Lidia Porto, a Colombian descent movie and tv actress, visits DK Project to talk about her working in the movie industry, movies that she took part in, having a significant role, and having to love her job as a whole. Porto started taking an interest in becoming an actress and working in television in the late 80s. She
appeared in multiple tv shows and movies such as Get shorty (tv adaptation of the movie), Curb your enthusiasm, Shameless, Queenpins, and more! She has worked with famous actors like Ray Romano and Jason Bateman as well.
Lidia and Darren will talk about the life of an actress, how her journey started, and where it is headed. They also talked about how she loves her job as an actress and changed her life forever. They have also talked about the people Lidia has
worked with and how she learned from them. There's also an ongoing show called Home economics.
1:00 Lidia Porto talks about her roles in various movie and television
14:00 Lidia's journey in her career
17:00 Lidia's previous jobs in Houston
23:07 Current projects of Lidia
33:21 Lidia's upcoming projects
55:09 new upcoming movie: Acquaintance
1:00:17 Home economics show
Lidia Porto's Words of Wisdom / Quotations:
"Take those opportunities when they come; live in the moment."
Connect with Lidia Porto
Twitter: @LaLidiaPorto
Instagram: @lalidiaporto
Keep in touch!
the studio line at 612-504-6500 or by email the and
of course, there's always social media as the DK project podcast.
It starts at 21: 03
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