• You Are A Vibrational Being
    May 24 2019
    How your name and date of birth affect your well being, work and money. Have you noticed the same patterns playing out in your life and you don't seem to be getting where you think you want to be? Is stress and frustration manifesting as a physical issue? Do you know what your life purpose is? Or are you simply stuck, at some sort of crossroads, uncertain about which way to go? My guest on Soul Talk With Sahar, episode 3 is , a therapist and healer with 25 years’ experience. Being a Highly Sensitive Person has enabled her to attain a deep understanding of how the effects of mind and life affect the physical form. She’s the author of , and “was born with the ability to feel other people’s pain”. By understanding you and the messages of your body, we draw upon the strategy and clarity that reduce subconscious resistance to a healthier, happier life. This process gives you the keys to a life without separation and shows how the aspects of your life are intertwined, and how they weave through all of your relationships. There is no mystery to this process, only that many parts reside in your subconscious, and that her job is to draw out what your body and soul already know, helping you to make the shift you seek. We discuss how she a client’s physical body “speaks to her” she can detect its vibration and is drawn to a specific area that needs attention; how the name of a company, or personal name and date of establishment, and date of birth, respectively, can affect how well you do in business and in life. l and if you have enjoyed this, please review, and subscribe to channel.
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    44 mins
  • Reconnective Healing with Dr Eric Pearl
    May 22 2019
    In this podcast, Eric explains what the upcoming workshops will cover; how and why Reconnective Healing facilitates healings for people that are often instantaneous and can last a lifetime. Feeling compelled to teach others, Eric’s work has taken him to over 100 countries and has affected millions of people. He hopes is that one day everyone will learn to access this natural ability, and use it to heal themselves and others. We also discuss the effects of the Reconnective Healing demonstration he very kindly, conducted on my 87 years old mother just before this podcast. During a couple of minutes only; she was able to sense their effect and varying intensity. And when he asked her “where do you think those energies are coming from?” She replied, “From your heart”! And it is something you feel when you are in his company. On a personal note, I found Dr Pearl to be kind, charming, quick-witted, and to have a great sense of humour. If you have enjoyed this, please review. www.SaharHuneidi.com
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    34 mins
  • Spontaneous Awakening with Dr Penny Kelly #1
    May 12 2019
    Experiencing Kundalani can be Life & Consciousness Changing We are delighted to speak to Penny Kelly, the owner, of Lily Hill Farm and Learning Center in SW Michigan. Penny teaches a variety of classes and workshops on the topics of intuition, gardening, food and nutrition. She maintains a large consulting practice that includes both spiritual and nutritional consulting. She writes poetry, raises chickens, milks cows, and grows organic vegetables and small fruits, and is the author of 4 books: The Evolving Human, The Elves of Lily Hill Farm, Robes – A Book of Coming Changes, and From The Soil To The Stomach. For some years she has been involved in scientific research and investigations into consciousness at Pinelandia Laboratory near Ann Arbor, MI and has been the subject of some research as well. In this podcast, The Evolving Human, we discuss her first book by the same title, which is about her story and what happens to perception and personal reality following a life changing and spontaneous awakening of consciousness. Penny explains what Kundalini is and what are the signs, and why Kundalini experience is valuable, and I ask her if is there a greater purpose than just a wider consciousness? Penny Kelly, will come back to talk us about the Eleves of Lily Hill farm. Understanding how we can release our limitations and, create what we desire in life is what brings joy and freedom. If you have enjoyed this, please review.
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    9 mins