The Story Reaper is a family-friendly fantasy fiction podcast that follows the journey of the mysterious Story Reaper, and their courageous young Apprentice.
Today, they visit a woman who's finally ready to have her story of an unforgettable summer collected. Memories of her best friend, a sleepy fishing town, and a haunting by a supernatural entity called "The Salt Keeper."
Written by Emma Whisler
Directed and Cast by Candace Hudert
Produced by Emma Whisler and Cassie Soliday
Story Edited by Cassie Soliday
Takuma Okada as The Story Reaper
Miranda Holliday as The Apprentice
Sasha Aronson as Exy
Claire Bronchick as Sal
Josh Elliot as the Fishheads
Candace Hudert as Sal's Dad
Music by Andrew Jacques
Sound Mix by James Raudabaugh
Artwork designed by Alexandra Fielding
Sound Effects from Epidemic Sound