• Day 51: God establishes a strict dress code | Jesus needs Faith to perform miracles
    Feb 20 2024

    In Exodus 27-28, God instructs Moses on the design of the Tabernacle's altar, the courtyard around the Tabernacle, and the oil for the lampstand, emphasizing the importance of a sacred space for worship. Additionally, God details the elaborate garments for Aaron and his sons, signifying their roles as priests and their responsibilities in leading the Israelites in worship. These instructions include the breastplate of judgment, the ephod, and other garments rich in symbolism and purpose. Will Aaron and his sons fulfill their roles as priests and uphold the sacred rituals as commanded by God?

    In Mark 5:21-6:1-6, Jesus performs two of His most astonishing miracles: He heals a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years just by her touching His cloak, and He raises Jairus's daughter from the dead, demonstrating His power over sickness and death. These miracles reveal Jesus's compassion and authority, prompting awe among the witnesses. Yet, when Jesus returns to His hometown, He faces skepticism and disbelief from those who knew Him, limiting the miracles He can perform there. Will the faith of others continue to grow in the face of such profound miracles, or will skepticism hinder the spread of Jesus's teachings?

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    Exodus 27

    Exodus 28

    Mark 5: 21-43

    Mark 6: 1-6

    Psalm 24:1-10

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    20 mins
  • Day 50: God details the Ark of the Covenant | Jesus battles a legion of demons | The Lord's Prayer
    Feb 19 2025

    In Exodus 25-26, God instructs Moses on Mount Sinai to build the Tabernacle, a sacred dwelling place for the Divine Presence, detailing the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, the table for showbread, and the golden lampstand. The Israelites are called to contribute precious materials, showing their devotion and participation in creating a holy space amidst their journey. As the Tabernacle begins to take shape, one wonders, will this grand structure truly become a dwelling place for the Almighty among His people?

    In Mark 4:30-5:1-20, Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God using parables, then demonstrates His dominion over nature and spirits. After calming a violent storm on the sea, showcasing His power over nature, Jesus encounters a man possessed by a legion of demons in the region of the Gerasenes. He delivers the man from his torment, sending the demons into a herd of pigs, which then rush into the sea. This sequence of miracles prompts us to ponder, how will the disciples and the people witnessing these events understand and react to the true identity of Jesus?

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    Exodus 25

    Exodus 26

    Mark 4:30-41

    Mark 5:1-20

    Psalm 23:1-6

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    20 mins
  • Day 49: God makes an agreement with Israel | Jesus tells the parable of the Farmer and the Seeds
    Feb 18 2024

    In Exodus 23-24, God delivers laws to Moses on Mount Sinai, emphasizing justice, mercy, and the Sabbath, alongside promises of guidance and blessings for the Israelites. Moses then ascends the mountain to meet with God, where he receives the stone tablets of the covenant, symbolizing God's law and agreement with Israel. As Moses disappears into the cloud atop Sinai for 40 days and nights, one wonders, will the Israelites uphold their end of the covenant in his absence?

    In Mark 3:31-4:29, Jesus redefines family by stating that whoever does God's will is His brother, sister, and mother. He then teaches by the sea, using parables such as the Sower to illustrate the kingdom of God and how people receive His message differently. The narrative challenges us with the mystery of growth in the parable of the Growing Seed, emphasizing the kingdom's gradual and certain expansion. Amidst these teachings, one wonders, will the listeners truly grasp the profound truths hidden within these parables?

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    Exodus 23

    Exodus 24

    Mark 3:31-35

    Mark 4:1-29

    Psalm 22:22-31

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    21 mins
  • Day 48: God assigns laws on slavery, theft, and violence | Jesus appoints the 12 Apostles
    Feb 17 2024

    In Exodus 21-22, God delivers laws to Moses on Mount Sinai regarding servitude, personal injuries, and property rights, establishing justice and order among the Israelites. These laws detail the treatment of servants, the consequences of violence, and the restitution for theft, emphasizing the sanctity of life, community responsibility, and respect for personal and communal property. Will the Israelites uphold these divine laws and create a just society, or will they falter in their covenant with God?

    In Mark 2:18-3:1-30, Jesus challenges religious conventions, first by defending his disciples' actions of not fasting, then by healing on the Sabbath, and finally by confronting the Pharisees' understanding of the law. He emphasizes the spirit over the letter of the law, highlighting mercy, compassion, and the need for a new approach to God. Amid growing opposition, Jesus appoints the twelve apostles, signaling the formation of a new community centered around his teachings. As tensions rise, will Jesus' revolutionary message find fertile ground among the people, or will it lead to a decisive confrontation with the established order?

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    Exodus 21

    Exodus 22

    Mark 2:18-27

    Mark 3:1-30

    Proverbs 5:1-14

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    25 mins
  • Day 47: God gives His people ten commandments | Jesus becomes a celebrity healer in Galilee
    Feb 16 2024

    In Exodus 19-20, the Israelites arrive at Mount Sinai, where God calls Moses to the mountain top, preparing to give him the Ten Commandments, a moral foundation for the people. Amid thunder, lightning, and thick clouds, God descends upon the mountain in fire, instilling awe and fear among the Israelites. Will the Israelites uphold the covenant and follow these commandments amidst their challenges in the wilderness?

    In Mark 1:29-2:1-17, Jesus performs a series of healings and miracles, beginning with healing Simon Peter's mother-in-law in Capernaum, which astonishes many and leads to more healing requests. His actions attract large crowds, complicating his movements and leading to a remarkable healing of a paralyzed man, lowered through a roof by his friends for Jesus to heal him. As Jesus continues his ministry, calling Levi, a tax collector, to follow him, he challenges societal norms and faces scrutiny from religious leaders. Will Jesus' miraculous healings and controversial actions ignite a movement or provoke opposition from the established order?

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    Exodus 19

    Exodus 20

    Mark 1:29-45

    Mark 2: 1-17

    Psalm 22:12-21

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    20 mins
  • Day 46 | Moses battles the Amalekites | Jesus is baptized and fights demons
    Feb 15 2024
    In Exodus 17, as the Israelites journey through the desert, they face a dire thirst with no water in sight, challenging Moses and questioning God's presence among them. Moses, following God's command, strikes the rock at Horeb with his staff, miraculously bringing forth water for the people. Can the Israelites' faith withstand the trials of the desert, or will doubt consume them? Exodus 18 brings a different challenge: Moses reunites with his father-in-law, Jethro, who observes Moses' exhaustive efforts in judging the people's disputes alone. Jethro advises Moses to delegate responsibilities to capable men, a system of governance that eases Moses' burden and efficiently resolves disputes. Will Moses' new system of leadership strengthen or weaken the Israelites' resolve in their journey? Mark 1:1-28 begins with the prophecy of a messenger preparing the way for the Lord, leading to John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in the Jordan River, marking the start of Jesus' ministry as the heavens open and the Spirit descends upon Him. Immediately after, Jesus is tested in the wilderness for forty days, emerging to preach the gospel of God's kingdom, calling people to repent and believe. His authority is further established as He casts out an unclean spirit in Capernaum, astonishing onlookers with His powerful teaching. Will the people recognize the dawn of a new era with Jesus, or will skepticism cloud their faith? Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster Exodus 17 Exodus 18 Mark 1: 1-28 Psalm 22:1-11
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    21 mins
  • Day 45: The freed Israelites complain to Moses | Followers of Jesus search for the risen Christ
    Feb 14 2024

    After miraculously crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites journey through the desert, praising God for their deliverance from Egypt. Yet, they soon face hunger and thirst, doubting God's provision, until He miraculously provides manna and quail for food, and water from a rock. As they journey towards Sinai, facing the harsh desert and their own doubts, one wonders: Will their faith endure this wilderness test?

    At dawn, Mary Magdalene and another Mary discover the empty tomb of Jesus, greeted by an angel who announces His resurrection. Jesus Himself appears to them, instructing them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee where they will see Him. With Jesus' great commission to make disciples of all nations, one wonders: How will this message transform the world?

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    Exodus 15

    Exodus 16

    Matthew 28:1-20

    Psalm 21:8-13

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    19 mins
  • Day 44: Pharaoh hunts down the Israelites | Jesus dies and is sealed in a tomb
    Feb 13 2024

    In Exodus 13-14, God commands the Israelites to consecrate their firstborns and remember their deliverance from Egypt by keeping the Feast of Unleavened Bread. As they leave, God leads them not by the direct route but through the desert towards the Red Sea, to avoid conflict with the Philistines. When Pharaoh's heart hardens again, he pursues the Israelites to the edge of the Red Sea, where Moses, by God's command, stretches out his hand, parting the waters for a miraculous escape and closing them back over the Egyptian army. Will the faith of the Israelites hold strong against the might of Egypt's wrath?

    In Matthew 27:45-66, darkness covers the land as Jesus cries out and breathes his last, marking a moment of profound sorrow and divine significance. The curtain of the temple is torn, and the earth shakes, as some of the dead are raised, witnessing to many in Jerusalem. Following his death, Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus in a new tomb, which is then sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers to prevent his disciples from stealing the body. As the stone seals the entrance, one wonders, will this tomb hold the King of Kings?

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    Exodus 13-14

    Matthew 27:45-66

    Proverbs 4:20-27

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    19 mins