• The Case Of - Jonbenet Ramsey - ramson note ignored
    Sep 27 2024

    The New Period presents - The Case Of - Jonbenet Ramsey - The ransom note ignored. Here I bring up the fact that the ransom note was either not scrutinized as you would expect, was ignored, or was dismissed as unimportant and fake from the beginning. These bring suspicion to the Ramseys for not prioritizing the safety of their daughter as if they knew that the note contents were of little significance.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©

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    4 mins
  • The US bombing of Japan - 1943-1945 - part 2
    Aug 24 2024

    The US admittedly firebombed about 117 Japanese cities of its mainland. The aim was to burn down civilian and military structures including homes, and any civilian infrastructure. It must have been known that these firebombing campaigns would bring massive civilian casualties, yet it was carried through with full support from the US leadership and overwhelming support from the US public. Over 300 thousand mostly civilian casualties are officially recorded. But the true death toll may top 1 million. These deaths are in addition to the military (and civilian) deaths accrued during the brutal US campaigns against Japan in the pacific. The indiscriminate, terrorist, illegal, cruel, and woefully disproportionate attacks on mainly civilian populations of Japanese cities was unjustified and deserve recognition, official apology, and renewed commitments not to ever be allowed again.

    The New Period Chat Radio

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    25 mins
  • Jonbenet Ramsey case - odd behaviors
    Aug 18 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio presents: The Case Of. Here I argue that the Ramseys acted with full confidence that there really was not a break in, nor was there an intruder possibly with access to the house or even still in the house. At the realization that Jonbenet was missing, and there was a strange note discovered taking about a kidnapping. I believe the first order of business would be that of fear for the safety of all in the house. And, the very likely possibility of one or more assailants which remain in the house. Either because they did not have a chance to escape, or may be caught in the act. The Ramseys acted as if this was not remotely a possibility, and completely ignoered the ransom note demands as if they knew that it was all fake.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    9 mins
  • The Case Of: Jonbenet Ramsey, My Observations, Part 13, The Ramsey crowds
    Aug 9 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio presents: The Case Of. Jonbenet was filmed and photographed quite often. She was part of a wealthy family and society which went to many events and there were many filming and photographing those events. It is fuzzy to me how much did investigators pour over those footage to try to find suspects, or people out of place. Did any of today's case suspects attend any of those events? Did the police have most or all of the available footage. What about CCTV at these events? These are probably secrets kept by the investigators to this day.

    Per the Steve Thomas investigation for the Boulder Police Department, Bill McReynolds was an early investigation suspect, because of his closeness to the family. But admittedly he was not a serious suspect. He admittedly consumed pornography, and his wife had curiously and previously written a story about a girl who was kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and murdered in a basement. But, in 1974, McReynolds 9-year-old daughter was abducted, along with a friend, and had witnessed her friend’s sexual molestation. Curiously, this occurred 22 years to-the-day of Jonbenet Ramsey’s death. Lastly, Bill McReynolds had written a note intended for Jonbenet, in which he “notified her” of a “special gift after Christmas”. The note was found in his trash bin during the investigation. From an article by Gaby Wood, The Guardian, 2006.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    8 mins
  • The Case Of: Jonbenet Ramsey, My Observations, Part 10, Case timeline
    Aug 9 2024

    The Case Of Jonbenet Ramsey. The Ramsey case timeline part 1. Here I present the all-important timeline of events for this cold case murder case. Here, I list alleged or reported events (unconfirmed). And, confirmed (corroborated) events. These times and dates are critical in piecing together the likelyhood, and even the possibility of these events. And, these may help to solve the case.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    10 mins
  • Contractor licensing against minorities - part 2
    Aug 8 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio. States use licensing schemes, for contractors or professionals, not only to ensure applicants are qualified; but also to limit these careers to "certain" individuals. Many "licensing requirements" have the effect of weeding out highly qualified minority groups of low income. Immigrants, blacks, indigenous, and LGBT peoples; are among the most affected and are routinely denied access to these careers. For example, by requiring high fees and testing costs you deny the poor, which are largely minority groups. By requiring a "squeaky clean" criminal background; you deny many disproportionately targeted blacks and Latinos in poor communities. And, by requiring an excessive command of the English language; you deny many qualified immigrants from entering these fields. For example, electrical contractor requirements in the state of Georgia, require you to be endorsed by no less than 4 contractors, and they must all "certify", under penalty of punishment, that they have "known your work" for at least 4 years. This and other "requirements"; firmly keep these licenses in the hands of a dominant group, that has held them for generations. Effectively, states engage in Jim Crow like tactics, resembling the poll taxes and literacy tests of the segregated South. Lastly, the incentives to endorse individuals requires an intimate friendship and unlikely work circumstances. Having the effect of "grandfather clauses" of the old "literacy tests", and enabling those with "licensed" family and friends to effectively "inherit" these licenses. In this series, I explain these and more.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    10 mins
  • Transfer of wealth from black and brown pockets
    Aug 3 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio. Insurance companies have been picking the pockets of minorities for decades. They very regularly approve the claims of majority race, at the same time they regularly deny and underpay claims from insured black and brown. This effectively is a very efficient and continuous transfer of wealth from the ones that have been exploited all along, to the exploiters and their descendants.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    11 mins
  • The Case Of: Jonbenet Ramsey, My Observations, Part 12, Missing details &the "foreign faction" theory
    Aug 2 2024

    The New Period Chat Radio presents: The Case Of - Jonbenet Ramsey. There are many details that we must recognize we don't have on the Jonbenet Ramsey case. It is an open ongoing case, although cold, which has protected information most likely held by BPD, CBI, and the FBI. Also, there is a detail on the note where it says that "we are a group of individuals 'representing' a foreign faction" which may mean that an actual foreign faction, national or international; may have hired inept criminals that botched the kidnapping and could not help themselves but to abuse and kill the child. There may have been a real kidnapping attempt, although the note has a lot of indicators of a fake or staged kidnapping.

    Hector Vladimir 2024©



    Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir

    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    7 mins