• Root Your Identity in Christ, Not in Your Business
    Aug 29 2022

    Don’t let your work be the basis of your identity. You are not an entrepreneur who happens to be a Christian. You are a Christian who happens to be an entrepreneur. You are a child of God first. When you identify yourself as a child of God first, things change. Your mindset shifts when you put your priorities in order. But keep in mind, understanding your identity in God is more than just saying “I’m a Chritstian”. It begins with knowing who He is and what He says about Himself and you.

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    9 mins
  • Using Your God-Given Gifts to Glorify Him
    Jun 13 2022

    James 1:17 says “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” Scripture encourages us to be faithful stewards of the gifts God gives us, which means using what you have to glorify God, advance His kingdom and just share His love. Whether it’s teaching, cooking, singing, marketing, or whatever it may be, you were given that gift for a purpose. God is working through you and your skills.

    This episode goes into detail on how you can use your gifts as a Christian business owner to glorify God.

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    14 mins
  • Trailer
    Jun 6 2022

    Your dreams and passions for the future are tied to your calling. The gifts God gives you will equip you to carry out that calling. There is someone, somewhere in this world who needs what only you can give. The Sunday Collection is a weekly podcast for business owners and leaders seeking to fulfill God’s calling on their life as an entrepreneur. Host Kiersten Williams brings you discussions on entrepreneurship and other business topics from a Biblical approach – so that you can be sure your work is built on Jesus as the firm foundation.

    For more of The Sunday Collection, head over to the website and check us out on Instagram and Facebook.

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    1 min