• Zacchaeus - "From Chief to Servant"
    May 2 2023

    In our series on "Jesus Changed My Life," we begin by looking at Zacchaeus and how a simple discussion with Jesus changed his life.

    As we know, Zacchaeus had to make an effort in climbing a tree to see Jesus. Because of his small stature, her had to run ahead and climb a tree just to get a glimpse of Jesus. However, that action resulting in a changed life for Zacchaeus.

    Are we willing to take purposeful action to see Jesus?

    Give our podcast a listen and be sure to let us know what you think.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    15 mins
  • 4 Things Holding You Back From Spiritual Growth
    Feb 21 2023

    What is holding you back from growing spiritually?

    Today we discuss four things which might be holding you back from growing spiritually. Each one of us has things that hinder our spiritual development. As we seek to grow in Christ, we need to be aware of these areas.

    Here are the Four Things Holding You Back From Spiritual Growth we discuss today:

    1. Procrastination
    2. Fear of Failure
    3. Distractions
    4. Self-Doubt

    Take a moment and listen to our podcast today and see how we can recognize and overcome these spiritual roadblocks.

    Give our podcast a listen and be sure to let us know what you think.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    18 mins
  • Five Ways to Build Spiritual Momentum - Preacher's Pen Podcast
    Feb 15 2023

    Do you have Spiritual Momentum?

    As Christians, we should have spiritual momentum as we seek to move forward towards our goal of Heaven. This movement if due to our faith in God and knowing that we can have confidence because God is with us.

    What is Spiritual Momentum?

    I believe we can define our spiritual momentum as, "Your movement of forward progression, with mass and velocity, toward your goal of serving Christ, until you cross over to reach your goal of heaven and receive the prize of eternal life." (Examples: Galatians 6.9 and Philippians 3.12-14)

    Today, I want to share Five Ways to Build Spiritual Momentum:

    1. Stop Reading and Start Doing
    2. Step Out with Focus
    3. Move with Confidence
    4. Find Your Friends
    5. Don't Stop Your Momentum

    When you listen to the podcast, you will see a deeper dive into each of the Five Ways.

    Give our podcast a listen and be sure to let us know what you think.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    16 mins
  • Serving the Servant - Preacher's Pen Podcast
    Feb 1 2023

    Join us on this podcast as we talk about "Serving the Servant." This is part of our series on "The Cross."

    The life of Christ is the greatest life this world has even known. A willing King died as a humble servant. He not only chose to die, but He was also chosen and given to die (John 3.16); just as the Passover lamb was chosen to be offered by the children of Israel. (Exodus 12.5) God chose His only Lamb (1 Peter 1.19; John 1.29) to be offered as the only sacrifice for sin. (Hebrews 9.26, 28) It was that Lamb who would provide the ever-continuing blood that would wash away the sins of the faithful. (1 John 1.7)

    That Lamb would become the gift to the world from a loving Father. The Father would provide the offering just as He did for Abraham, but still different. Isaac was an imperfect man (Romans 3.23), Jesus was perfect. (Hebrews 4.15) Isaac was the son of Abraham (Genesis 21.1-3); Jesus was the Son of God. (John 3.16)


    May you be blessed in seeing the cross.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    15 mins
  • The Ascending Servant - Preacher's Pen Podcast
    Jan 23 2023

    Join us on this podcast as we talk about "The Ascending Servant." This is part of our series on "The Cross."

    Before His Heavenly flight, Christ gave specific commands to those who were present. He told them not to leave Jerusalem and to wait for the Promise of the Father. (Acts 1.4) The promise of the Father would come upon them and become the shining words with which 3,000 souls who obey the gospel. (Joel 2.28; Acts 2.17-21, 41)

    The disciples were still thinking of the restoration of the kingdom to Israel, but God had something greater in store. He was bringing the church.


    May you be blessed in seeing the cross.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    17 mins
  • The Risen Servant - Preacher's Pen Podcast
    Jan 18 2023

    Join us on this podcast as we talk about "The Risen Servant." This is part of our series on "The Cross."

    When the women examined the tomb, they found it empty. (Luke 24.3) For whatever reason, possibly amazement, they may have walked right past the angel of the Lord and entered the tomb. It could have been a shock that such a great stone was rolled away. It could have been the shock of the looks on the faces of the guards.

    Remember imagining their thoughts on the road to the tomb, now picture their faces. The man they came to see was gone. Not only was He gone, but also a young man was sitting on the right side of the interior of the tomb (Mark 16.5).

    My friends, that is great news, but it is not the greatest news.

    It gets better.


    May you be blessed in seeing the cross.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    20 mins
  • The Servant Speaks - Preacher's Pen Podcast
    Jan 10 2023

    Join us on this podcast as we talk about "The Servant of the Cross." This is part of our series on "The Cross."

    When all was said and done, the Son of God hung on the cross for six hours and spoke seven sayings. Throughout His mock trial, few words trickled out of His mouth. A complaint of pain is never mentioned. He never complained about you.

    Charles Spurgeon once said, “Stand at the foot of the cross, and count the purple drops by which you have been cleansed: See the thorn-crown; mark His scourged shoulders, still gushing with encrimsoned rills…and if you do not lie prostrate on the ground before that cross, you have never seen it.”


    May you be blessed in seeing the cross.

    Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at http://www.preacherspen.org. You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well.

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    20 mins
  • Ten Promises of God to Remember
    Jan 3 2023

    Throughout God’s sacred words to man, there are promises. These promises need to be remembered and realized because they are God’s words of care and comfort to Christians today. Even though they make have been written thousands of years ago, God wants you to know them and to remember them.

    Today's podcast is about Ten Promises of God to remember.

    Find out more on our website at http://www.preacherspen.org.

    The Preacher's Pen website is dedicated to assist you in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow based on teh teachings of Jesus Christ.

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    15 mins