The game of baseball is introduced to the East Bay region as far back as the 1840's when entrepreneurial, risk-takers from the east move to Neuva Claifornia in search of gold, and bring the game with them, in their westward expansion of the young country. By 1866, the city is gripped with baseball fever, and Oakland semi-pro teams begin to compete with teams in neighboring San Francisco for regional baseball supremacy. This week we do a deep-depth profile on the History Of Baseball In Oakland from 1866-2024. From the game's infancy, the vaunted Pacific Coast League run as the Oaks, The rich and vibrant Negro League Teams such as the Marysville Colored Giants, the Athens Colored Elite and the Oakland Larks, as well as the third leg of the A's MLB journey by way of Philadelphia and Kansas City. 56 years of Oaland Athletics baseball; from the colorful and successful Charlie Finley era of three consecutive World Championships during the early 1970's, the Bash Brothers era of the late eighties, the Billy Beane Moneyball Era of the 2000's, to their planned departure for the Mojave Desert Of Nevada. This week we say good-bye to one of the brightest stars in the baseball universe being snuffed out of existence, and study the region it called home for all those summers. #NuevaCalifornia #AlexanderCartwright #ColonelTomRobinson #OaklandColonels #PacificCoastLeague #MarysvilleColoredGiants #AthensColoredElite #OaklandLarks #OaklandOaks #Acorns #OaksStadium #Emeryville #OaklandAthletics #CharlesOFinley #EdwardHassJr #BillyBeane #BashBrothers #Moneyball #SutterHealthStadium #LasVegasNevada