• The final curtain
    Apr 27 2022
    The day has come to draw a close on the experiment that was The Daily Breakdown podcast. I can't thank you all enough for your loyalty over the years. Your emails, support and kindness have meant the world to me - but most of all have been your responses to the difficult episodes we've been through together.The offer remains - if you come through Canberra, please let me know - feedme@dailybreakdown.com.au. You've been an amazing audience.Thank you for everything.
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    3 mins
  • You can't buy a political party, but you can buy candidates
    Apr 26 2022
    If you went to Labor or the Libs and said, "hey, here's $15 million, I want you to legislate to help my investments", you might be in a spot of bother. But what if you did it with individual candidates?
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    24 mins
  • Anzac Day should be the glue that binds all Australians
    Apr 25 2022
    Anzac Day should be the ideal that binds the nation - not just the multi-generation Australians, it should be the story that makes Australia attractive to new arrivals and gives us all an ideal to aim for. Maybe that's why the left hates Anzac so much: it exposes their moral weakness.In other news, the media keeps hammering Katherine Deves in Warringah. We explore why - and why this issue is bigger than a candidate in a seat she will lose.
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    38 mins
  • We can't function without 'good faith' discussion
    Apr 21 2022
    Scott Morrison sure put his foot in it when he used the word 'blessed'. Or did he? There's much more to his comments than what you heard in the virtue-signalling pile on that is ruining our ability to discuss any topic in Australia.
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    27 mins
  • One, two three four, I declare a culture war
    Apr 20 2022
    'Politics is downstream of culture', which means if you control the commanding heights of culture - academia, the media, entertainment, the public sector, non-government organisations - you have enormous power beyond the ballot box.
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    27 mins
  • The Greens aren't funny anymore: they're mad, deluded and dangerous
    Apr 19 2022
    You're right to laugh at the Greens. Their economic policies are madness. They have no connection with reality. But if you think they're bad with money, wait till you see what they want to do wih national security. They're living in fantasy land ... and they could decide the next Prime Minister.
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    29 mins
  • Conservatives 'pounce' in the culture war - and it's about time
    Apr 18 2022
    The left starts the culture wars and they get shirty when we realise what they're doing and fight back. That's what's happening now in the transgender debate and the opponents of common sense are circling their wagons.
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    49 mins
  • Rorting is a feature, not a bug
    Apr 14 2022
    There is a movement across Australia to have a federal anti-corruption body. Well-meaning people think this will stop the most egregious examples of political skulduggery and protect the public purse. As if. The worst pilfering of the public purse doesn't occur behind closed doors. It's in the open. It's bipartisan. And there's nothing we can do about it. Today, two examples. And if you're not angry, it's because you haven't heard about them yet.
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    31 mins