
  • Your Studio's Website (Probably) Sucks - Here's How To Fix It
    Feb 5 2024

    Who Is Your Website Actually For?

    Is your studio website helping you attract the right clients? Most producer/engineer websites focus too much on factoids and accomplishments rather than showing your ideal customers how you can solve their specific problems.

    In this video, I explain why your website should be focused on serving your ideal clients, not just anyone who stumbles onto it (because it's 2024 and people don't just stumble onto websites). I share techniques for identifying and speaking directly to the goals and struggles of your ideal clients.

    This will completely change how you should be thinking about your website. It's not about you and what you've done, it's about them and how you can guide them to success. Learn how to position yourself as the Yoda to your ideal clients' Luke Skywalker throughout your website.

    ***Get access to my FREE Brand Identity Worksheet***

    ***Communicating The Care: Attract Your Ideal Studio Clients***

    ***Learn More: http://www.CarlBahner.com

    Intro music: “Gingerly” (instrumental) by Surname. Mixed by yours truly.
    @CarlBahner on Instagram

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    13 mins
  • Overcoming Social Media Content Creation Anxiety
    Jan 22 2024

    Struggling with fear, nerves or uncertainty about creating social media content? Learn how I overcame my own overwhelming anxiety about filming YouTube, TikTok and Instagram videos. I'll share actionable tips for managing vlogging stress, including the game-changing video editing web app helping me rapidly transform messy first drafts into polished, magnetic content. If you battle lack of confidence, worries about looking dumb on camera or crippling self-doubt, this episode will equip you with strategies for becoming an assured, articulate content creator. Tune in to discover solutions to your social media imposter syndrome and finally create content consistently!

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    10 mins
  • Talking To One Thousand Strangers
    Jan 8 2024

    As we take on the new year, many of us set lofty financial goals that end up falling flat. If that sounds familiar, tune in as I share my surprising plan for career and income growth in 2024 that does NOT rely on a specific dollar figure.

    After expanding my family and missing last year’s money goals thanks to an adorable (but time-sucking) new baby, I knew I needed to shake things up. Rather than set myself up for frustration with more stretch goals, I’m trying a refreshing new tactic: conversations with 1,000 strangers.

    Introverts, hang in there with me! Networking doesn’t have to be scary if you focus on quality over quantity. I’ll share how having just THREE meaningful new connections daily can supercharge your career and creativity without burning out.

    If you obsess over revenue spreadsheets but end each year disappointed, it’s time to shift your focus. Join me as I step out of my tracking-obsessed comfort zone and prioritize meeting interesting people instead. Not only will this open new creative doors, but business growth is sure to follow!

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    11 mins
  • The 10,000 Failures Rule
    Sep 25 2023

    An adaptation to Malcolm Gladwell's "10,000 Hours" rule, where we consider collecting failures like trophies on the path to mastery and fearlessness.

    Intro music: “Gingerly” (instrumental) by Surname. Mixed by yours truly.
    Focus music by
    Pink Coyote.
    Outro music:
    “Futurism” (instrumental) by mrnoname. Produced and mixed by yours truly.
    @CarlBahner on Instagram
    @ThanksForThinkingPodcast on Instagram

    FREE Resources for Studio Pros now available at carlbahner.com/resources

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    15 mins
  • Risk is Not a Four-Letter Word
    Sep 18 2023

    Change will happen whether we're ready or not. In this episode, I talk about how seizing opportunities outside my comfort zone completely reshaped my music career.

    Intro music: “Gingerly” (instrumental) by Surname. Mixed by yours truly.
    Focus music by
    Pink Coyote.
    Outro music:
    “Futurism” (instrumental) by mrnoname. Produced and mixed by yours truly.
    @CarlBahner on Instagram
    @ThanksForThinkingPodcast on Instagram

    FREE Resources for Studio Pros now available at carlbahner.com/resources

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    18 mins
  • Episode 19: The Undisciplined Pursuit of More
    Aug 4 2022

    After the first time I did a year-in-review to count how many songs I worked on, I was determined to beat that number the next year. Why? Honestly I’m not sure. I just felt compelled to beat that number. I wanted more. More clients. More songs. More money. More students.

    Then I heard the phrase “undisciplined pursuit of more” and it hit me like a wrecking ball that shattered a blind spot in my self-awareness. When I heard it mentioned on a podcast (not knowing what the original context was) my mind started racing.

    It made me realize that I had been spending so much time, thought, and energy on making SMART goals and achieving them, without stopping to ask myself two frustratingly simple questions:

    1. “What would it mean to my life, my family, and my career if I achieve this goal?”

    And, maybe more importantly:

    1. “What would it mean to my life, my family, and my career if I DON’T achieve this goal?”

    For years I’ve been setting goals and achieving them, without thinking explicitly about WHY I chose those particular goals in the first place - other than those numbers were bigger than the year before.


    Join the Thanks For Thinking Podcast Community on Discord

    Intro music: “Gingerly” (instrumental) by Surname. Mixed by yours truly.

    Focus music by Pink Coyote.

    Outro music: “Futurism” (instrumental) by mrnoname. Produced and mixed by yours truly.

    @CarlBahner on Instagram

    @ThanksForThinkingPodcast on Instagram


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    20 mins
  • Episode 18: Failing On The Shoulders Of Giants
    May 31 2022

    There’s an old metaphor, made famous by Sir Isaac Newton, about making scientific progress by adding to the knowledge already discovered by those who came before us. You’ve probably heard it before: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

    This holds true for intellectual and artistic pursuits, and in my experience, it holds true for failure, as well.

    “Learn from somebody else’s mistakes” is probably a familiar concept, and deep down, the motivation is pretty primal and instinctive: if we learn from somebody else’s mistakes, we can protect ourselves from failure, and ultimately, protect ourselves from embarrassment.

    But over the past few years, I’ve taken a much more proactive approach to failure - failing boldly and often, while trying to learn as much as I can about myself and my craft along the way. I no longer look at “second-hand failure wisdom” as a way to avoid my own failure - on the contrary, I look at it as an opportunity to make brand new mistakes and fail at things that other people haven’t tried yet. This podcast is a perfect example, blending a short-form music business podcast with guided self-reflection exercises. I mean, why make all the same mistakes as everyone else, when I can spend my time learning from new ones?

    I may even be so bold as to adapt the Sir Newton’s quote: “If I have seen further, it is by failing on the shoulders of giants.”


    Join the Thanks For Thinking Podcast Community on Discord

    Intro music: “Gingerly” (instrumental) by Surname. Mixed by yours truly.

    Focus music by Pink Coyote.

    Outro music: “Futurism” (instrumental) by mrnoname. Produced and mixed by yours truly.

    @CarlBahner on Instagram

    @ThanksForThinkingPodcast on Instagram


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    13 mins
  • Episode 17: Choose Your Words Wisely
    Apr 27 2022

    Last night, I was having a conversation with a new potential student, trying to figure if we would be a great fit to work with one another. We had spoken briefly a few times before, and I knew he listens to this podcast (you know who you are).

    By the end of the conversation, we had our first session scheduled and paid. He thanked me and said he looked forward to learning and hearing my thoughts on some music she was going to be sending me after our chat. Instinctively, I started to type a response, saying something like “looking forward to working with you!”

    But I stopped myself before hitting send. Something didn’t feel right. I don’t mean something didn’t feel right about the student, or about the scheduled session… something didn’t feel right about saying “looking forward to working with you.”


    Join the Thanks For Thinking Podcast Community on Discord

    Intro music: “Gingerly” (instrumental) by Surname. Mixed by yours truly.

    Focus music by Pink Coyote.

    Outro music: “Futurism” (instrumental) by mrnoname. Produced and mixed by yours truly.

    @CarlBahner on Instagram

    @ThanksForThinkingPodcast on Instagram


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    14 mins