Katrina Valente graduated from the Burghly Academy of Beauty in Cambridgeshire, England, and went on to establish a successful beauty business worldwide, and qualifying in all the outer beauty therapies, such as IHBC and IIHHT. Her interaction with clients led her to the belief that there was more to beauty. A lot more. So, she went on a journey of her own to uncover real source of outer beauty. Her journey included NLP practitioner certification, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Colour and Crystal Therapy, Kineseology, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy and Coaching to Excellence. She found her answer: The answer is Inner Peace! So She developed my own unique, fully integrated holistic approach to beauty, wellness & fitness while effectively combating the aging process. Her motto is Inner Peace. Outer Beauty. “I am passionate about facials and anti-aging and consider the whole person and not just a part of them. The skin holds the key to a lot of other underlying emotions deep within the psyche; and that's why beauty is beyond skin deep. Whether through Relationship issues, or stressful time, I compliment my therapy with Relationship Coaching, as well as facials and body care. The aim is always to balance the whole person.” To subscribe to my If you have enjoyed this, please review.
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