• 219. Jumpstart your podcast manager business with these six steps
    Jun 25 2024

    EPISODE 124

    If you’re ready to ditch the rollercoaster of inconsistent paychecks and want to become a profitable podcast manager with steady, reliable income each month, this one’s for you.

    In this episode, I’m diving into six actionable steps that will help you go from being a freelancer with unpredictable earnings to becoming a successful podcast manager. We start with understanding what podcast management really is, so you can see if it's a good fit for you. Then, we’ll talk about the power of joining a supportive community—because having people to share the highs and lows with makes all the difference.

    Once you have the basics and a community behind you, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start learning the essential skills you'll need. I’ll give you tips on how to dive into tools like Audacity and where to find valuable resources. Next, we’ll tackle the crucial step of putting yourself out there and landing clients. It’s all about taking that leap and saying, "Hey, I’m a podcast manager and I'm open for business!"

    Staying humble and continuing to learn is another key aspect I’ll cover. The freelancing world is constantly evolving, and there’s always something new to pick up. And finally, I’ll share the importance of learning from others, finding mentors, and always seeking out the next thing you need to know to grow your business.

    Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your podcast management business to the next level, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you thrive.

    The six steps we cover in this episode:

    • Step 1: Get an idea of what podcast management is and if it’s going to be a good fit for you
    • Step 2: Join a community to get an authentic look at what this looks like for you
    • Step 3: Start learning podcast management skills
    • Step 4: Get out there and start landing clients
    • Step 5: Stay humble and continue learning
    • Step 6: Learn from others what you need to learn next

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode219

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    9 mins
  • 218. Handling poor audio and understanding audio expectations for podcast managers
    Jun 18 2024

    EPISODE 218

    Today we're getting real about editing expectations for podcast managers. Ever been handed a piece of audio that makes you cringe? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there, and this episode is here to help you navigate those tricky situations.

    We'll talk about what your clients will expect from you and give you practical advice on handling poor-quality audio. Plus, we’ll cover how to set proper expectations with your clients from the get-go, making sure they know how to set up their recording environment for the best possible sound.

    But that’s not all – we’ll dive into the art of editing itself. From cutting out filler words and background noise to understanding your client's unique speaking style and making their podcast episodes sound polished and professional.

    And if you find yourself in a pinch with bad audio, you’ll learn tips and tricks on how to improve it. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your skills, this episode is packed with insights to boost your editing skills.

    In this episode, we cover:

    -What clients expect from you when it comes to editing

    -What to do when your client gives you bad audio (it will happen!)

    -The importance of educating clients on capturing great audio

    -Establishing clear expectations with clients around audio quality

    -Ensuring your client takes the necessary steps to record good audio

    -Customizing edits based on your client's speaking style

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode218

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    12 mins
  • 217. Summer Strategy: Tips for prioritizing tasks and maximizing results in your podcast management
    Jun 11 2024

    EPISODE 217

    Do you think setting work hours can help increase productivity and maintain a work-life balance during the summer months?

    Today I'm sharing my game plan for juggling work and life during the summer. If you're feeling the pull between enjoying the sunny days and keeping your podcast business thriving, this one's for you.

    I'll be dishing out my top four strategies: setting clear work hours, calling in reinforcements, time blocking like a pro, and cutting out the extras.

    Whether you've got kids at home or just want to soak up the summer sun while staying productive, I've got you covered. Let's dive into making the most of this season without losing our sanity!

    In this episode, we cover:

    -Why having a schedule is your key to focused, productive work

    -Lightening your load by delegating tasks

    -Embracing the idea that you don’t have to do it all yourself

    -Keeping your support system in the loop about your non-negotiable working hours

    -Teaming up with family and friends for support

    -Eliminating any busywork that’s not time-sensitive

    -Simplifying your business activities to get better results

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode217

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    12 mins
  • 216. Are you leaving money on the table?
    Jun 4 2024

    EPISODE 216

    Ever found yourself stressing over how to price your podcast management packages? In this episode, Lauren offers you valuable advice to boost your confidence in setting your rates just right.

    Whether you're a newbie navigating the early stages of your business or a seasoned pro looking to refine your pricing strategy, this episode has something for everyone. From considering the level of skill required to how bad you want that client, there are some surprising factors that can influence your pricing strategy. Plus, she introduces a handy pricing calculator that could save you hours of guesswork!

    Learn how to value your work, land your dream clients, and achieve your income goals without the overwhelm.

    In this episode, we cover:

    -The importance of pricing in a podcast manager business

    -Factors to consider when pricing packages

    -Factors like gaining experience, client referrals, client expectations, and potential challenges

    -Using a pricing calculator to determine package prices

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode216

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    11 mins
  • 215. Success Story: Choosing the right work for you with Anne Fickel
    May 28 2024

    EPISODE 215

    Today I’m talking to Anne Fickel. A podcast manager and homeschooling mom who has successfully found a way to balance her career while managing health challenges. Anne shares her inspiring journey of venturing into podcast management, leveraging her radio and editing background, and building a thriving business despite battling cystic fibrosis.

    Together, we discuss the importance of editing, involving others in the learning process, and the mental clarity gained from teamwork. Anne offers insights into finding clients through local connections and online groups, and the benefits of networking within the industry.

    She talks about the flexibility of managing work alongside homeschooling, adapting to her children's educational needs, and envisioning an expanded business with a cohesive team in the future.

    Anne also provides valuable advice on finding the right niche, enjoying client relationships, and overcoming mindset blocks. Plus, she highlights the rewarding aspects of strategic planning and audience growth.

    She also shares how having an innovative approach and commitment to thinking outside the box as propelled her success.

    In this episode, we cover:

    -Her transition from radio background to podcast management

    -Managing work alongside homeschooling responsibilities

    -Finding clients through local connections, established relationships, and online groups

    -Benefits of networking and supporting colleagues in the same industry

    -Potential benefits of editing and involving others in the learning process

    -The importance of finding a good client fit and focusing on a niche

    -An emphasis on thinking outside the box in work and life decisions

    -Anne's long-term vision of potentially expanding her business and working with a team of women

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode215

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    34 mins
  • 214. Podcast pitching insights in 2024 with Angie Trueblood
    May 21 2024

    EPISODE 214

    Ever wondered what really goes on with podcast promo swaps or why some hosts charge guests to appear on their shows? Oh, and there’s a juicy bit about a new trend swapping PDFs for digital one-sheets – trust me, it’s a game changer for podcast pitching!

    And get this – Angie Trueblood, a master of podcast pitching, spills the beans on the real deal behind booking awesome guest slots and managing podcast pitches. And if you think that's all, wait until you hear her take on the ethics of pay-to-play in podcasting, complete with a crash course on FTC regulations that could save you from a legal mess.

    Curious about making real connections in the podcast world without falling into the transactional trap? Angie has some clever strategies that go way beyond the typical guest swaps. No more random collabs that don't make sense; it’s all about strategic moves that actually benefit your show.

    In this episode, you’ll discover why just pitching to one show a month might not cut it and how Angie advises to seal the deal with impactful quarterly pitching plans.

    Whether you're a podcast pro or just podcast-curious, this episode is packed with insights that’ll make you rethink how you listen to or manage podcasts.

    In this episode, we cover:

    -What podcast pitching is all about: opportunities for your host to be a guest elsewhere, versus finding guests for your own show

    -Promo swaps: Angie discusses the importance and her cautious approach to promo swaps

    -The trend of podcasts charging for guest spots and why keeping things transparent matters

    -Moving on from old-school PDFs to sleek digital one-sheets

    -Focusing on juicy topics over generic intros to catch a host’s interest

    -Clever moves to get noticed by the big-name shows

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode214

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    40 mins
  • 213. No Experience, No Problem: Starting out in podcast management
    May 14 2024

    EPISODE 213

    Today, I’m tackling a biggie—how to jump into podcast management without any prior experience. If you're feeling a little lost on where to start, this episode has some super actionable advice. From soaking up inspiration through success stories to getting hands on experience with tools like Audacity, we are laying down a clear path to kick things off.

    Plus, I’m sharing why understanding and showcasing the ROI of your services can make a huge difference in how you approach potential clients. Whether you're shifting gears from another career or just curious about the podcasting world, this episode is packed with tips to get you started, build your confidence, and prove your worth. So, let’s get into it and help you move from newbie to pro in no time!

    In this episode, we cover:

    • Why listening to others' success stories on the podcast can pump you up
    • How past client feedback can remind you of your potential and adaptability
    • A straightforward guide on recording and editing with a free tool to sharpen your skills
    • How to snag editing gigs in exchange for testimonials which can pad your resume
    • The importance of using constructive criticism to refine your skills and build more confidence
    • Understanding the ROI of what you do
    • Promoting a must-have guide that'll help you pitch and prove your worth from the get-go

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode213

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    12 mins
  • 212. The power of repurposing your clients' podcast episodes
    May 7 2024

    EPISODE 212

    If you’ve ever thought about how to squeeze more juice out of a single podcast episode, or how to really up your game as a podcast manager, you’re in the right spot.

    We’re going to break down the difference between simple promotion and truly repurposing content in ways that will multiply its value across different platforms.

    From turning snippets into social media gold to spinning off blog posts and engaging emails, we're covering strategies that not only extend the life of podcast content but also enhance your service offerings.

    So, whether you're helping your clients extend their reach or refreshing your own content creation strategy, stay tuned as we unpack these game-changing techniques that will make every podcast episode work harder for your clients.

    In this episode, we cover:

    -The distinction between promotion and repurposing of podcast content

    -The importance of repurposing to extend the reach of a single podcast episode

    -Crafting email content from podcast discussions that can serve various purposes such as nurturing new relationships or providing value to existing connections

    -Developing training sessions or deeper dive content pieces from popular podcast episodes

    -Ensuring content creation (social media, blogs, emails, etc.) is cohesive and strategically aligned with the podcast content

    If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton

    To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass

    SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode212

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    14 mins