
  • #39 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - Janet, Her Shamaness Staff & Empowerment
    Dec 31 2023

    Semi-regularly, I find myself telling this eclectic, quirky, yet very important story to my female clients about what it means to become embodied with empowerment -- and then bring it into the money space. For ages our solar plexus empowerment has been eroded and caved-in through centuries of living in the toxic financial patriarchy. Yet, we are finding our way back to one of the important elements of energy in our life, in the core of our bodies, so that we may live more fully. Join me for a journey into the Colorado woods and find out what it might mean for you to experience embodied empowerment, especially as one of the four cornerstones of the Four Sacred Money Elements in The Magic of Somatic Money. www.somaticmoney.com

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    30 mins
  • #38 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - Merlin On the Greenbelt
    Dec 14 2023

    It had to have either been the autumn of 2004 or the spring of 2005 when I met Merlin for the first time -- and then, soon after, he appeared one afternoon for me out on the greenbelt where I lived. This was my first ever spiritual initiation in the heart of my psychic awakening and it was a precious experience I'll never forget. Why am I sharing this story from long ago? Well, this initiation holds key elements of our spiritual journey on the planet, holistic aspects of our financial journey and our Heroine's Journey (from Joseph Campbell's mythology work). Tune in for a deep, long, rich listen and I promise you'll walk away with insights and inspiration to take into your daily life during the intensely changing times on our planet. https://www.somaticmoney.com

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    42 mins
  • #37 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - Oracle #1 - ”The Devil Is In the Details”
    Nov 28 2023

    At the top of Season Four here, I did something fun! We're diving right in with the first Somatic Money Oracle Deck pulls of three cards to create the first Somatic Money Coaching Podcast oracle reading based on The 12 Somatic Money Maps! (And NO, this is not a remix of audio from the videos of oracle reads that I've already done.) Join me for this fresh and first of its kind -- a candid Somatic Money Oracle Deck read caught on audio with Spirit Team regaling us with energy thumps, funny quips and some very clear line items about working with your money when your money doesn't seem to be working for you! BOOK YOUR OWN READ: https://www.somaticmoney.com/book-an-appointment/coaching-99-special/ AND KEEP UP ON THE 12 SOMATIC MONEY MAPS: https://the-magic-of-somatic-money.mybigcommerce.com/



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    27 mins
  • #36 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - Really? An Oracle Deck? Now?
    Nov 23 2023

    Just when I thought I was going to turn left with Somatic Money, my Spirit Team has me turning right! And through it, I'm bringing you along for the ride and sharing the inside baseball about how my Spirit Team is walking me through a phenomenal pairing of dialing in Somatic Money information technology with my business platform, marketing, metaphysics and video for a pivotal change. It's kinda mind blowing how this is coming together in an unimaginable way -- I couldn't have dreamed it up better if I tried! So, tune in for the unfolding and find out the new directional changes here for Season Four. ORACLE PAGE: https://the-magic-of-somatic-money.mybigcommerce.com/oracle/


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    26 mins
  • #35 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - The Magical Gems Delivered In Storms
    Nov 14 2023

    Buckle up babes. This is the personal story I didn't know I needed to tell, encouraged by my Spirit Team. And now that I've set it to audio, holy-palooza, because I let 'er rip. So, go get your favorite beverage and settle in for this insider feminine tale, woman-to-woman, about how we are sometimes living our lives through the centers of our life storms and the strength it takes. (And fellas, this is for you too because this is a cautionary tale revealing how being supportively aware with your partner is now the rule, not the exception). As for Somatic Money? The loose theme here is about how the things in this story connect deeply, into the interior of our money lives -- the inner partnerships, exchanges and agreements of our second chakras buried in the roots of our bodies. So, let's begin! (And trigger warning. I do swear a bit like a sailor in a few places during this recording. Kinda had to 😁). https://www.somaticmoney.com

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    53 mins
  • #34 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - The Power of Prayer
    Nov 6 2023

    We are at a vital tipping point on the planet. Rather than ignore this, with the guidance of my Spirit Team, I've decided to step into the center of the storm and call upon our power to pray so that we may actively and consciously choose to tip the tide on Planet Earth towards peace. We might not have the power individually to set global policy, but as a collective, with our consciousness, our voices, our presences and our platforms, we have the power to make a difference. And the difference I want to make is a very specific and conscious call, globally, to the power of prayer for peace in Ukraine, Congo and Israel and The Gaza Strip. Join me for a powerful podcast so that you may tune in and choose to deliver your power of light, through conscious prayer, for peaceful resolutions on our precious planet. https://www.somaticmoney.com

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    36 mins
  • #33 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - Money Story Symbolism: The FROG
    Nov 1 2023

    Well, zippity-doo-dah. I was going to wait a day, but Spirit Team is like, "Post The Frog tonight!" So, in the spirit of October 31st and All Hallow's Eve, here's the fun and fantastical story about how a little ole' frog provided a powerful symbolic message for me with money and my business! I recorded this at the height of trick-or-treat energy in the air in the Pacific Northwest, with the vibe of my witch lineage wafting through. Tune in for a fun and informative listen about how the symbolic messaging from the Cosmos is alive and well everyday of our lives. And join me at this month's Roundtable: Decoding Your Financial Symbolism at https://www.somaticmoney.com/book-an-appointment/roundtable/roundtable-decode-your-financial-symbolism/

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    37 mins
  • #32 - The Somatic Money Coaching Podcast - Energetic Protection for Identity Theft
    Oct 27 2023

    Money is such a confluence of complexity in our lives -- and none more so than when the effort to reduce debt gets mixed up with identity theft and technology which can then get mixed up with raising ones vibration with the new money codes. This very special podcast is a money story of one such situation for a client of mine who is courageous and gracious enough to allow me to share this anonymous telling so that we can all be more aware, protect ourselves AND learn about some of the potential interior meanings. Lean in for a short, but rich listen. https://www.somaticmoney.com

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    23 mins