
  • #9 - Timothy Good (Johnson County DA-Elect)
    Nov 8 2024

    Timothy M. Good is the District Attorney-Elect for Johnson and Somervell counties, but until he takes office on January 1, he is serving Of Counsel for Varghese Summersett. In this video, Tim sits down with Managing Partner Benson Varghese and discusses his decision to spend time learning the defense side before taking over as top prosecutor, what qualities he looks for in prosecutors and defense attorneys, and his plans for the future of the DA's office. Don't miss this episode of "Take this Down with Benson Varghese."

    Varghese Summersett is a premiere personal injury, criminal defense, and family law practice in Texas dedicated to helping people through their toughest times. The firm's roster is full of experienced, award-winning attorneys who are the best at what they do.

    Varghese Summersett PLLC



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    35 mins
  • #8 - Ezio Leite (Therapist Explains Psychosexual Evaluations)
    Feb 5 2024

    Ezio Leite, director of Psychotherapy Services & Yokefellows (PSY), is a leading expert in psychosexual evaluations - an assessment often given to defendants accused of sexual offenses. In this video, Ezio sits down with Board Certified Criminal Attorney Benson Varghese to explain what a psychosexual examination entails, why it is given, and how it can be a valuable tool for prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges.

    Ezio has performed more than 1000 psychosexual assessments and has been called to testify more than 100 times.

    Don't miss this fascinating episode of "The Breakdown with Benson Varghese."

    #EzioLeite #PsychosexualExaminations #TheBreakdownWithBensonVarghese

    Learn more about Ezio Leite and the services his team provides:


    Learn more about psychosexual examinations:


    Varghese Summersett PLLC




    Board Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas.

    We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.


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    35 mins
  • #7 - David Conklin (Ex-Officer Shares Mistakes Cops Make in DWI Cases)
    Aug 4 2023
    Former Police Officer David Conklin has investigated hundreds of DWI cases and won several awards for exemplary service. Now, he serves as a consultant for defense attorneys, pointing out mistakes in police investigations and poking holes in prosecutors' cases. David sat down with attorney Benson Varghese and talked about all things DWI, including sharing inside information about DWI investigations and common mistakes that officers make.Don't miss this episode of "The Breakdown with Benson Varghese."#davidconklin #dwicases #thebreakdownYou can find David Conklin at Private Investigation Endeavors, LLC www.piendeavors.com@piendeavorsdavid@piendeavors.comVarghese Summersett PLLChttps://www.versustexas.comhttps://www.familytexas.comhttps://www.versusinjury.comBoard Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas. We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.@versustexasMajor Practice AreasFort Worth DWI Lawyers: https://www.versustexas.com/fort-worth-dwi-lawyer/Sexual Assault Defense: https://www.versustexas.com/sexual-assault-texas/Federal Criminal Defense: https://www.versustexas.com/federal-criminal-defense/Assault Attorneys: https://versustexas.com/assault-in-texas/Drug Charges: https://versustexas.com/fort-worth-drug-lawyer/possession/ Juvenile Defense: https://versustexas.com/juvenile-defense/
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    32 mins
  • #6 - Kristy Smith (Former DEA Investigator)
    Apr 25 2023
    Former DEA Investigator Kristy Smith has seen first-hand the dangers and devastation of fentanyl, which is now the deadliest and most accessible street drug in the United States. In 2021, 4 out of 10 fake prescription pills seized by the DEA contained fentanyl. In 2022, that number increased to every 6 out of 10 pills containing fentanyl. Smith says now is the time to talk to your children about the dangers of fentanyl overdoses and how "one pill can kill." Don't miss this extremely important conversation between Benson Varghese and Kristy Smith, who now works as a consultant for criminal attorneys and registrants regarding DEA compliance.PLLChttps://www.versustexas.com https://www.familytexas.com https://www.versusinjury.com YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwwYfelc6h4G8Dj38fEz6iABoard Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas. We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.@versustexasConnect with Varghese Summersetthttps://www.facebook.com/versustexashttps://twitter.com/versustexashttps://www.instagram.com/versustexas/https://www.linkedin.com/company/3715834/
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    24 mins
  • #5 - Brian Cuban (The Addicted Lawyer)
    Mar 31 2023
    Attorney Brian Cuban’s alcohol addiction began when he was in law school at the University of Pittsburg and only got worse from there. He shares his experience and his road to recovery in his book, The Addicted Lawyer: Tales of the Bar, Booze, Blow, and Redemption. Cuban sat down with Attorney Benson Varghese, to discuss his journey, including his advice to attorneys and law school students facing the same substance abuse issues he did. He tells people who are struggling, "Today is as it is Ever Going to Get."Listen now on the "Breakdown with Benson Varghese".#bensonvarghese #briancuban #thebreakdownwithsheldonCuban’s book, The Addicted Lawyer: Tales of the Bar, Booze, Blow and Redemption, can be purchased at Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com.Varghese Summersett PLLC https://www.versustexas.comBoard Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas. We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant and Dallas counties and surrounding areas. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.@versustexas
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    17 mins
  • #4 - Chris Monroe ('Prison Gave Me a Reboot')
    Mar 31 2023
    Chris Monroe is a client who attorney Benson Varghese will never forget. A former Division 1 basketball player, Chris got addicted to drugs in college. More than a decade later, he was arrested in a large-scale methamphetamine ring and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison. Now free, Chris is sharing his incredible journey - and why going to prison was the best thing that ever happened to him.#chrismonroe #prison #breakdownwithbenson #secondshotVarghese Summersett PLLC https://www.versustexas.comBoard Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas. We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.@versustexas
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    37 mins
  • #3 - Kayla Walker (Retired Officer Gives the Lowdown on Sex Crime Investigations)
    Mar 31 2023
    Retired Police Officer Kayla Walker shares her experiences investigating sexual assault accusations. Now a private investigator, Kayla discusses how easy it is for someone to be arrested and charged with this life-altering accusation with little or no evidence.Don't miss this important conversation between a former cop and defense attorney in this episode of "The Breakdown with Benson Varghese."#kaylawalker #sexcrimes #breakdownwithbenson Varghese Summersett PLLChttps://www.versustexas.comBoard Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas.We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties.We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.@versustexas
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    35 mins
  • #2 - Tiffany Burks (Candidate for Tarrant County DA)
    Mar 31 2023

    Tiffany Burks, who is running for Tarrant County District Attorney, sat down with Benson Varghese to talk about her decision to run and answer some important questions about this closely-watched race.Don't miss this episode of "The Breakdown with Benson Varghese" to learn more about this candidate, her experience, and her plans if she is elected.#bensonvarghese #thebreakdown #tiffanyburks #tarrantcountydistrictattorney Varghese Summersett PLLC https://www.versustexas.comBoard Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas.We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.@versustexas

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    29 mins