• The Omaha Bugle Salutes the Passing of President Jimmy Carter. . . Future Career Opportunities for Kamala and Joe
    Feb 4 2025

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    Adam and Jeff return to the air after receiving pre-emptive pardons from out-going President Joe Biden for any crimes they might have committed while not in the employment of the Biden Family Business or for any actions they might have taken while not serving on the J6 Committee. Adam and Jeff pay homage to the recently-passed President Jimmy Carter and point out that he was a decent person who was caught up in challenging events that defined his presidency in a negative way. To his credit, Adam notes that Carter never weaponized the government against any individuals even though Adam and Jeff could provide a lengthy list of people who should have been targeted for weaponization. They also discuss some possible future job possibilities for Kamala Harris and, based upon her campaign having lost $1 billion dollars in a losing effort and still ending up $20 million in the red, believe that anything having to do with money or counting might not be a wise choice. Jeff believes her unique speaking techniques would lead to an impressive career as a speech therapist. She could also work as a grade-school teacher due to her ability to incorrectly explain complex concepts using simple words. Jeff thinks she might be perfectly suited to be a cruise ship activities director due to her deliriously happy laughter which would no doubt encourage hung-over passengers to get up at 4 a.m. every morning to do their exercises. As far as Joe Biden is concerned, Adam and Jeff suggest he could be an outstanding Walmart greeter so long as he was tethered to the front door to keep him from wandering off. Another possibility might be for him to sit in a Christmas window display in a store on Fifth Avenue in New York City while eating an ice cream cone.

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    43 mins
  • The Omaha Bugle Offers Its Post-Mortem of the 2024 Election
    Nov 23 2024

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    In discussing the outcome of the 2024 election, Adam and Jeff said that they were surprised by both the speed with which the winner of the election was decided and the almost complete lack of dirty tricks on election night. Indeed, they were expecting that a dump truck load of ballots would be found on a country road in Pennsylvania or Michigan or any other swing state. They also suggested that the Harris campaign suffered from several almost insurmountable challenges--not the least of which was the fact that Vice President Harris was the running mate of President Joe Biden--who was probably one of the worst chief executives in the history of the United States. So Harris had the unenviable task of running as an incumbent and having to tout the record of an extraordinarily inept administration. Moreover, she did nothing to convince voters during her tenure that she was anything other than one of the worst vice presidents in the history of the United States and, in fact, refused to do interviews for many weeks on the campaign trail to offer different ideas as to how she would handle things as president. The litany of failure including the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the weaponization of the Department of Justice, the dismantling of the southern border which enabled at least 10 million illegal migrants to enter the United States without any vetting at all, and the passage of enormous spending programs that kicked off the worst inflation in a generation all created enormous hostility toward the Biden Administration and probably made it impossible for his vice president to secure an election victory. Moreover, the Vice President's confusing speaking manner and her difficulty in connecting with ordinary individuals (particularly those who do not wear thousand dollar pants suits) made her prospects for victory even less likely in hindsight.

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    39 mins
  • Has the Earth's Population Explosion Fizzled Out? Why are Women Choosing to Have Fewer Children?
    Nov 9 2024

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    Adam and Jeff return to the airwaves after an unexpected hiatus of several weeks that was prompted by a storming of the Omaha Bugle headquarters by local college students who occupied the broadcasting center and shut down operations to underscore their support for free speech. Fortunately, the students eventually left when they ran out of snack foods and energy drinks in the break room. However, they still vandalized the building and sprayed graffiti on all of the cars in the employee parking lot (except for the car owned by Jeff which was in a parking space that was apparently deemed to be too far away to be worth the trouble). Anyways, order was eventually restored and the first broadcast by the Omaha Bugle was released; it focused on the fact that national populations are shrinking throughout the world. East Asia, particularly Korea, Japan and China, have seen their populations begin to decline in absolute terms with Korea itself having a birth rate that is only 1/4 that of which is needed to stabilize the population. This decline is being mirrored to varying degrees throughout the world. Being males, Adam and Jeff then proceed to discuss why women might be choosing to have fewer children while acknowledging that the broadcast would probably have been better served had an actual woman been asked to discuss why women might not want to have as many children as in past generations. Nevertheless, they do offer a number of reasons such as the high costs of raising children, the desire of more women to have careers, and even the preference for a childless lifestyle that is viewed by many as being less problematic. Jeff then brings up some of the ways in which shrinking populations will invariably affect everything we make and consume; it will mark a complete reversal of the centuries-old paradigm of steadily expanding production and steadily increasing consumer demand for many products.

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    43 mins
  • GOP Congressional Nominee Chris Eddy Returns to the Omaha Bugle
    Sep 10 2024

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    Adam and Jeff welcome a good friend of the Omaha Bugle, Chris Eddy, back to the program, for an unprecedented third appearance--an honor that would typically be reserved for presidents, kings and deep-pocket program sponsors. Chris provides Adam and Jeff with an update of his campaign to win the 25th Congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. In particular, he talks about his recent win of the GOP nomination and his upcoming electoral battle with his Democratic opponent. Chris discusses the importance of bringing common sense to Washington, D.C., and reports that inflation and immigration are the two biggest issues cited by most of the thousands of voters with whom he has spoken. He also talks about the uneasiness that many voters have about the inability of the federal government to control its morbidly obese spending programs. Of particular concern is the fact that mandatory social programs and interest on the debt will swallow up almost the entire budget if things do not change in the next two decades--leaving nothing for defense, education or any other worthy discretionary programs such as possible broadcasting subsidies for the Mandarin version of the Omaha Bugle podcast.

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    45 mins
  • Part Three: Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Stupidity: A Thought Provoking Look at the New World of AI
    Sep 9 2024

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    The third and final installment of the epic discussion of artificial intelligence by Adam and Jeff marks yet another towering contribution to the intellectual legacy of Western civilization. Adam points out that artificial intelligence has merely accelerated the trend toward greater technical sophistication while increasing the vulnerabilities of nearly every aspect of modern society. Jeff argues that our computerized world is increasingly vulnerable to unauthorized users who are able to inflict massive damage to databases and electronic systems alike. The fact that an electric power grid could be disabled by high-school aged hackers playing hooky is a scary thought, especially when you consider how quickly society degenerates into a sort of moldy, dusty preindustrial abyss when the power gets shut off for a few days. On a brighter note, Adam points out that hacking the power system will not affect his ability to shoot looters with his guns. The fact that people create algorithms which arguably enable machines to think in ways not originally contemplated by the programmers is of great concern but Jeff is not optimistic that global leaders can agree to a set of binding principles to restrain the malevolent aspects of AI--especially when everyone assumes the worst motives of their adversaries.

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    38 mins
  • Part Two: Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Stupidity: A Thought Provoking Look at the New World of AI
    Sep 9 2024

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    In their continuing efforts to point out that artificial intelligence has nothing to do with preservatives and food dyes, Adam and Jeff continue their discussion regarding various issues posed by recent advances in the field. Certainly they are both keenly aware of the fact that AI has helped to create a self-generating surveillance state in which everyone with a phone can collect photos and data and essentially provide enormous amounts of information to virtually anyone who might wish to access that information--whether for good or evil. As far as the ability of AI to offer predictive algorithms as to when future crimes will occur, Jeff suggests that we already have a pretty good idea where we want to focus our policing efforts based upon where most crimes have occurred in the past. Adam and Jeff are also both concerned about the lack of privacy and the fact that any conversation overheard by a cellphone usually brings about a torrent of advertisements for products that might have been referenced in that particular conversation. Jeff is quite adamant that he does not want to have a virtual assistant such as Alexa in his household as he already has too many people telling him what to do. Adam and Jeff also wonder about complaints that AI could be biased because most of the scientists in the field are male and from leading developed nations. Jeff's best suggestion is that everyone learn English as a universal language for commerce and science so that they are not excluded from advances in AI. Finally, Adam brings up Asimov's three laws of robotics which basically were designed to prevent humans from being strangled by sentient robots while they slept.

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    40 mins
  • Part One: Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Stupidity: A Thought Provoking Look at the New World of AI
    Aug 29 2024

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    Never reluctant to showcase their artificial intelligence about matters of culture and politics at fancy cocktail parties, Adam and Jeff consider some of the pressing concerns about the brave new world of artificial intelligence. They also discuss the fine line between extremely sophisticated calculators and sentient machines that are able to reason independently of any inputs or commands. They point out that many pioneers in the AI field want to restrict or limit its use even though it is likely that bad actors and bad governments would evade or simply ignore any global treaties restricting the uses of AI. Although Jeff has great faith in the wisdom and judgment of government regulators, he is concerned that there are very few bureaucrats who know enough about AI to be able to offer meaningful regulations. Isaac Asimov's three laws of robotics are cited by Adam as a possible general code that could be incorporated into the development of future AI applications but there is always the nagging concern that nasty countries will do whatever they can to take advantage of any self-imposed limitations undertaken by other signatories to AI-related treaties.

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    41 mins
  • Free College Isn't Really Free
    Aug 10 2024

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    Having returned from their worldwide concert tour as the opening act for Taylor Swift, Adam and Jeff discuss the idea proposed by both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that college be made free to everyone. They consider the staggering amount spent each year for post-secondary education and the number of households filing tax returns to determine that the actual bill for "free college" for each taxpayer each year would amount to thousands of dollars. Jeff points out that a government mandate that everyone be able to attend college for free would simply result in the schools jacking up the tuition as much as possible because college would be a basic right available to all--no matter how qualified or motivated each student might be. As college loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, lenders have no incentive to restrict the amounts of money they loan to applicants. As a result, there is an enormous amount of money sloshing around in the system which merely encourages schools to keep jacking up their costs year after year. Jeff points out that college is supposed to be a learning experience and not a 4-year visit to an amusement park so there is no reason that education costs cannot be contained. Unfortunately, the vast expansion in recent decades in non-teaching (e.g., administrative staff) has compounded the incessant rise in college costs.

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    34 mins