• Blake, Castoriadis and the Social Imaginary
    Aug 25 2024

    Blake saw imagination as the ‘body of Christ’, as divine: imagination is what will build Golgonooza, his New Jerusalem. Some readers of Blake interpret this imagination as merely the power that drives the artist to make inspired art. It is far more than this in Blake. The imagination is tasked with building God’s Kingdom itself. But what can this mean?

    Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997) was a child of the post-war revolutionary movement. He led the group Socialisme ou Barbarie (Socialism or Barbarism), which split to the left of French Trotskyism and was active from 1948-1966. Castoriadis eventually rejected Marxism, based on his belief in the power of the collective social imaginary to create social forms (languages, institutions, social relations), symbolic artefacts and entire societies. Could this social imaginary, able to create ex nihilo and overturn all categories, be the divine body of the imagination Blake envisioned?

    In this podcast, Andy Wilson talks to Joe Ruffell about Castoriadis and the imagination, taking in topics including;

    * Castoriadis’s political history and his development beyond Marxismthe role of imagination in Blake

    * Castoriadis’s account of the history of the concept of the radical (esemplastic) imagination from Aristotle to Heidegger and beyond

    * Castoriadis and Primary Narcissism

    * State Capitalist groups to the left of Trotskyism in the New Left

    * worker’s power against Lenin and Taylorism

    * the later Castoriadis’s idea of the interregnum, and of the power of the imagination to entrap and beguile

    * Castoriadis’s ecological and anti-oppression politics

    * Castoriadis and imagination against Marxism

    * the debate between Castoriadis and Alasdair MacIntyre (the latter speaking for the International Socialists before becoming a Catholic Aristotelian)

    * democracy in the Greek polis and elsewhere

    * the curse of the imagination

    Does the radical duality of Castoriadis’s imagination – its power both to liberate and enslave, and the slippery dialectics between those states – resemble in any way the arrangements in Blake’s Marriage of Heaven and Hell?

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    51 mins
  • Timothy Morton's Hell Throwing a Wrench of 'What the F**k' into the Machinery
    May 23 2024

    The Traveller in the Evening talks to Timothy Morton about Tim's new book Hell, their personal journeys towards Christianity; the role of aesthetics in theory; the war against The Holy Spirit and Žižek's blindness to the latter; charisma; Speculative Realism as an attack on theory; ‘French feminism’; the impact of music on their lives; the trouble with Marxists pirouetting like Jerry Falwell… and Falwell’s demonic level of aggression toward Desmond Tutu; doing peyote with your mum; The Sex Pistols tearing a hole in the curtain of reality on the Bill Grundy Show; transpersonal boundary-violating sensations of extreme benevolence; Bjork as a 'soul-opener'; René Girard channelling Alice Through the Looking Glass; Marx's meanness, the role of wonderment in theory; Terry Eagleton giving Marx a leg up; being a happy scapegoat and cheerful assassin; Luce Irigaray and the Sokal hoax; and the influence of childhood trauma on their views.

    “Aggressively expressed contempt is absolutely the wonderment killer.”

    "I've been calling them Right Club recently, like Fight Club. The first rule of Right Club is you never mention Right Club... and the second rule of Right Club is that you never mention Right Club. And as soon as you call them out, like we actually were in a church, this is a church with some Hegel, with a sort of stained glass window of Marx, and you are all like crusading inquisition people. They get so mad, you know? And the first time I ever said I'm not quite sure anymore about the concept of critique, I got killed in public for three days by people who had to perform a ritual sacrifice on me. And incidentally, by the way, I love Theodore Adorno."

    “The sense of beauty that even beetles and perhaps flowers… share has nothing to do with being a 'biologically female' body: this is a trans theory of beauty, as a matter of fact. I'm going to say that again: the default theory of sexual selection consists of a trans theory of beauty. Far from 'essentializing' or 'biologizing' art, what this means is that beetles and flowers also make art: 'art history' can't possibly stop at human beings or even primates. And that art is profoundly queer and indeed trans. Think about it. Those female ducks and butterflies simply can't be the only lifeforms with a sense of beauty. The non-cloning part of our biosphere, the way it appears, from flowers to wallpaper to disco balls to iridescent beetles, is a reflection of queer desire without a goal.

    Thel created Earth.

    So Thel is a figure for theory, throwing a wrench of 'what the f**k?' into the machinery. And therefore Thel is a figure for 'life,' but not the procreative, goal-directed life of parents and daughters. Wonderment is the 'feel' of theory, and wonderment is without a goal. The fact that consciousness can wonder is perhaps another flower, another 'meaningless' life, meaningless in the sense of not having a telos or point. And what is esoteric religion aside from asserting what Kant asserts about beauty, a meaningful lack of meaning?”

    Timothy Morton

    Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University. They have collaborated with Björk, Laurie Anderson, Jennifer Walshe, Hrafnhildur Arnadottir, Sabrina Scott, Adam McKay, Jeff Bridges, Justin Guariglia, Olafur Eliasson, and Pharrell Williams. Morton co-wrote and appeared in Living in the Future’s Past, a 2018 film about global warming with Jeff Bridges, and is the author of Ecology without Nature (2007), The Ecological Thought (2010), Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (2013), Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (2016), Humankind: Solidarity with Nonhuman People (2017), Being Ecological (2018), ten other books and 250 essays on philosophy, ecology, literature, music, art, architecture, design and food.

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • William Blake: England's Radical Prophet and Visionary
    May 18 2024

    Watch now | An introduction to Blake given by Andy Wilson at St Luke’s Community Centre, Islington, London, on 24th Nov 2021, for the residents around Bunhill Fields, where Blake is buried.

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    53 mins
  • Timothy Morton: The Marriage of Religion and the Biosphere
    Apr 20 2024

    The fourth wall between the human subject and everything else evaporates. How to see global warming as part of the human drama, not as the end of it? How to rebuild the play when there is a fourth wall collapse, and when this collapse coincides with the actual theatre on fire? When being on fire is what causes this collapse, what happens? The play was s**t. We need another play.Timothy Morton, Hell

    Hell on earth is here. The toxic fusion of big oil, Evangelical Christianity and white supremacy has ignited a worldwide inferno, more phantasmagoric than anything William Blake could dream up and more cataclysmic than we can yet fathom. As Timothy Morton’s new book, Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology, shows, escaping global warming hell requires a radical mystical marriage of Christianity and biology to awaken a future beyond white male savagery.

    On 17th April 2024, Timothy Morton was interviewed by Andy Wilson for The Blake Society and The Traveller in the Evening. This podcast captures the interview and resulting discussion.

    Timothy Morton

    Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University. They have collaborated with Björk, Laurie Anderson, Jennifer Walshe, Hrafnhildur Arnadottir, Sabrina Scott, Adam McKay, Jeff Bridges, Justin Guariglia, Olafur Eliasson, and Pharrell Williams. Morton co-wrote and appeared in Living in the Future’s Past, a 2018 film about global warming with Jeff Bridges, and is the author of Being Ecological (2018), Humankind: Solidarity with Nonhuman People (2017), Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (2016), Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (2013), The Ecological Thought (2010), Ecology without Nature (2007), ten other books and 250 essays on philosophy, ecology, literature, music, art, architecture, design and food.

    Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology is published on Earth Day (22 April) 2024.

    The Traveller in the Evening

    Andy Wilson runs the blog The Traveller in the Evening: Reflections on William Blake, Radical Theology, Politics and Surrealism, founded Reservists Against War and co-founded the Association of Musical Marxists (AMM). He is the author of Faust: Stretch Out Time 1970-75 (2006), Cosmic Orgasm: The Music of Iancu Dumitrescu and Ana-Maria Avram (2013), and The Brilliant New Hercules: A Blake Reader (2015). With Michael Tencer he edited The Assassin (2014), and with Jules Alford, Khiyana: Daesh, the Left and the Unmaking of the Syrian Revolution (2015).

    Join the Blake Society here.

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    1 hr and 35 mins
  • Panpsychism - and why you should care
    Apr 11 2024

    These are the Sons of Los, & these the Labourers of the VintageThou seest the gorgeous clothed Flies that dance & sport in summerUpon the sunny brooks & meadows: every one the danceKnows in its intricate mazes of delight artful to weave:Each one to sound his instruments of music in the dance,To touch each other & recede; to cross & change & returnThese are the Children of Los; thou seest the Trees on mountainsThe wind blows heavy, loud they thunder thro' the darksom skyUttering prophecies & speaking instructive words to the sonsOf men: These are the Sons of Los! These the Visions of EternityBut we see only as it were the hem of their garmentsWhen with our vegetable eyes we view these wond'rous VisionsWilliam Blake, Milton I 26:1-12, [E123]

    Conor Kostick leads a discussion with Andy Wilson about panpsychism, a philosophy gaining popularity with its account of how awareness is baked into matter as a fundamental property from the outset. Conor and Andy discuss:

    * the current popularity of panpsychism

    * what its basic idea is

    * the ‘composition problem’ in explaining consciousness

    * Galileo’s idea of science

    * hierarchies of consciousness

    * animal consciousness

    * the possibility of higher forms of consciousness

    * cultural resistance to panpsychism

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    44 mins
  • A Brief History of the Moorish Orthodox Church
    Apr 2 2024
    In 1786 the United States signed the Treaty of Marrakesh with Morocco, creating trade and diplomatic agreements but, crucially, also guaranteeing that no Moroccan would ever be taken as a slave in the US. In the following decades, several Black Muslim groups grew up in the US. Among these were the Moorish Science Temple and, later, the Moorish Orthodox Church (MOC), who seized on the treaty as a secular guarantee of their essential freedom, a freedom itself rooted metaphysically in Islam as the ancestral religion of the Moors, a tradition stolen from them through slavery and exile, which they now intend to recover.In the 1960s the Moorish Orthodox Church developed into a free-thinking, avant-grade spiritual and artistic movement, with a Dadaistic, Prankster style of communication and a parallel commitment to spiritual insight. Church members were in contact at times with Timothy Leary, and included Hakim Bey (aka Peter Lamborn Wilson), author of works such as CHAOS: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism (1984), TAZ / The Temporary Autonomous Zone: Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (1985) and a stream of other books exploring esoteric Islam, anarchism, ecology, alchemy, pirate utopias, and other matters of vital interest.It is through Hakim Bey that I first heard of the Moorish Orthodox Church, but the church has moved beyond him of late. In this instalment of the Traveller in the Evening podcast, I interview comrade Theophrastus El about the origins, history and beliefs of this radical spiritual group, united around the ‘five pillars of Moorish Science’; love, truth, peace, freedom and justice (while some add: beauty.) Contact Theophrastus El.Theophrastus al-Razi El: The Straight Balance: Islamic Alchemy and Moorish ScienceDownload the pamphlet, The Straight Balance: Islamic Alchemy and Moorish Science, by Theophrastus al-Razi El, originally published by the Aurora Consergens Lodge of the Moorish Orthodox Church, Albion 2020.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank a number of people who have assisted in bringing this MOC pamphlet into being; Brother Ishraq El of Lodge Al Buraq, who provided important source material and, most importantly, feedback and encouragement, Brother El-Imran Arif of Lodge Aurora Consurgens, who read an earlier draft of this document and suggested a number of key improvements, and Brother Mustafa Al Laylah Bey, who deemed this worthy of publishing as a Moorish Orthodox Church pamphlet, and who worked on the layout and graphics. Brother Andy Wilson also stepped in for post-production  /  re-editing duties.An earlier version of this paper was delivered as part of the MOC-UK online seminar series. I’d like to thank the attendees for their incisive questions and comments. Any errors and shortcomings in what follows are of course entirely my own.Alchemy as Moorish ScienceWe are told that alchemy arrived in ‘Latin Europe’ on Friday, the 11th February 1144, when Robert of Chester completed his translation of De Compositione Alchemiae. This manuscript allegedly consists of the teachings of the monk ‘Morienus’, as given to the Umayyid Prince Khalid ibn Yazid. According to legend, this shadowy figure assists Khalid in deciphering a cryptic manuscript describing the making of the philosopher’s stone, and then disappears into the desert.As the inhabitants of Western Christendom came into contact with Islamic civilisation from the C 10th CE, they found libraries full of works by Ptolemy, Galen and Aristotle, as well as manuscripts describing entirely new sciences – including alchemy. Scholars travelled to Sicily and Jerusalem in search of new knowledge, and manuscripts to translate. But most of all, as in the case of Robert of Chester and his colleague Herman the Dalmatian, they travelled to the Moorish Kingdom of Al Andalus. According to Sharif Anaël-Bey, the Caliphate of Cordoba was established in the C 8th by Moors from Mauritania, who ‘were the recipients and custodians of the ancient… mysteries of Egypt.’The Holy Moorish Koran, ‘divinely edited’ by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, declares that Moorish Americans were enslaved for forsaking their true nationality and must return to Islam, the religion of their forefathers. The text also contains a number of explicit alchemical references, to transmutation, sublimation and alchemical Sulphur (the ‘seed’ representing the human spirit). However, whilst the Caliphs of Cordoba may have been the inheritors of the mysteries of Egypt, Drew Ali derived most of the alchemical portions of the Holy Moorish Koran from the Aquarian Gospel, a New-Age Christian text from the turn of the C 20th. The Gospel’s author may have been inspired by Victorian occultist writers, themselves drawing on Paracelsus or Agrippa. By the late Renaissance, any influence on European alchemy from Islamic Spain had been thoroughly ‘occulted’. So there is no direct chain of transmission from Al-Andalus to Moorish ...
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    46 mins
  • Is Eco-Socialism a Fraud?
    Feb 24 2024

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    40 mins
  • Chaos and Order Among the Gods of Ancient Canaan and Egypt
    Dec 17 2023

    The recent discussion of Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job led me to think about the role of chaos, first in the Book of Job itself, then in the Bible generally, and then across the Near and Middle East and beyond. On this podcast, I’m joined by Sam Hamad to talk about Baal and Leviathan, and how their struggles entered the Old Testament via the traditions of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Sam discusses similar ancient Egyptian traditions, in which Apophis / Apep and Set are cast in the role of chaos gods. Join us to hear about Isis’s plan to revive the dead Osiris while disguised as a cat with a knife for a tail, and Set’s creation of the Egyptian deserts through his ejaculation.

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    49 mins