• Show 199: How to Become a Saint - The Way of Christian Perfection, part 1
    Jan 28 2025
    1. God requires of all the just that they should aspire to Chris tian perfection.
    2. The most sublime example of Christian perfection is found in Our Lord. After Him, the saints are also patterns of perfection.
    3. The perfection of the Christian consists in charity towards God and his neighbor, and in detachment of heart from the things of this world.
    4. He who makes Christian perfection his aim will attain it surely but slowly.
    5. There is no state or calling of life in which Christian per fection is not possible.

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    29 mins
  • Show 198: The 7 Principal Virtues and vices, Zeal in Doing Good and Sloth
    Jan 20 2025
    1. Zeal in what is good consists in working out one's salvation with all earnestness and fervor.
    2. Without zeal in what is good we cannot be saved, for the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence.


    1. Sloth consists in shunning everything that conduces either to our temporal or eternal well-being, provided it be toilsome.
    2. Idleness leads to all kinds of vice ; it brings misery in this life and eternal damnation in the life to come.
    3. Those who are inclined to indolence should think fre quently of the reward, both temporal and eternal, of industry, and thus they will overcome their distaste for work.

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    Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    24 mins
  • Show 197: The 7 Principal Virtues and vices, Chastity and Unchastity
    Jan 15 2025
    1. Chastity consists in preserving the mind and body free from everything that might stain their innocence.
    2. Those who lead a life of chastity possess the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit in abundant measure ; they will be happy here on earth, and will enjoy special distinction in heaven here after.
    3. It is the bounden duty of every man to preserve chastity inviolate until he embraces the married state.
    4. The following means should be employed for the preservation of chastity: We should be temperate, accustom ourselves to exercise self-control, receive the sacraments frequently, pray devoutly to the Mother of God, love to meditate upon the truths of religion, especially upon the presence of God and the four last things; finally we should observe moderation in frequenting the ballroom and the theatre, and be guarded in our intercourse with persons of the opposite sex.

    1. Unchastity consists in thoughts, words, or deeds, which are destructive of innocence.
    2. Unchaste persons do not possess the sanctifying grace of the Holy Ghost, they are severely chastised by God in this life, and after death are condemned to eternal perdition.
    3. The best means of avoiding the sin of impurity is flight.

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    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    29 mins
  • Show 196: The 7 Principal Virtues and vices, Temperance and Gluttony
    Jan 6 2025
    1. Temperance consists in not eating and drinking more than is necessary, and not being either too greedy or too dainty in regard to the nourishment one takes.
    2. Temperance is highly advantageous to soul and body; it improves the health, lengthens life, strengthens the faculties of the mind, fosters virtue and leads to everlasting life.
    3. Diligent meditation on the truths of our holy religion will assist us to form a habit of temperance.

    1. Intemperance consists in eating and drinking much more than is necessary, and in being greedy or dainty in regard to one's food.
    2. By intemperance a man injures his health, weakens his mental faculties, destroys his reputation, and reduces himself to poverty; falls into vice, often comes to a miserable end, and is eternally lost.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.

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    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    37 mins
  • Show 195: The 7 Principal Virtues and Vices, Liberality and Avarice
    Dec 10 2024
    1. Liberality consists in being ready and willing, for the love of God, to give pecuniary assistance to those who are in need.
    2. By liberality we obtain forgiveness of sin, an eternal re ward, and temporal blessings, besides a speedy answer to prayer and the friendship of our fellow-men.

    1. Avarice consists in an inordinate craving for riches, which makes a man not only strive after them, but refuse to give any portion of his goods to the poor.
    2. The avaricious are miserable both in time and in eternity; for the sake of money they commit all manner of sins, they lose the faith and their peace of mind, they are cruel to themselves and hardhearted to their neighbor, and finally perish eternally.
    3. The surest means whereby the avaricious can conquer the greed of gain, is by forcing themselves to give alms. They ought besides to meditate frequently on the poverty of Christ, and the ephemeral nature of earthly possessions.

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    Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html

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    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    39 mins
  • Show 194: The 7 Principal Virtues and Vices, Patience, Meekness and Wrath
    Nov 26 2024
    1. Patience consists in preserving one's serenity of mind amid all the contrarieties of this life for the love of God.
    2. Patience produces many virtues and leads to salvation
    3. If we would bear with patience the trials of life, let us place Our Lord's Passion before our eyes; let us also consider that sufferings are a favor from God.

    1. Meekness consists in showing, for the love of God, no irrita tion when wrong is done us.
    2. By meekness we gain power over our fellow-men, we attain peace of mind, and eternal salvation.
    3. Meekness can only be acquired by the diligent practice of self-control.
    4. We ought to behave with meekness towards those with whom we live, and superiors ought to be gentle towards their inferiors.

    1. Peaceableness consists in willingly making a sacrifice for the sake of remaining at peace with one's neighbor, or reconciling one's self with him.
    2. Peacemakers enjoy the special protection of God, and receive a hundredfold as the reward of all that they give up for the sake of peace.
    3. Hence every one ought to be willing to make concessions for the sake of peace, and as far as lies in his power, to avoid all that may engender strife.


    1. Wrath consists in exciting one's self about something at which one is displeased.
    2. Those who indulge anger injure their health, temporarily lose the use of reason, make themselves hated, and incur the danger of losing eternal salvation.
    3. Anger must be overcome in the following manner: We must never speak or act when we are angry, but if possible, be take ourselves to prayer. If in our anger we have injured any one, we should make amends for the wrong done without delay.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.

    Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html

    My substack newsletter for The Uncensored Catholic is: https://judsonc.substack.com/

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    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    39 mins
  • Show 193: The 7 Principal Virtues and Vices, Obedience and Disobedience
    Nov 25 2024
    1. Obedience consists in being ready to fulfil the behest of one's superior.
    2. Obedience is the most difficult and at the same time the most excellent of all the moral virtues (St. Thomas Aquinas).
    3. By our obedience we accomplish the will of God most surely, and we attain certainly and quickly to a high degree of perfection.
    1. Disobedience consists in not fulfilling the commands of one's superiors.
    2. Disobedience brings temporal misfortune and eternal misery upon man.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.

    Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html

    My substack newsletter for The Uncensored Catholic is: https://judsonc.substack.com/

    Join our Catholic forums at CatholicsmRocks.org https://www.catholicismrocks.com/forum

    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

    Available in paperback on Amazon:
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    39 mins
  • Show 192: The 7 Principal Virtues and Vices, Humility and Pride
    Nov 19 2024
    1. The humble man is he who acknowledges his own nothing ness and the nothingness of all earthly things, and comports him self in accordance with this conviction.
    2. Christ gave us in Himself the grandest example of humility, for He, being- the Son of God, took the form of a servant, chose to live in great lowliness, was most condescending in His intercourse with men, and finally, voluntarily endured the ignominious death of the cross.
    3. Humility leads to great sanctity, to exaltation, and to everlasting felicity.

    1. He is proud who overestimates his own worth, or the value of his earthly possessions, and shows openly that he does so.
    2. Pride leads to all manner of vices, to degradation here and eternal damnation hereafter ; it also destroys the value of all our good works.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.

    Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html

    My substack newsletter for The Uncensored Catholic is: https://judsonc.substack.com/

    Join our Catholic forums at CatholicsmRocks.org https://www.catholicismrocks.com/forum

    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    30 mins