• Life Update & Hiatus
    Feb 27 2022

    This is a short episode just to give you a life update. I haven't published any new episodes lately because I recently got engaged, and I am currently planning a wedding and preparing to move out of state after I get married. I will be taking a hiatus from the podcast indefinitely. When I do come back, the show will be bigger and better.  

     Feel free to go back and listen to any of the 40 episodes I have published to date. I have episodes about relationships, finances, mental health, physical health, and various other topics. Also, please continue to share this podcast with anyone you think would like to listen. Until next time take care!  

    Wedding website: Tyler & Rue Wedding     

    Here are all the books I have recommended in every episode to date: The Waiting Ruem | Books    

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast  

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    3 mins
  • Trusting God in the Unknown with April Shields
    Jan 30 2022

    Welcome to the fortieth episode of The Waiting Ruem podcast. What a milestone! Thank you all for your support, feedback, questions, and involvement. Join me as I talk to a guest, April Shields, about learning to trust God in those unplanned seasons of life. Sometimes when life is changing, you do not know where things are going - you are just a passenger along for the ride. 
    Learning to trust God is easier said than done, but it is possible. Remember that you are not in control and never were. God is writing your story, do not take the pen from Him – let Him finish what He started.  

    Here are all the books I have recommended in every episode to date: The Waiting Ruem | Books  

    You can see April's work on her:
    Website: April Shields Photography
    Facebook: @ashieldsphotography
    Instagram: @ashieldsphoto 

    Jeremiah 29:11-13 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast 

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    18 mins
  • New Beginnings
    Jan 23 2022

    What are you going to do differently this year than you've done in years past? Oftentimes, we have an area or two in our lives that we know we need to change, but we never follow through. Let this year be different. Don't do the same thing you have always done and expect a different result. 

     Areas you can grow/change this year: 

    • Relationally – Are there any relationships your need to work on? Do you need to work on establishing boundaries? Do you need to improve your communication with those around you? Or maybe become a better listener? 
    • Emotionally – Are there any emotions you need to get rid of? Anger, Fear, Anxiety/worry. Are there emotions you need to embrace? Patience, love, kindness, forgiveness. 
    • Financially – How is your financial health? Does it need to improve? Do you have a written plan? 
    • Physically – Do you need to take better care of your body this year? 
    • Spiritually – how can you grow spiritually this year? Ho about reading your bible? Do you need to memorize scripture? How is your prayer life? 

     Tips to help you accomplish your goals: 

    • Write down your goals – when you write down your goals, it gives you clarity and direction and makes the task more attainable.
    • Set realistic goals – start small 
    • Remove obstacles and excuses. 

    Recommended book: Creatures of Habit: Breaking the Habits Holding You Back from God's Best by Steve Poe     

    Habakkuk 2:2-3: And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. 

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast 

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    17 mins
  • 'Tis Better to Give!
    Jan 16 2022

    What is generosity? It is showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. Generosity is a topic that many people don't talk about, even though it plays a significant part in our lives. Numerous articles talk about how to make money, how to earn more, how to increase wealth, and how to become rich. However, it's also important to understand that giving some of that away - sharing some of that, will help us emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially. 

     Benefits of generosity:  

    • Generosity makes us healthy 
    • Generosity makes us happy 
    • Generosity lowers stress 
    • Generosity improves our relationships 
    • Generosity makes us healthy   

     How to be more generous:  

    • Start small 
    • Pay for someone coffee or meal 
    • Donate to a charity 
    • Buy someone in need some groceries 
    • Pay your tithe and give offerings to your local church 

    Recommended book: Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche    

    Read more about generosity here:    

    • 5 Research-Backed Benefits of Making Generosity a Habit (michaelhyatt.com) 
    • The Benefits of Generosity — Christian Stewardship Network 

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast

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    11 mins
  • Saving Money: Why & How
    Jan 9 2022

    Money can be a source of comfort for many people, but it is also a source of discomfort for others. Understanding your 'Why' and setting specific goals will help you gear your mind towards putting money aside over time. Successfully saving money requires consistency, discipline, and sacrifice, but it is achievable. 

     Importance of saving:  

    • Saving can give you freedom 
    • Saving provides financial security to a certain extent  
    • Saving means you can take calculated risks 
    • Saving prepares you for the future: new house, car, college education, etc.  
    • Saving reduces stress  

     How to save money:  

    • Pay off debt 
    • Cut down your grocery budget 
    • Cancel automatic subscriptions and memberships 
    • Spend extra or unexpected income wisely 
    • Lower your phone bill 
    • Do without the coffee trip 
    • Refinance your house 
    • Sell things you don't need 

    Recommended book: Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche    

    Read more about saving money here:    

    • 3 Reasons Why You Should Save Money | Discover 
    • How to Save Money: 22 Simple Tips | RamseySolutions.com 
    • 6 Types of Saving Accounts (businessinsider.com) 

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast 

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    15 mins
  • Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
    Dec 26 2021

    I will be taking a two-week hiatus, so you can use this time to catch up on any episodes you might have missed. Please be safe this holiday season and enjoy the most important things in life; friends and family. Don’t forget to celebrate the reason for this season: the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - who was the greatest gift to mankind.  

    Be on the lookout for the next episode, airing in the new year, on January 9th; where we will continue our money talk. Be safe and until then, take care!  

    Matthew 1:21: She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.  

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast   

    Music: A Peaceful Winter by Scott Holmes Music 

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    1 min
  • Lifestyle Creep
    Dec 19 2021

    Lifestyle creep occurs when increased income leads to increased discretionary spending. It’s the temptation to start spending more on luxuries as your disposable income increases. The goal is to not fall into this trap and keep your expenses as they were and save the extra income for emergencies, life savings, or big purchases in the future. 

    Areas you might experience lifestyle creep: 

    • Your social life 
    • Your wardrobe  
    • Your commute 
    • Travel and vacation 
    • Household comforts  
    • Entertainment  

     How to avoid lifestyle creep: 

    • Do not make any changes to spending for at least six months 
    • Build a budget and avoid impulse spending - know your goals and plan ahead of time 
    • Save first, spend later 
    • Evaluate your purchases and spending regularly 

    Recommended book: Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche

    Read more about lifestyle creep here:   

    • 6 Telltale Signs of “Lifestyle Creep” 

    I would love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast 

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    14 mins
  • Budgeting 101
    Dec 12 2021

    Budgeting tells your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. It ensures you always have enough money for the things you need. Budgeting also improves your financial health, which can, directly and indirectly, improve your mental, spiritual, and physical health as well. 

    How do you create a budget? 

    1. Use a spreadsheet, ledger, or notebook 
    2. Write down all your sources of income 
    3. Write all your expenses (house, car, debt, groceries, gas, etc.) 
    4. Subtract your expenses from your income
      • If you're in the negative, that means you're living above your means
      • If you have money left over, you're living within your means
    5. You can adjust your lifestyle to increase that margin
      • Cancel unnecessary subscriptions – you don't need all those streaming services
      • Eat out less – you've already bought your groceries, cook at home 

    Recommended book: Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche   

    I'd love to hear your feedback, comments, or questions! Contact me via:
    Email: thewaitingruem@gmail.com
    Instagram: @thewaitingruem
    Website: The Waiting Ruem Podcast   

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    12 mins