
  • Ep 7 | Electric Vehicle Vs ICE | is it going to work?
    Jan 3 2023
    As classic car enthusiasts we have an aversion to EVs, its the nature of change but also the fact we know what the big deal is about ICE engined cars, especially those that have survived for years and continue to bring us such joy!  So what is this EV stuff all about! is there a future in it, and can we learn to live with them, and possibly more importantly should we!  All this and more discussed in this extra long special episode with our first ever podcast guest, Loz L, from Youtube!  Loz L haș a history with cool cars and some pretty awesome projects, but he is also an electric car driver, and has a mind for research, and muddling through the masses on information, so is perfectly placed to join us for this episode in debating the future of transport!  If you want to see more of Loz L, make sure to go and check his Youtube channel out, (just search Loz L, in Youtube, or click the link below: https://www.youtube.com/@lozl You have been listening to The Spare Wheel Podcast, where Jon and Anton come together to discuss all things automotive, make sure to give us a comment or review on yer platform you are listening, and make sure to give us a mention to your car enthusiast friends or even on your social media to help us spread the word about our new podcast!  You can also follow us on instagram for random car content and updates on episodes!  thanks for listening and we hope you pop back over for a future episode! 
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Ep 6 | our future plans ...
    Dec 13 2022
    In this episode we discuss our future plans for our current fleet, plus some other ideas for cars new would want in the near future. its a little more of an insight into the hosts of the show, and a chance to hear what sorta things we like and want to do!  Thanks as always for checking out this episode, please make sure to chuck us a comment on anything you want to see and hear on a future episode of the podcast, and what you like or want changed! as we always say, its so cool people are checking out our new podcast, but we need your help to spread the word, so please like subscribe, follow etc but also it would be incredible if you would chuck a link up on your social media and tell your car mates about us too! Thanks again, and we shall see you on a future episode!
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    31 mins
  • Ep 5 | What is the worlds bet all-round car manufacturer? plus some major rants!
    Dec 1 2022

    In todays episode of the Spare Wheel Podcast we discuss one of the all time gratin terms of pub debates! second only to "5 car garage " the best manufacturer debate has split families and friends for generations, and here we finally debate and work out its Ford .... obviously!

    As you may know by now, we are both classic ford owners, but we do actually justify our decision and talk about some of the other major makes and brands, and then ... you guessed it ... we rant ... a lot!

    I hope you enjoyed this episode, if you have any ideas of things you would like us to debate on the Spare Wheel Podcast please drop them in the comments below, or you can drop us an email on


    We are on all the major podcast platforms, as well as YouTube where you can watch the chat, and also instagram where we share updates, channel news and more automotive content!

    Again a huge thanks for checking this episode out, and we look forward to more crazy car chatter in weeks to come!

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    39 mins
  • Ep 4 | Winter time with classic cars ... and more crazy tangents
    Nov 15 2022

    Today I am going through some of the issues I face in taking my car off the road I the winter, but also some of th issues m dealing with at the moment in terms of my own car issues!

    Jon was unable to join me for this episode, but will be back for next times show, so its just me you have to put up with this week for the banters chatter ... o roe it a lot less banters with out him, some interesting talking points I think for those classic car owners out there! 

    thanks so much for joining me for this episode, make sure to spread the word if you are enjoying these podcasts, as we have loads of topic ideas and episodes coming for you it would be ace if you would tell all you mates about it too!! 

    thanks again, and I shall catc you next time, for the spare wheel!

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    26 mins
  • Ep 3 | What the hell's happened to the car scene?
    Nov 1 2022
    Todays ... controversial episode is all about the car enthusiasts. some we have encountered along the way and what the car scene is looking like right now! have a listen to our rant about this subject as we navigate our way through some pet hates nd some thing we love about the car scene! tangents are sprawling, and rants raving!  Thanks so much for checking out this episode, by the time this is up, there will have been the first day splurge of 3 episodes, so please go and check those out to get a better feel for what we are about and consider subscribing, following, or whatever it is that the platform you listen on does! ... you know the drill!  We have instagram where you can see updates on episode discussion points and much more so go check that out! cheers guys and gals! 
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    39 mins
  • Ep 1 | Our car history
    Nov 1 2022

    The Spare wheel is the podcast you always promised yourself ... if you get that reference then you're in the right place, if you don't, but you love a bit of car chatter then you're still in the right place!

    This is episode 1, the first ever, so welcome to the podcast and welcome to Anton and to Jon the hosts of this show! we will endeavour to post every 2 weeks and hopefully when we are in the swing it will become a weekly! we chat about all thing car related! check the title for the general gist of an episode but to get into the nitty gritty of the what we discuss is anyones guess! the chat is flowing and the tangents can be large, but what ever the chat it will involve our 4 wheeled friends!

    In this episode we chat about favourite cars, our car history, this one really. is just to give you an idea of the way we chat, but also a bit of a insight into our car history, likes and dislikes ... and maybe a few pet hates too!

    hope you enjoyed this podcast, please do give us a mention to your mates if you can and do subscribe like follow or whatever you cn on the platform you use to support our future podcasts!

    you can hear us on must big podcast platforms, but also see the podcasts in video format on our YouTube channel too!

    thanks for listening!

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    43 mins
  • Ep 2 | Is the DB5 the best Bond Car ??
    Nov 1 2022

    In this episode Jon and Anton discuss the last 60 years of bond cars! there have been some awesome cars, and some ... well less so awesome cars! but we chat through our favourites from across the year-end come to one conclusion ... but you'll have to listen to find that one out! 

    This is a bi-weekly podcast of car enthusiasts banter, about al sorts of car related topics. It would be ace if you would like follow subscribe and all the other things you can do across the platforms, but most of all we would love to hear your thoughts to help us grow and improve our podcast! so chuck in the comment below, anything about this episode, or anything about the podcast as a whole, and if you have any ideas for a good discussion topic or something you would like to hear our views on make sure to drop that in the comments below too! 

    thanks so much for listening to this episode! and we will catch you on the next episode of "the Spare Wheel"

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    36 mins