
  • Episode 019: Basic Things That Turned Out Awkward, Irrational Fears, What To Do With Your Final Day Alive, Movies That Should Have Gotten A Sequel
    Nov 16 2020

    Episode 019 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    Similarly, there are only 19 plagues left in the year. Eat, drink and be merry!

    Our first topic is things that turned out waaaaaaaaaay more awkward from what you expected. How Chris thought a jar of peanut butter, a hungry Pomeranian, and her sheer machismo could’ve ended any other way is beyond the rest of us, but we applaud how forthcoming he was.

    Our second topic is what’s your crazy, most irrational fear. Most of us have fond memories of Lex’s “Is this the Gehrig” phase. As an aside, his new fear is why Producer Dave was taking such vigorous notes while Chris described his trust in our first topic...

    Our third topic is what you’d do if you knew it was your final day alive. Given the state of the world, our best guess is Art’s read the writing on the wall. Stay tuned for our Very Special Memorial Edition of That was Disappointing coming soon!

    Our final topic is what movie didn’t get a sequel that should have. We didn’t have the heart to tell Ken that his pick of The Land Before Time was unwarranted. And why does Howard the Duck keep coming up in these film topics!

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    57 mins
  • Episode 020: Best/Worst Video Games To Get Stuck In, Disappointments In High School, Tattoos, Horrifying Drug PSAs
    Nov 23 2020

    Episode 020 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    Only one episode until we’re of legal age to drink. Please don’t check our college records.

    Our first topic is what would be the best (and conversely, worst) video game worlds to live in. I guess we should count ourselves lucky Art’s choice wasn’t The Guy Game. Seriously, Wiki (is that a verb?) it. Still, Animal Crossing gave us all pause.

    Our second topic is what was your biggest disappointments from high school. Surprisingly, James’ wasn’t that he was locked in the locker every other day. Now, how Producer Dave was the one shoving kids into lockers everyday is anyone’s guess.

    Our third topic is tattoos. If forced to get one, what would be your first (or next) tattoo? Lex’s choice of Gadget (from Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers fame) on his derrière was... yeah.

    Our final topic is what were the Drug PSA’s that scarred you growing up. From diving into empty swimming pools to... well, we kinda ran out of ideas there. But hey, fun topic regardless. Take a bow, Ben!

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    1 hr
  • Episode 021: A Thanksgiving Power Hour (Bonus Episode)
    Nov 26 2020

    Episode 021 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    We celebrate turning 21 by doing something really, really stupid.

    Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over-and-over and expecting different results. I’d like to think he’d also say doing a power hour (when you’re an old fogey) is equally as stupid.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Episode 022: Popular TV Shows We Find Meh, What Animal Would You Splice With Genetically, Personal Chauffeur or Chef, & Guilty Pleasure YouTube Videos
    Nov 30 2020

    Episode 022 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    How are we still on the air!? 🤡

    Our first topic is what popular TV show was just “meh” to you. We get it, Tim. You don’t like SpongeBob SquarePants because of the anthropomorphism. yawns Meanwhile, we don’t have the heart to tell Dave that Candle Cove is creepypasta (Wiki it!) and wasn’t something he actually watched as a kid...

    Our second topic is what animal would you choose to splice with genetically, if given the chance. I suppose we should be proud of the fact that Art didn’t choose a horse, but let’s be honest, he’s just kidding himself.

    Our third topic is what would you rather have: personal chef, live-in maid or private chauffeur. Lex found out all of his friends are too lazy to cook a TV dinner. Meanwhile, perhaps we shouldn’t mention that he already has a maid service that stops by once a week.

    Our final topic is what are your guilty pleasure YouTube videos. We’re proud of the fact that Mike admits he’s behind some of the Elsagate videos (again, Wiki it!) and will seek the necessary help to fight this addiction. The first step is always to admit there’s a problem.

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Episode 023: Which Action Hero Would Be Your Wingman, When Is It Too Early To Decorate For Christmas, Last Meal, Past Hobbies Recently Picked Up Again
    Dec 7 2020

    Episode 023 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    It’s the Attack of the Dan(s)!

    Our first topic is what popular superhero you’d choose as your wingman. After all, we need all the help we can get. That said, Dan S., how many times do we have to tell you that the answer is always Batman? Next!

    Our second topic is when is it too early (if ever) to decorate for the holidays. It’s Lex’s opinion that there’s a bunch of Scrooge McDuck’s (heh) on this panel. Hell, Producer Dave leaves his up year round... mostly because he’s afraid of ladders.

    Our third topic is what you would have as your last meal. Basically, Art would spend the remainder of his hours at Golden Corral. A fitting end, wouldn’t you say? At least he didn’t pick Sizzler!

    Our final topic is what hobbies you’ve revisited during lockdown. It’s not like we don’t have the time nowadays, amiright? Dan M. has aspired to be even more of a handsome devil during the pandemic. Not a hobby per se, but we’ll let him roll with it.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Episode 024: Disappointing Sexual Encounters, Bruce Wayne vs Iron Man, Maryland Landmark Memories, Confounding Things About Younger Generations
    Dec 14 2020

    Episode 024 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    Jack Bauer was a badass. That is all.

    Our first topic is our disappointing sexual encounters. Apparently, Mike was looking to get some blackmail on the rest of us. He realizes we don’t have any shame, right? *insert flaccid eggplant emoji here*

    Our second topic is one for the ages: Bruce Wayne vs. Iron Man. No, that’s not a typo. Batman’s alter ego vs. his Marvel doppelgänger, dressed to the nines in any of his suits. Lex will always have the Dark Knight’s back. *insert fully erect eggplant emoji here*

    Our third topic is memories of our bygone youth in Maryland. Because if there’s one thing our sole listener in South Korea gives a shit about, it’s happenings across the world in our halcyon days. That’s Strike 2, Ben. Keep it up and you’ll be a permanent host before you know it.

    Our final topic is what we find confounding about today’s youth. Is this what we’ve become? Fuddy duddies in our old age. Well, at least Art has the baldness to go with his advanced age. Meanwhile, Producer Dave just has the hemorrhoids.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 025: A Very Disappointing Christmas
    Dec 21 2020

    Episode 025 of That Was Disappointing is Live.

    Hey... Christmas is December 25! How’s that for topical!?

    Join Art, Lex, Producer Dave and returning guest panelists Kelly, Mike, Matt, Jeff and Tim, as we dry up all the remaining good cheer for this year with a litany of holiday topics. We put the “bah” into Bah Humbug, baby! Happy Festivus!!!

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    1 hr