
  • Episode 19 GF: Connecting with Your Power Animals
    Jun 12 2022

    Coming soon to GF is the Choose Yourself Series of Guided Meditations. Power Animals remain an underutilized and often mysterious aspect of our experience here on Earth. Episode 19 invites the listener to experience a guided Power Animal Journey. Connecting with Power Animals and Spirit Guides: from Minnie Mouse, Lucifer the Cat and the King of the Forest. How to get them and what to say to them once they arrive. Discussion about life, humanity and the human condition. How do you know you can trust your intuition? And why some within the healing community want group sessions to resemble AA.   


     fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier gypsyfrontier.com 

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    39 mins
  • Episode 18 GF: Client Session
    Oct 29 2021

    Jealousy exists within humanity, even within the healing community. Don’t let fake peeps get you down. Clear the debris and find your purpose. Get real with yourself and create the foundation you need to support you. Who is holding space for your spirit soul? Doesn’t that feel powerful? Embrace that power. That is your power. Be happy being powerful. In-person client sessions allow the client to participate in their healing process. It can be a beautiful and rewarding experience for those ready to dive deeper into their experience. 


    fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier gypsyfrontier.com 

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Episode 17 GF: Client Session
    Oct 22 2021

    Where you stand is where you belong. You own the Earth you stand on. Shifting from being a slave to your old paradigms and transforming your experience into something that makes you giddy to be experiencing growth is possible! In-person client sessions allow the client to participate in their healing process. It can be a beautiful and rewarding experience for those ready to dive deeper into their experience. 


    fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier gypsyfrontier.com 

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    1 hr
  • Episode 16 GF: Client Session
    Oct 15 2021

    Use your voice by shifting into a new paradigm and allow a new version of yourself to come forward. Some people may choose to live their truth and some won’t. Don’t let that stop you from living yours. Let your feelings be your guide. In-person client sessions allow the client to participate in their healing process. It can be a beautiful and rewarding experience for those ready to dive deeper into their experience. 


    fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier gypsyfrontier.com 

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    42 mins
  • Episode 15 GF: Client session
    Oct 8 2021

    Rules for conducting sessions on yourself, others and physical space: clear, ground and center  yourself! Always adapt, never force a modality or method. If it’s not flowing, shift your perspective. A constant state of evolution is needed if you want to shift your physical reality. Find presence within your own body.  In-person client sessions allow the client to participate in their healing process. It can be a beautiful and rewarding experience for those ready to dive deeper into their experience. 

    fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier www.gypsyfrontier.com 

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    52 mins
  • Episode 14 GF: Interview with a Broadcaster on rituals athletes use life-long
    Sep 30 2021

    Started out with some behind the scenes banter about how to clear a new deck of cards. Dragonfly card made an appearance for this guest to remind us to be open to changing, evolving and growing our belief systems. Discussing lessons and growth through sports and finally, understanding why practicing leadership is so important as we navigate challenges.   


    fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier www.gypsyfrontier.com 

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Episode 13 GF: A Property & House Clearing
    Sep 12 2021

    Interview with a house. A flow state can be achieved within a property and home to create more meaningful experiences for its inhabitants. Although energetic clearings are quite effective done remotely, as in-person clearing is an exciting and thrilling experience for client and practitioner. Follow along with GF in the field as a Property and House Clearing is performed in real time. This client benefitted greatly from this House Clearing. You can listen in on the client experience in Episode 12 of GF The Podcast.                


    fb: frontier collective @gypsyfrontier gypsyfrontier.com 

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    1 hr
  • Episode 12 GF: House Clearing Prequel & Client Session
    Sep 8 2021

    The roles we carry in life can weigh us down. The more we let go the more flow can feed us. Free yourself from the burden of others by returning others’ soul fragments to be integrated. This client session also touches on themes and topics covered in Episode 13: A House Clearing that the client experienced in-person at their new residence with our practitioner. At Gypsy Frontier we honor the honest and vulnerable and celebrate those that take accountability for their healing. We thank our anonymous clients for allowing us to witness and participate in their healing process and invite the highest and best outcomes for all participants and those willing to honor alchemy in action.


    fb: frontier collective



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    1 hr and 4 mins