
  • Ep #57: My Message For 2019
    Nov 28 2018

    In this episode of 'The Marketing Nerdz Podcast' - I have a message for you. 

    2019 is almost here. 

    Like every year, it just seemed like 2019 just went by in a jiffy. For most people, 2018 was no different than all the other years if not worst. And there is a reason for that... 

    Most wait for things to happen. 

    Most dream about what they could have done than doing something that could change their life. 

    Most wait for Success to come to them. 

    Well, if you are not one of them. 

    Well, if you want 2019 to be the Absolute Best Year of Your Life Yet... Listen to this Podcast and then ACT! 

    You need to start planning today to make 2019 count. 

    To making 2019 the BEST Year of Our Lives! 

    Karan Dharamsi


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    11 mins
  • Are you a REAL Entrepreneur? COVID-19 Is the REAL TEST
    Apr 8 2020

    The life of an Entrepreneur is full of challenges.

    And there is no bigger challenge you will face as an Entrepreneur than the current COVID-19 crisis.

    Depending on what industry you work in, you business at this point is either growing or declining.

    Most wannabe Entrepreneurs at this point will start looking for newer opportunities. Most would fall for the famous - Grass is Greener on the other side or the shiny object syndrome.

    Remember this, the Grass only looks Greener on the other side. Every business has its own set of challenges. Move to the other side, and you will find that the Grass was Greener at where you earlier were.

    Use this time to fix the loopholes, create new strategies, make your products, services or your Brand better... And come back STRONG.

    The winter will not last Forever. Prepare now to reap in the benefits when things change around. The GOLD in most cases, is exactly where you are at. Keep digging.

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    9 mins
  • The BIGGEST Content Mistake in Your About Page
    Feb 27 2021

    Are you making this big content mistake with the About Page on your website? Is Your About Page effective? Deep down do you already know that your about page content isn't as effective and compelling as it should be? How do you measure its effectiveness?

    Sandhya Valecha answers these and many other questions in this episode of The Marketing Nerdz Podcast.

    In addition, she spills the beans on the biggest mistake with your about page content She goes on to assure you that this mistake is quite easy to fix. Want to know the reason why Sandhya recommends fix this big mistake asap? To discover the answers, listen to the podcast now. 

    She's going to bust the common (read 'erroneous') assumption or belief about your about page. Oops, do you hold that belief/assumption too? Find out in this episode.

    Most website owners miss this. But you're doing a disservice to yourself if you don't do anything about it after discovering this big mistake with your about page.

    Sandhya goes on to share with you the steps to fix this page and make your About Page helpful, effective, compelling, and user-friendly.

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    6 mins
  • The Most Dangerous Writing App to beat Writer's Block and Procrastination: Free Tool
    Feb 5 2021

    If you're a writer (or want to be one) and if you struggle to overcome writer's block, tune in to this podcast by Sandhya Valecha where she spills the beans on a writing app that helps her beat procrastination and writer's block. 

    On days when it's difficult to discipline yourself to overcome blank page syndrome and write, this free writing app could be the disciplinarian you need to give you the much-needed push.

    In this episode of "The Marketing Nerdz Podcast", Sandhya Valecha, the Cofounder of The Marketing Nerdz reveals to you her terrifying experiences of using this writing app. She describes this tool as someone putting a gun to your head and demanding you to write until your brain is exhausted and until your hands are tired. But the advantages of this threatening app are all yours to keep.

    She goes on to talk about the warnings, pressures and anxiety you might experience while using this dangerous writing app. However, the advantages of using this free writing app far outweigh the initial anxiety you experience. 

    Perhaps you may be aware of the tool Sandhya Valecha talks about. Or maybe you're not. Either way, the name of this free writing tool is "The Most Dangerous Writing App".

    In their own words and we quote: "Don't stop typing, or all progress will be lost. The Most Dangerous Writing App is the most dangerous way to keep yourself focused. Keep writing, or the text fades away and disappears forever."

    On that note, here's wishing you a happy writing session. 

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    5 mins
  • How I Get New High Paying Clients For My Agency - My #1 Source Revealed
    Aug 27 2020

    When you run an agency, a large majority of your time is invested in acquiring new clients. 

    While there are several ways to get new clients... To make the most of the limited time we have each day, it's important to focus all your time and attention on sources that bring in your Ideal Clients. 

    In this episode of 'The Marketing Nerdz Podcast', I talk about - The #1 Client Acquisition Source for My Agency. 

    If you charge about 25 Lacs a year for your services, this is by far the best way to acquire new clients. Nothing comes close to this high ticket client acquisition method. 

    Phone calls... 

    Social Media... 

    Cold outreach... 

    None of that is going to help you get New High Ticket Clients Consistently unless this is integrated into your funnel. Period. 

    For more, listen to this new episode of 'The Marketing Nerdz' Podcast.

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    10 mins
  • How to Start An Online Publishing Business With No Employees
    Aug 25 2020

    Online publishing is big... And getting BIGGER by the day.

    And thanks to the advancement in technology, starting an online publishing business today is way easier than it was a decade back.

    With all the amazing tools we have today to create a website or design the banners... You could start an online publishing business today from home... with no employees.

    A 7 figure yearly revenue running a solo online publishing business is not uncommon today.

    In this episode of The Marketing Nerdz Podcsat, I talk about:

    • What is an Online Publishing Business
    • How to Start an Online Publishing Business
    • And How to add multiple revenue sources in your Online Publishing Business
    • And a lot more

    It's a must listen to podcast if you want to start an Online Business.

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    17 mins
  • How I Went From Charging $5 to $100 Per Article In 2014
    May 2 2020

    I started my Freelance Copywriting journey by writing for clients who paid peanuts.

    I was charging as low as $0.5 per article at the start of my career.

    And after months of working for an average of $1 per article... I slowly managed to increase my rates to $5 per article.

    But deep down, I knew, even the $5 I was charging was just crazy low.

    I saw other writers making the BIG money. But I just couldn't get past $5 barrier. I was almost on the verge to quit back then but something happened.

    An incident. It completely changed the direction of my life.

    Thanks to this incident combined with other factors, I was FINALLY able to break the barriers of charging peanuts and move towards getting paid what I deserved.

    Want to know what happened? Want to know how I increased my rates from $5 to $100 per article?

    Well, I talk about it in this podcast :)

    Happy listening!

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    11 mins
  • Ep #63 - Is Digital Marketing A BAD Career Choice In 2020? Future of Digital Marketing
    Apr 29 2020

    Most of what I said about Digital Marketing as a career is 2018 is TRUE in 2020 and will continue to be True for years to come.

    While I suggest you listen to the podcast for everything I have to say... Here is what I will leave you with.

    The only time you need to be WORRIED in your career as a Digital Marketer is when you choose to be Average.

    In fact, you should be fearful in any career option you select in today's world if you choose to be Average in your skills.

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    10 mins