• Chapter 2
    Oct 20 2023

    "Today, we're going to delve into Revelation Chapter 2, which contains a series of messages to the seven churches in Asia Minor. These messages are critical to understanding the overall message and themes of the Book of Revelation. Each letter follows a consistent pattern of commendation, criticism, and exhortation, offering specific guidance to these early Christian communities.

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    29 mins
  • Revelation Chapter One
    Oct 18 2023

    Revelation Chapter 1 is the opening chapter of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible. It serves as an introduction to the apocalyptic and prophetic content of the book. In this chapter:

    1. The author, traditionally believed to be the Apostle John, introduces himself and describes his circumstances, stating that he was on the island of Patmos when he received a series of divine visions.

    2. John describes a vision of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His majesty and divinity. Jesus is depicted as walking among seven golden lampstands, which symbolize the seven churches to whom this book is addressed.

    3. Jesus' appearance is described in symbolic and awe-inspiring terms, with elements such as white hair, fiery eyes, and a voice like rushing waters, underscoring His authority and power.

    4. The chapter also mentions the Alpha and Omega, which signifies the beginning and the end, emphasizing Jesus's eternal nature.

    5. John acknowledges his mission to record the revelations he has received and sends greetings to the seven churches of Asia Minor, to whom this book is primarily addressed.

    In essence, Revelation Chapter 1 sets the stage for the prophetic and symbolic content that follows in the rest of the book, with a focus on the exalted and divine nature of Jesus Christ.

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    16 mins
  • Introduction Of the Kingdom Of God
    Oct 13 2023

    In this episode, we delve into the foundational concept of comprehending the Kingdom of God. It explores the stark contrast between traditional religious practices and the essence of the Kingdom of God. Within this perspective, believers are encouraged to adopt the principles of God rather than adhering to mere religious rituals.

    Central to this understanding is the idea that believers, who are considered citizens of the Kingdom of God, are called to embody and live out the values and teachings of this divine realm. They are not limited by the boundaries of traditional religion but see themselves as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. This ambassadorial role means that they carry the responsibility of representing and promoting the principles, love, and justice that characterize the Kingdom in their daily lives.

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    20 mins
  • Embracing The Kingdom: Love, Redemptions, and Hope
    Oct 5 2023

    Exploring the Kingdom of God. A comprehensive study. In this episode, we will embark on a journey of discovery. A journey into the heart of a message that has transformed lives, nations, and the course of human history. The message of the Kingdom of God.

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    17 mins
  • Understanding The Kingdom's Philosophy
    Oct 5 2023

    What Is the Source of Philosophy?

    • Precept
    • Concept
    • Ideology
    • Theology
    • Philosophy
    • Mentality
    • Kingdom Of God
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    17 mins
  • My Personal Belief System of the Kingdom of God
    Sep 23 2023

    In today's podcast episode, I shared my evolving belief system and spiritual journey. I expressed that I have distanced myself from modern-day Christianity and have embraced a strong commitment to being a Bible believer, specifically focusing on the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the Kingdom of God.

    During the episode, I discussed how my faith has shifted away from traditional religious practices and doctrines and toward a more profound exploration of the core principles taught by Jesus. This journey has led me to prioritize understanding and embodying the Kingdom of God as described in the Bible.

    I elaborated on how my perspective has evolved, emphasizing the importance of living out the principles of love, compassion, and ethical living that Jesus exemplified in his teachings. My belief system now centers around a personal relationship with Jesus and a dedication to following his guidance for a more meaningful and purpose-driven life.

    Throughout the podcast, I highlighted the transformative impact this shift has had on my life and how it continues to shape my worldview and actions. This spiritual journey, rooted in a commitment to the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus, has become a guiding principle in my belief system.

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    13 mins
  • The King's Message (Trailer)
    1 min
  • What Was The Original assignment of Jesus?
    Sep 17 2022

    Rediscovering the original purpose and assignment of Jesus. He came to bring to mankind something more than a religion. He didn't come to give us Christianity but something else. What was it? In this episode, we will learn what was God's original motive and what Jesus came to fulfill. 

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    25 mins