One of the most powerful money mindset shifts you need to get on board with is how you think & feel about spending money…
There are 2 perspectives available to you – one rooted in scarcity & one rooted in abundance – when it comes to money leaving your bank account.
🥀 SCARCITY says: “When I spend money, I am depleting my bank account.”
🌹 ABUNDANCE says: “When I spend money, I am investing in the return of more abundance.”
Scarcity sees spending as reducing your cash flow.
Abundance sees spending as increasing your cash flow.
How is this possible?
It comes from the mindset shift that each expense you spend money on is an investment to a particular part of your life & business that will yield a return (known as ROI – or “return on investment”).
Consider the example of the write-off category Professional Development (also known as Continuing Education). You could be bummed you have to spend money learning something new, or you could choose the perspective:
“My work maintains my quest for knowledge and what I learn grounds me deeper into my purpose so I can serve better.”
It feels awesome to know you’re feeding things that matter to you with your money.
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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and find out your money attachment style to make your way to financial security with this 5-minute quiz.