We both find weather satellites fascinating and so really enjoyed recording this episode of the podcast. We were incredibly lucky to be able to talk to Graeme Mason and Thorsten Fehr from the European Space Agency in this episode.
Graeme is the Meteorological Programmes Manager at the European Space Agency and is responsible for the implementation of a number of satellite missions including the Meteosat Third Generation and the Arctic Weather Satellite, which we speak to him about in this episode.
Thorsten is the Mission Scientist for the Earth Explorer Programme mission EarthCARE, which stands for Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer, and is the European Space Agency’s clouds and aerosol mission.
In this episode we learn all about the new Arctic Weather satellite, which is due to be launched in the middle of August 2024 and is actually going to be launched alongside 99 other satellites. We also learn about EarthCARE, which was launched at the end of May 2024.
In this episode we cover lots about satellites in general, including how they range in size from a fridge to the size of a bus; as well as how long it takes to develop these satellites before they even get launched.
If you have any questions about weather satellites after listening to this episode, then definitely reach out to Graeme and Thorsten on LinkedIn. You can also find out about these satellite missions as well as many more on the European Space Agency’s website https://www.esa.int/
You can follow us on Instagram @fortheloveofweather and on X @4loveofweather.
We really hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast and leave loving the weather a little bit more.