
  • Gen Z's zzzzzzzzzzz And for those that recall Johnnies!
    Sep 10 2024

    Those Gen z's are at it again. Don't they make you sleepy listening to them drone on and on? Well, it certainly gets 'our goat' as Chris will say. We three are fully paid-up members of the i Generation and for those that do not know the 'i' is for invisible. Yes to those wonderful Gen Z (ers) they don't even know we lot exist, as of course the world now revolves around them.

    Our little story this week stems from a promotion for a holiday home that a Gen Z (er) advertised using THEIR language which we just couldn't understand, however not to be outdone a member of the 'i' generation did the same back. Mind you we didn't understand either of them so what that makes us is anyone's guess.

    We then moved on to 'Johnnies' now you have to be a certain age, to know what these were known by members of the 'i' generation. Whereas the Gen Z (ers) know them as a Franger.

    Now even I am confused, can I suggest you listen in and find out for yourself what on earth we are talking about?

    Good luck out there.

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    14 mins
  • Fancy a date, go to the supermarket (Not that sort of date)
    Sep 4 2024

    Historically you went to the supermarket to buy your food. Now though, you can (apparently) get a lucky charm for your arm or even a sugar daddy. Oddly enough, these words sound like food, so how about an upside-down pineapple?

    Yes if all you wanted was a pineapple and it ended upside down in your trolley or basket, you could find yourself 'bumped' as it is now the sign you are looking for a partner. Even worse or possibly better if you have chocolates alongside, that's a sign you want more than a partner you are looking for a sexual partner. Even more so if you then visit the perfume section you are ready and raring to go.

    It's all a bit too much for us Old Gits, we decided to send John to the supermarket to do a bit of research and asked him if he would buy 2 melons and a cucumber. He came back with a banana and two plums. It must be an age thing.

    Ah well enjoy the banter x

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    12 mins
  • Old Gits Olympics Event 'Wife Carrying'
    Aug 12 2024

    What a great Olympics this year. Well done to the French, although the less said about the opening ceremony the better. As for swimming in the Seine, and dodging the French Cigars, that's definitely, not one for anyone let alone the world's elite athletes.

    On the other hand or 'both hands and a good back' how about the Old Gits Olympics we discuss in great detail, with a certain amount of empathise put into the wonderful art of Wife Carrying. I am sure you will join us three in wondering how on earth the Olympic committee can drop skateboarding and fail to replace it with wife-carrying, or to please the snowflakes, partner-carrying. Gold Silver or Bronze, we think it's a definite winner.

    Let us know your thoughts. x

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    10 mins
  • Old Gits and Hits July 2020
    Jul 16 2020

    Chris, David, & John, as usual sometimes serious, sometimes risque, always a laugh somewhere, usually when you least expect it always worth a listen and thats for sure. 

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    54 mins
  • Lauguage, Toilets, and Tourism
    Jul 15 2024

    I know what you are thinking how on earth can anyone discuss in detail the three above subjects all in less than 15 minutes?

    Well, if you don't know the three of us now then it's about time you did. You will find we can traverse any subject matter as well as talk about it as if with knowledge and experience of which we probably don't have a lot. Furthermore, we will make it plausible and possibly enlightening for us all.

    Dont agree! then listen in and be underwhelmed.

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    15 mins