• Encourage Yourself to Cross The Line
    Oct 4 2024

    Do you know that not everyone will applaud your every choice? Some will say they are with you, they're not. Some may sprinkle a little doubt or withhold any encouragement.

    Then there is — you, yes you! You can sometimes be your own worst enemy. Sometimes you have to stand in your mirror and pat yourself on the back, encourage yourself!

    Push yourself! First, eliminate the distractions, and turn off those negative comments.

    Remember what Paul says, forget those things that are behind, and reach forward to those things that are ahead!

    Believe in yourself!


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes


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    5 mins
    Oct 3 2024

    Cross The Line! We should not let anything take our eyes off our goal—knowing Christ. With the single-mindedness of an athlete in training, we must lay aside everything and make up our minds. The decision to move forward or stay in place should be yours and yours alone.


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes


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    5 mins
    Oct 2 2024

    Jabez prayed specifically to be protected from harm and pain. We live in a fallen world filled with sin, and it is important to ask God to keep us safe from the unavoidable evil that comes our way.

    As we grow we learn spiritually those things that we should stay away from. If we are not careful the things that are not right in the sight of the LORD can easily become part of our nature. But we must also avoid evil motives, desires, and actions that begin within us.

    Therefore, not only must we seek God's protection from evil, but we must also ask God to guard our thoughts and actions. We can utilize His protection by filling our minds with positive thoughts and attitudes.


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes


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    5 mins
  • "Watchman for the house of Israel"
    Oct 1 2024

    Could you lie on your side for 390 days and only eat an eight-ounce meal a day that was cooked over manure? Shave all your off body? What if you were told you could not show any sorrow at the loss of your husband or wife? Could you do it? Ezekiel was a man who chose to obey God without question. Beginning with his call as a prophet and commissioning as a "watchman for the house of Israel, ".

    God may not ask you to do anything quite so dramatic or difficult; as He asked of Ezekiel; but if He did, would you do it?

    Ezekiel was a man who chose to obey God without question. How about you?


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes


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    6 mins
    Sep 30 2024

    Worthless worry. We give so much energy away to worry. We worry about things that take up much of our time and add pressure to our hearts. We worry about the things that we cannot change instead of placing such things in the hands of God.

    Psalms 91 says, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And what better place is there to be?

    Let's put ourselves in the Hands of the One, The Most High who made us a sincere promise to keep us and be with us no matter what storm or storms may come against us. He is our Rock and Shield, our Mighty God.


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes

    Grace For The Moment | Full Life Bible Commentary

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    9 mins
    Sep 29 2024

    A Chosen People: Believers are set apart from the world to belong completely to God (Acts 20:28; Tit. 2:14) and proclaim the gospel of salvation to His glory and praise.

    "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9

    He picked you out!


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes

    FLB | GFTM

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    3 mins
  • Trusting God in Adversity
    Sep 16 2024

    TRUSTING GOD IN ADVERSITY. It is easy to think that we have all the answers. In reality, only God knows exactly why things happen as they do, and we must submit to Him as our Sovereign.

    A Test of Faith, trust God even when you can't trace Him.

    Trust and know He already knows just what you need.


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes


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    7 mins
    Sep 13 2024

    "Ever good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

    The Bible often compares goodness with light and evil with darkness.

    The purpose of God giving us spiritual gifts is clear. God, our Father who art in Heaven and loves us infinitely, has gifted us with gifts. Think of the gift of free will, the gift of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    We are ever so thankful for the wonderful gifts of God!


    Presiding Elder Barbara Hayes

    Grace For The Moment | LAB

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    5 mins