At the start of July 2024 we took the podcast to the Royal Meteorological Society’s first ever weather and climate conference. Over the two days we were lucky to be able to speak to lots of amazing scientists and attend some brilliant talks. While there we also got a chance to talk to three brilliant scientists in a series of mini podcasts, which we have put together in this special episode.
Our first guest is Amanda Maycock, who is a professor of climate dynamics at the University of Leeds. We spoke to Amanda about how she got into academia, how she communicates complex subjects to her students as well as women in science.
Next, we spoke to Professor Myles Allen, who is the head of atmospheric, oceanic and planetary physics in the department of physics at the University of Oxford. As well as professor of geosystem science in the school of geography and the environment. We spoke to Myles about attribution studies, which are a way of looking at how climate change is impacting weather events.
Finally, we got the opportunity to speak to Professor Penny Endersby, who is the Chief Executive of the Met Office. In this conversation with Penny, we learnt about what the Met Office does as well as about AI and the potential ways it could be used in weather forecasting.
If you want to learn more about the conference, there is lots of content on our social platforms.
Instagram: @fortheloveofweather
X: @4loveofweather
You can also find out more on the Royal Meteorological Society’s website, where you can also learn more about what the society does.
We really hope you enjoy this episode and leave loving the weather just a little bit more.