• Season 2 Episode 14 How Do You Feel About Receiving Money?
    Sep 13 2024

    Before we dive into today’s episode if you are catching this episode before the 16th of September don’t forget to sign up for my new FREE live training.

    JOIN THE ENERGETICS OF SELLING HERE -https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/energeticsofselling

    Money mind and healing my relationship with money is an ongoing practice for me (just like my yoga practice!)

    Like all women I have been programmed to believe wanting money is bad, it’s wrong to ask for money and find myself regularly over-delivering and under-charging.

    I have been working on my money mindset for a good 3 years, and I do know that money is a flow of energy, with practice and time you can open yourself up to receive more.

    With an abundance of time and money, you can direct this overflow to any causes that you feel passionately about, and this is way more powerful than under-charging on the grounds it makes you ‘affordable’.

    I truly believe the world will be a better place when more women are doing what lights them up, helping people and make money. It feels like my life mission right now.

    After the Energetics of Selling free training on Monday, I would love for you to work with me further this Autumn in my new programme Energy, Mindset, Money & More.

    More on this next week, but for now it is safe for you to make money from your gifts, so get out there!

    Amy x

    Ways we can work together:

    Yoga Teacher Training Visit – www.amy-yoga.com

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs Visit - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/

    Hear more from me each week, join me over on Substack at https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

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    21 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 13 - How Do You Feel About Selling?
    Sep 7 2024

    How do you feel about selling? Probably like you need more help!

    Don’t forget to sign up for my new FREE live training, happening Monday 16th September 8pm.

    JOIN THE ENERGETICS OF SELLING HERE -https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/energeticsofselling

    Selling is service!

    You are selling your wonderful gifts, and helping people, so why do we feel icky selling? Why do we want to shy away from it, scared we are bothering people or are coming across as too pushy?

    Why do I think of Del Boy from Only Fools And Horses when I think of selling?

    We are not dodgy car salesmen, we are incredible women with incredible services and yes we should be shouting from the rooftops about them.

    This comes with practice. And that’s exactly what selling is, a practice, one you have to commit to, as without sales in your business no one will be blessed from working with you.

    I can help you (for free), get better at selling. Don’t forget to sign up for my FREE training the Energetics of Selling, happening Monday 16th September 8pm.

    Join here – https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/energeticsofselling

    See you there!

    Amy x

    Ways we can work together:

    Yoga Teacher Training Visit – www.amy-yoga.com

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs Visit - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/

    Hear more from me each week, join me over on Substack at https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

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    16 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 12 - Who Will Buy From You?
    Sep 1 2024

    Before I dive in today here is my BIG invitation to sign up for my FREE live training “The Energetics of Selling”. Happening at 8pm Monday 16th September (and yes there is a replay).

    I am launching my new business and my new course Energy, Mindset, Money and More with this new epic FREE training.

    JOIN HERE – https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/energeticsofselling

    As my focus is all on selling, today I discuss who is ready to buy from you and therefore who you should focus on selling to.

    So often we focus on needing new people and growing our audience and miss those warm and super-hot people already in front of us ready to buy!

    Virtually everyone who buys into your offers will know or feel like they know you.

    On average people need 7 to 14 contact points before making a purchase of any kind, and that includes you and your services.

    The people most likely to buy from you probably have already bought something from you and are ready for me.

    Focus on those ready to buy, nurture those nearly ready and invite new people in to get to know you.

    The warmer people get and the more hot super fans you have the more easy you will make sales.

    This takes time to build, so give it time.

    Sign up for my FREE training the Energetics of Selling, and I can help you with this further.

    Join here – https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/energeticsofselling

    Amy x

    Ways we can work together:

    Yoga Teacher Training Visit – www.amy-yoga.com

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs Visit - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/

    Hear more from me each week, join me over on Substack at https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

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    28 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 11 - The Energy of Selling
    Aug 24 2024

    The Energy of Selling

    Part 3 of my 3-part series – Energy is Everything!

    I start with the BIGGEST invitation ever:

    JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR MY NEW PROGRAMME HERE - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/jointhewaitlist

    Welcome to the third and final part of my 3-part series Energy is Everything, inspired by what is possibly my best course, and best offer to date, launching on my 46th birthday this September.

    Do add your name to the waitlist, it is time to do business differently, it is time for women to rise, share their gifts with the world, help people and make money.

    And as service-based female entrepreneurs this is not easy.


    Because we are the product of our business, it feels like we are marketing and selling ourselves. And selling yourself can feel really hard, not to mention a whole load of dense layers of money-mind stuff crap, all designed to keep women small and repel the flow of money.

    The yoga industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and wellness is a multi-trillion, with a predominately female workforce. Women are naturally drawn to caring professions and have a desire to use their gifts to heal and help.

    But why in such financially abundant industries should any female service-based entrepreneur struggle to create a financially sustainable way of working?

    Because we’re hard-wired to over-give, under-charge and feel generally bad when it comes to asking for money and charging appropriately.

    And I know you want to help people and in this, you want to be affordable.

    Well, affordability is relative and if you want to help people, create a business model where you have an abundance of time and money and my darling you can choose where to direct the excess energy of money and time that you have to whatever causes you feel passionate about.

    But please stop under-charging, please stop with the crazy payment methods and please start the work on your money mindset.

    It’s not easy, it’s ongoing work, but it is so needed in the world right now, but the truth is you are not meant to do this work alone, so make sure your name is on that waitlist!

    One invitation this week, here it is again –

    JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR MY NEW PROGRAMME HERE - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/jointhewaitlist

    It is time to do business differently!

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    43 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 10 - The Energy of Marketing
    Aug 17 2024

    Part 2 of my 3-part series – Energy is Everything!

    I start with the BIGGEST invitation ever:

    JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR MY NEW PROGRAMME HERE - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/jointhewaitlist

    Welcome to the second part of my 3-part series Energy is Everything, inspired by what is possibly my best course, and best offer to date, launching on my 46th birthday this September.

    Do add your name to the waitlist, it is time to do business differently, it is time for women to rise, share their gifts with the world, help people and make money.

    And as service-based female entrepreneurs this is not easy.


    Because we are the product of our business, it feels like we are marketing and selling ourselves.

    And it can feel really uncomfortable to show your face, share your voice and tell people who you are, what it is you do and how you can help them (aka marketing)

    Oh, and the end part of this is “do you want it”, aka selling!

    Think of marketing as becoming a magnet, you have to put yourself out there, so people can find you and see if you’re a good energetic match.

    You have to attract your tribe, but as part of this you have to repel, and yes some people won’t feel energetically aligned with you, but that’s ok we don’t need lots of people to have a profitable, sustainable business, we just need our people.

    And then have to be able to find us and see who we are.

    So yes you do need to show your face!

    This is all easier said than done, the truth is you are not meant to do this work alone, so make sure your name is on that waitlist!

    One invitation this week, here it is again –

    JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR MY NEW PROGRAMME HERE - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/jointhewaitlist

    It is time to do business differently!

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    34 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 9 - You Are The Product!
    Aug 11 2024

    Part 1 of my 3-part series – Energy is Everything!

    I start with the BIGGEST invitation ever:

    JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR MY NEW PROGRAMME HERE - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/jointhewaitlist

    Welcome to the first part of my 3-part series Energy is Everything, inspired by what is possibly my best course, and best offer to date, launching on my 46th birthday this September.

    Do add your name to the waitlist, it is time to do business differently, it is time for women to rise, share their gifts with the world, help people and make money.

    And as service-based female entrepreneurs this is not easy.


    Because we are the product of our business, it feels like we are marketing and selling ourselves.

    As the product of our business, we are at the centre of it, we are the golden goose, and our energy should be protected at all costs.

    Accept as women we are hard-wired to over-give, and under-charge and this dims our light and drains our energy.

    But the best thing about being a serviced-based entrepreneur is there is only one of you, you are utterly unique, and your tribe will be blessed to work with you.

    Honour your energy, work with it and the rest will fall into place.

    This is easier said than done, the truth is you are not meant to do this work alone, so make sure your name is on that waitlist!

    One invitation this week, here it is again –

    JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR MY NEW PROGRAMME HERE - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/jointhewaitlist

    It is time to do business differently!

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    34 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 8 - Why Burnout Happens
    Aug 4 2024

    This week I was gifted this statement from a very wise woman indeed

    “Burnout comes from doing too much of what you don’t want to do”

    Yes, yes it does!

    As women, we are hard-wired to over-deliver, under-charge, and people please, which means saying no sometimes is very hard.

    Driven by all the ‘shoulds’, we do things we don’t want to do and shy away from those things we truly want if they conflict with conventional wisdom.

    You may love what you do, but if you’re under-charge and over-deliver the energy will be out of balance, and that is the place of burnout. Something that is unsustainable is only unsustainable for so long.

    The narrative of overwhelm, burnout, and feeling stuck and tired is heavily attached to women in business.

    What we focus on expands, is it time to move to a different way of working and being so this narrative is no longer one we identify with?

    I certainly believe so!

    I am busting to tell you all about my new business course, it’s all about doing business differently - the waitlist coming very soon.

    But for now, here’s how we can hang out more:

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs

    Magical energy work meets epic business advice - www.amyjonesmentor.com

    Hear a bit more for free from me each week Join me on Substack - https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Yoga Teacher Training

    Foundation YTT, specialist training in Yin, Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga and CPD- www.amy-yoga.com

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    19 mins
  • Season 2 Episode 7 - Are you experiencing a summer income slump?
    Jul 28 2024

    Are you experiencing a reduction in sales in your business and the number of clients signing up for your offers?

    Is this leading you to panic or at the very least annoying you?

    Well, if you’ve answered yes to the questions above this podcast episode is for you.

    I can say hand on heart after 14+ years of teaching and running yoga classes, yes it is very normal for fewer people to want to commit to my in-person classes. And yes my income used to dip at this stage of the year, and yes I used to panic and not be prepared for this!

    But I have learnt that it is simply not true that your income dips in the summer, there are still people wanting you and your services, but you need to adapt to services that suit the season.

    Maybe that’s more bespoke 1:1 offers or an online flexible course or you open the doors to booking your future retreats and start collecting re-occurring payments. You learn to plan and adapt, after all, it is only summer in this part of the world!

    Not to mention everyone who has a seasonable Christmas-based business right now is planning and preparing for this – you could be doing the same!

    Keep making offers, don’t let assumptions impact your actions or non-actions, and allow the contrast, the stuff you don’t want, to move you in the direction you do want.

    Want more of my help?

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs

    Magical energy work meets epic business advice - www.amyjonesmentor.com

    Hear a bit more for free from me each week Join me on Substack - https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Yoga Teacher Training

    Foundation YTT, specialist training in Yin, Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga and CPD- www.amy-yoga.com

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    21 mins