• John O'Shea | Congress District 12 | Kay Granger will not re-elect | Toasty Podcast 103
    Nov 4 2023

    What's up everybody...this is once again The Toasty Podcast. I'm tired of trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and I loved what I did with the first podcast so here we are. I guess you'll just have to join me on the ride up the ladder again as I talk with guests from all different backgrounds to try to get a better grasp of the political landscape in Fort Worth, in Texas, and beyond. Let's get Toasty!

    You can find John on his website or on X (Twitter):

    Twitter: https://x.com/oshea4texas?s=20

    Website: https://oshea4texas.com

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    57 mins
  • Tucker | Vice | Fort Brewery | Daily Dose with Skye #006
    May 3 2023

    Within a week we've had some pretty big stories crack the surface and I must say I'm impressed with the citizens of America right now. I'm also impressed with Fort Worth PD for the one incident I bring up in todays episode.

    Ya'll enjoy and S T A Y T O A S T Y

    During the video I was trying to bring up Blaire White and I failed miserably. Apologies to her and everyone watching. Everything I brought up in todays episode is my own opinion coupled with news articles found by an easy Google search if you'd like to 'check my work'

    Comment below to tell me what you really think, yes I'm serious.

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    51 mins
  • Does money buy happiness? | Daily Dose with Skye #005
    Mar 17 2023

    I want you guys to know no matter what a study says or other people may tell you; you should look inside yourself and get to the bottom of your feelings because otherwise you might be kidding yourself that you're happy. And if you're unhappy, seek out things that might help. Not food or things to buy - but a spiritual practice, a gym and the people that surround you. Cheers!

    Here are my resources for this episode:

    PNAS Study https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2208661120#executive-summary-abstract Time Article referencing study https://time.com/4856954/can-money-buy-you-happiness/

    WA Post Article on the same subject https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/03/08/money-wealth-happiness-study/?utm_campaign=mb&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=morning_brew

    Ground News article on Yellen's Address https://ground.news/article/yellen-tells-senators-us-banking-system-remains-sound_9eff03

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    20 mins
  • Interest Rate Hikes | What is a basis point? | Harris Co. ballot woes | Daily Dose with Skye 002
    Feb 4 2023

    I'm just trying to get back to the basics so I'm going to post whatever I talk about on any given subject. This go round I am making it more YouTube focused though so if you guys want the edited version of this podcast go to my YouTube channel Daily Dose with Skye. Otherwise you get all my incoherent thoughts right here on any podcast platform!

    Today I talked about the federal reserve raising rates, what a basis point is, and how it relates to our previous conversation about the economy downturn being slow and why that is better than a 2008 situation. Let's look at it as a glass half full situation shall we?

    Next I discuss an odd problem Harris County is having in their county elections. If you guys know more about this than I do, congratulations but also, tell me about it in the comments on the YT video or on our facebook page which btw is still Toasty Podcast because FB WON'T ALLOW ME TO CHANGE IT

    Sources for todays episode:

    • Ground News - Fed raises interest rates by 25 basis points in smallest hike since March
    • Election Day ballot paper shortage | Houston, Texas news | khou.com
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    11 mins
  • House of Cards is real | Is Varsity Tavern Closed for Good? | There's a new bar in town | Daily Dose with Skye 001
    Feb 1 2023

    I've got inside sources telling me Varsity closed abruptly, but what now? I predict something like a rebrand in the future...ya'll stay tuned in a couple months.

    Have you ever wondered if there's a more entertaining reporter out there? Someone who isn't a robot and can still have a good time doing what they love? ME TOO. So I created Daily Dose with Skye. A little local and a little not-so-local to get your ball rolling in any conversation you plan on having later. Sound more informed and just overall be a better human being - listen to your daily dose. I'm sure even if you hate it you'll love it. It's kinda my thing, Cheerio!

    You can find me on Twitter and Instagram: @adhdmediaguy

    In todays episode I let you in on a little secret I like to call "Varsity Tavern"...nah I'm kidding everyone knows what it is if you live in Fort Worth but I've got some info you might want to hear about it. Also what the heck is an RW Male? Here's a hint: It has something to do with the Goth style or Alt style...I think. Who knows, all I know is I love talking nonsense and I hope ya'll enjoy! See sources below:


    • Ground News - State Representative killed in wrong-way crash
    • Ground News - Alec Baldwin has been formally charged in ‘Rust’ shooting
    • Charges filed against Alec Baldwin for ‘extremely reckless acts’ on Rust set | Rust film set shooting | The Guardian
    • Amazon expects to cut more than 18,000 jobs - Dallas Business Journal
    • The Down ‘n Out (@thedownandoutbar) • Instagram photos and videos
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    31 mins
  • Taylor Mondick | Texas District 95 | Toasty 102
    Jun 10 2022

    In this episode I sit down with Taylor Mondick. He’s running for Texas Representative in order to represent District 95. So basically all of Downtown Fort Worth and then some. What’s he all about? Let’s find out and most of all…Let’s get toasty!

    If you want to support us please go to Toast To Liberty and buy a sick tee. We design them ourselves and use a printing service that gives you something soft you’ll wear time and time again. We were designing tees BEFORE all these other “Classic Tees” came around. The OG Toasty Tee is one of my favs and I’m sure it’ll be yours too. Also…you’re giving us real monetary support that will help us get better guests, update our studio and progress the podcast to impact people around the globe to empower independent thinking for the masses.

    More info on Taylor:

    Ballotpedia https://ballotpedia.org/Taylor_Mondick

    Taylor Mondick


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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • Johnny Depp | Uvalde | Psychedelics and More | Toasty 101
    Jun 4 2022

    In this episode with co-host Matty B, we talk about affects of psychedelics, the deep roots of astrology, johnny depp and his win, Uvalde shooting and law enforcement cover up, Pfizer document dump and much more! This is a jam packed episode full of our takes on the latest goings on in the world of Politics, Society and Culture. You’re going to want to turn the volume up to ten. Let’s Get Toasty!

    Also don’t forget to support us monetarily by going to toasttoliberty.com and buying one of our sick tees! You guys rock!

    Toasty 101

    • Amazon – People’s Republic (Kelly Turnbull): Schlichter, Kurt: 9781539018957: Books
    • Texas: Woman becomes pregnant while being pregnant | BreezyScroll
    • Magnolia (1999) – IMDb
    • Stranger Things (TV Series 2016– ) – IMDb
    • Gemini (astrology) – Wikipedia
    • Astrological sign – Wikipedia
    • Astrological sign – Wikipedia
    • Air (classical element) – Wikipedia
    • Dog (zodiac) – Wikipedia
    • Wood (wuxing) – Wikipedia
    • Johnny Depp, Amber Heard trial verdict – CNN
    • Home – Toast to Liberty
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    58 mins
  • Luke Robinson | Bread & Circus Theory | Toasty 100
    May 28 2022

    What’s up everybody and welcome to another episode of The Toasty Podcast. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re finally getting more guests on and I’m excited to share this one with you. His name is Luke and he’s a former marine as well as a former police officer. He decided that wasn’t for him and he’ll tell us all about it during the show so LETS GET TOASTY

    Ever heard of the Bread and Circus story from Roman times? It’s a story that basically describes how Rome gave their people bread and a circus in order to keep them occupied and distracted from the terrible atrocities that Roman government was committing at the time. Sound Familiar?

    We don’t always talk about products on our show because that isn’t the point for us, but when I love something, I talk about it. EveryPlate is just another meal delivery service but it’s the most affordable one and it’s actually super good quality. You cook it yourself, but the portioned are accurate. If you don’t like meal planning and shopping for all sorts of ingredients you’ll only use once, this is your answer. If you want $20 off just for listening to The Toasty Podcast, click here

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    1 hr and 8 mins