• Tree of Life Congregation Scottsdale, Arizona on September 2nd, 2023
    Jan 1 2024

    Thank you for joining us today! We have a great message for you today!

    Who is the true light unto the nations...... You'll find out in todays message.

    It's one you won't want to miss.


    "A light to the nations"

    Rabbi Jack Zimmerman

    Today's Parashat: Ki Tavo, "When You Enter In" Deuteronomy 27-29:9

    Blessings by: Juli

    Torah Hebrew/English by: Tina

    B'rit Hadasha by: Tina

    Darash by: Tina

    This weeks Torah Readings are:

    Parashat: Ki Tavo, "When You Enter In" Torah: Deuteronomy 27-29:8(9)

    HafTarah: Isaiah 60:1-22

    B'rit Hadasha: Luke 24:44-53

    Suggested Psalm:

    Psalm 51

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    40 mins
  • Tree of Life Congregation in Scottsdale, Arizona on October 9th, 2023
    Dec 31 2023

    Life Changing Radio.

    Attack on Israel

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    31 mins
  • Tree of Life Congregation Scottsdale, Arizona September 16th 2023
    Dec 31 2023

    Thank you for joining us today! We are so happy you are with us today.

    Todays sermon is titled: "Rosh Hashanah and Revelation" by; Rabbj Jack Zimmerman

    Parashat reading for today is:

    Genesis 21:5-7

    Blessings by: Sharlyn

    Torah Hebrew by: Rabbi Jack

    Torah English by: Pam Darash by: Rabbi Jack

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    21 mins
  • Tree of Life Congregation- Scottsdale, Arizona on September 23, 2023
    Dec 24 2023

    You Kippur Service!! Shalom

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Tree of Life Congregation - Scottsdale, Arizona on September 30, 2023
    Dec 23 2023

    Sept. 30, 2023

    Shalom and Moadim L'simcha/ Gut mo'ed!

    Thank you for joining us today! We have another special service for you, the service about Sukkot (The Feast of Booths/Tabernacles)! So join us as Rabbi Jack show you the deeper meaning of Sukkot and how it all points to Yeshua Hamashiach.

    We have a LOT of info for you today to be sure to read all the description for what readings to do each this week!!

    Todays portion reading: Sukkot Il

    Leviticus 23:42-43

    Blessings: Sharlyn

    Torah Hebrew: Steve

    Torah/B'rit Hadasha English: Crystal in standing for Grandmother, Margaret Darash: Steve

    Full Torah portion readings each day this week of Sukkot are:

    Suggested Psalm reading is: The Psalms of Ascent Shirim haMa'alot niven pl, which is Psalms 120-135. Try singing through the chapters in it's entirety each day (or a few a day and make it though all 15 by end of Sukkot); and while singing/chanting, envision you and your family on a trip, walking down the road to Jerusalem for the Feast of Sukkot!

    Parashat: Sukkot | & Il (Sept 30, Oct 1)

    Torah: LEVITICUS 22:26-23:44, NUMBERS 29:12-16

    Haf Tarah: 1 KINGS 8:2-21, Zech: 14:1-21

    B'rit Hadasha: JOHN: 1:10:14; 7:1-10, Rev: 7:1-10; 21:1-4

    Parashat: Sukkot III "Chol HaMoed I" (Oct 2)

    Torah: Exodus: 33:12-34:26, Num. 29:17-25

    HafTarah: Ezek. 38:18-39:1

    B'rit Hadasha: James

    Parashat: Sukkot IV "Chol HaMoed II" (Oct 3)

    Torah: Num. 29:20-28

    B'rit Hadasha: John 7-8

    Parashat: Sukkot V "Chol HaMoed III" (Oct 4)

    Torah: Num. 29:23-28

    B'rit Hadasha: John 7-8

    Parashat: Sukkot VI "Chol HaMoed I" (Oct 5)

    Torah: Exodus: 33:12-34:26, Num: 29:26-31

    HafTarah: Ezek: 38:18-39:1

    B'rit Hadasha: John 7-8

    Parashat: Sukkot VII "Hoshanah Rabbah" (Oct 6)

    Torah: Num. 29:26-34

    HafTarah: Ecclesiastes

    B'rit Hadasha: John 7-8

    Parashat: Shemini Atzeret "Eighth day of the solemn assembly" (Oct 7)

    Torah: Deut. 14:22-16:17, Num. 29:35-30:1@Vzot-Haberakhah

    Haf Tarah: 1 Kgs. 8:54-8:66

    B'rit Hadasha: Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 12:28-3

    Parashat: erev Simchat Torah (Oct 7 @ night)

    Torah: Deut. 33:1-17 [or 33:1-26] (Customs may vary).

    In most Jewish communities the Torah is read at night on Simhat Torah.

    [This is the only time when the Torah is read at night.] There are various customs regarding which Torah sections are read, although many select Vezot Haberachah, the last weekly portion on the Torah, omitting the last verses.

    Parashat: Simchat Torah "Rejoicing in the Torah" (Oct 8)

    Torah: Deut. 33:1-34:12; Vzot-Haberakhah, Genesis 1

    HafTarah: Josh. 1:1-18

    B'rit Hadasha: Rev: 22:1-5

    Simchat Torah is a celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings and the beginning of a new cycle. In Israel, Simhat Torah and Shemini Atzeret are celebrated on the same day. In Messianic Congregations they are usually celebrated the same day as well.

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    44 mins
  • Tree of Life Congregation - Scottsdale, Arizona on October 23, 2023
    Dec 23 2023

    Oct. 21, 2023

    Thank you for joining us today! We are so happy you are. We have our biblical studies teacher that will be doing the sermon today for us, Ms.

    Aida Collins.

    Sermon title: Dimensions of the Anointing

    Todays Torah reading:

    Parashat: Noach "Noah"

    Gen 11:5-8

    Blessing by: Sharlyn Torah Hebrew: Tina

    Torah English/B'rit Hadasha: Drew

    This weeks Torah portion readings:

    Parashat: Noach "Noah"

    Torah: Genesis 6:9-11:32 ® HafTarah: Isaiah 54:1-55:5 ®B'rit Hadasha:

    Matthew 24:36-470

    Suggested Psalm

    Psalm 29

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    53 mins
  • Tree of Life Congregation Scottsdale, Arizona on October 14, 2023
    Nov 6 2023


    Thank you for joining us. Today, we have an essential and profound message to share. We bring truth and light to you in a world with nothing but misrepresentations over the decades. We hope you will share this with others and share the truth as well. Today's message is by Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, and the title is The Israel-Hamas War. Parashat: B'reisheet "In the Beginning "Torah: Gen. 6:5-8 Blessings by: Eliana Torah Reader Hebrew: Rabbi Jack, Torah Reader English: Phillip Darash: Juli This week Torahs Portions are: Parashat: B'reisheet "In the Beginning"Torah: Gen. 1:1-6:8 Haf-Tarah: 1 Sam. 20:18-42 B'rit Hadasha: Matt. 24:29-36 Suggested Psalm: 104

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    1 hr and 10 mins