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Understanding what recruiters and hiring managers look for can make all the difference in a job search. In this episode of PsychLeadership, we dive into the psychology behind hiring decisions, exploring the key traits, skills, and behaviors that stand out in a competitive job market. We’ll discuss the importance of cultural fit, emotional intelligence, and storytelling in interviews, as well as what hiring managers really think when they review resumes. Whether you’re actively job searching or just want to stay prepared for future opportunities, this episode will give you the inside scoop on what it takes to land the job.
<> 'The Laws of Subtraction' by Matthew E May
Business Perspectives. (2020). Recruiter bias in resume screening and job selection. Retrieved from
Forbes. (2021). 4 cognitive biases that hijack your hiring decisions and how to fix them. Retrieved from
Jobvite. (2022). The recruiting benchmark report. Retrieved from
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Sage Journals. (2022). The impact of cognitive biases on hiring decisions. Retrieved from
SHRM. (2021). Recruiters say experience is top factor in applicant evaluation. Retrieved from
StellaPop. (2023). How recruiters and hiring managers evaluate candidates’ soft skills. Retrieved from
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