you can create a new reality for yourself. It also tells her story of how she became a shaman healer. She completed Dr Alberto Villoldo’s Healing the Light Body School training with The Four Winds Society and also undertook training and a further Peru trip visiting the Amazon, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and the holy mountain Ausangate with Jose Luis Herrera of Rainbow Jaguar. She completed medicine wheel and Inner Child training with Carla Fox of FarWalker Destiny and many others including the indigenous shaman and Ayahuascero’s of the Amazon, Lake Titicaca and the mountains of the High Andes (The Q’ero). l
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    52 mins