• Trust In The Divine Energy
    Jun 24 2023

    Let go of your worries, fears, and uncertainty and sit back into the knowledge and believe everything will be okay.

    Your thoughts do become the things in your life. If you worry about not having enough money, there will be a lack. If you live in a constant state of knowing, there will be abundance. 

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    11 mins
  • Karma: The Cycle of Cause & Effect
    Jun 12 2023

    Everything that has happened thus far in your life is a direct influence of the thoughts, behaviours, and emotions you put out into the world. All your excitement, joy, sadness, and fears are a direct link to what you thought and felt. 

    Love will bring you closer to what you desire however, forcing love will only bring you more sadness.  In fact, anything that is forced will result in undesirable consequences. 

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    13 mins
  • Your Greatest Power
    Jun 8 2023

    Deep inside each of us we possess a magic that is so powerful it has created the greatest architectures in the world and the greatest love stories. It has sent a man to the moon and to the skies. It has resulted in the creation of humankind, the greatest inventions, and the greatest of discoveries. 

    For thousands of years, this singular vibration has reverberated around the world and beyond. Continuously pulsating from every human to every plant and everything in between. 

    It is unlike anything else we will ever feel, it is the strongest emotion we will ever experience. It bonds us to each other and at the same time it has turned on a few. 

    This power does not lay dormant it is the one power that is constantly vibrating even when we sleep. 

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    11 mins
  • The Subconscious Mind
    Jun 4 2023

    Our subconscious mind is the other part of our brain that works in the background. It helps us to remember things but it also stores old memories, learned thoughts, and behaviors.

    What we had learned or experienced throughout our lives is kept in the subconscious and resurfaces several times throughout the day, often without us realizing it. Once you learn when your subconscious is active, you will have better control over how to deal with whatever circumstance you’re presently going through.

    The latest neuroscience says it can take up to 360 days to break a habit and just as much time to learn something new. Habits are things we do without thinking about it, such as brushing our teeth at the same time every day, smoking, drinking, eating, biting our fingernails, etc. Once these habits are formed, they are pretty difficult to break, but not impossible.

    Listen all the way to the end for a full understanding of how our subconscious mind can be reprogrammed for a happy life.

    Please don't forget to like, subscribe and share.


    John Assaraf: https://www.facebook.com/johnassarafpage

    Abraham Hicks: https://www.facebook.com/estherhicks....

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    16 mins
  • The 12 Universal Laws Podcast
    May 30 2023

    The law of attraction works by way of “energetic frequency”. That means the energy we create by our thoughts, actions, and emotions carry their own separate frequencies and is so powerful, that the waves of those energy frequencies are attracted to and thus, create more energy. So, the more you add to it the stronger it becomes. 

    Depression, worry, doubt, anxiety, joy, happiness, peace, and inner balance all carry a different frequency, and yet, the more you stay in whatever state you’re emotionally in, the stronger it becomes, and more returns back to you. Like attracts like!

    There are 12 Universal Laws that are thought to be intrinsic, never-changing laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known.

    Long thought to be linked to Ho'oponopono, with origins in ancient Hawaiian culture, is a meditation for freedom. However, some of the laws are Posalso attributed to hermetic philosophy dating back to ancient Egypt.

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    14 mins
  • Prosperity vs Abundance Podcast
    May 30 2023

    In this 19-minute Podcast, I explore why Prosperity and Abundance differ and how they're both attainable through the same process. I touch on the opinions of others and why it's so important not to listen to them. Also how anxiety and depression will lead you down a rabbit of continued misery if you don't change what you think about. The mind is a magical and powerful tool.

    What is this process? You will have to listen to find out.

    My money affirmation video mentioned in the podcast:

    I Am Rich Affirmations: https://youtu.be/d72p68aXoMo

    Correction: Bob Proctor passed away 3/Feb/2022

    Dr. Wayne Dyer not Mr. Wayne Dyer

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    19 mins