Welcome to the Mini Episodes! I've received so many wonderful comments and stories from you all over the years, and I think it's time to share them on the show! It's incredibly validating to hear from others and realize we're not alone on our mental health journeys. Plus, your insights and tips for making improvements in your lives are truly inspiring. If you'd like to share your story, send your email to me at Meg@MegDukeLCSW.com. And if you're feeling up for it, you can even send a voice memo! Welcome back to The Perinatal Podcast - The Mini Episodes! Thank you to today's show sponsors! Momanda: https://us.momanda.cc/Perinatal Promo Code - PERINATAL Essenther: https://us.essenther.com/AMPLIFYWELLNESSWITHMEG Promo Code: AMPLIFYWELLNESSWITHMEGNeeded: https://thisisneeded.com/?utm_channel=Needed%20-%20Creator&irpid=4545739&irmpname=meg%40megdukelcsw.com&iradid=1770238&irgwc=1&utm_source=creator&utm_medium=4665719&utm_campaign=1654615&icid=XgjX7YUz7xyKUt1VqHVEd3AXUksxaM2IKTb5V00 Promo Code - PERINATALPODCAST Muse: https://choosemuse.com/pages/muse-2-offers?utm_source=4739&utm_medium=Affiliate&cppid=4739&cpclid=6ead105f2fb2454a87218286b4b5636f&utm_campaign=Amplify%20Wellness%20Coaching&utm_content= Promo Code - AMPLIFY WELLNESSThanks so much for joining me for this episode of The Perinatal Podcast - The Mini Episodes. I’d love for you to write a review of my show on your app, and don’t forget to subscribe so you get a notification when new content is posted. Take a moment to leave a 5-star rating, too! You can access additional mental wellness content and ad-free episodes by purchasing a monthly subscription at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theperinatalpodcast/subscribe or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-perinatal-podcast/id1590957531. Follow me at @AmplifyWellnessWithMeg on Instagram and find Meg Duke LCSW on Facebook. You can also look for The Perinatal Podcast content by searching the hashtag, #ThePerinatalPodcast. Our show is executive produced by David Presley and produced by Meg Duke. Our theme song was written and performed by Antwone McDuffie.