• Discourses of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani & Sharia 11-29-1990
    Jun 8 2024

    Spiritual Insights and Shariah Guidance: Embracing Patience and Contentment

    Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolin nabiyyil kareem. In this enlightening episode, recorded on the auspicious evening of November 29th, we delve into the profound discourses of Shaykh Jilani, focusing on the importance of patience and contentment in one's spiritual journey.

    The episode explores the eighth discourse, emphasizing the significance of not desiring a change in one's current state, whether higher or lower. Shaykh Jilani advises that true spiritual growth comes from accepting and patiently waiting for Allah's guidance and commands, rather than pursuing personal ambitions or desires.

    We also discuss practical aspects of Shariah, including etiquettes related to eating, drinking, and public bathing places. The importance of modesty, even in private, and the etiquettes of accepting and reciprocating gifts are highlighted. The teachings remind us to be mindful of our actions and to always turn to Allah in times of hardship, recognizing that everything happens by His will.

    Join us as we reflect on these teachings, aiming to deepen our understanding and strengthen our faith through patience, contentment, and adherence to Shariah.

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    40 mins
  • Sharia - 1-19-1991
    Jun 8 2024

    The Impact of Haram Earnings on Our Spiritual Life

    This episode dives deep into the serious consequences of earning haram (forbidden) income in Islam. The discussion emphasizes that earnings from improper sources cannot be purified simply by saying "Bismillah" (in the name of Allah) before consuming food bought with such money. The episode explores how the Shaitan (devil) becomes a companion to those who indulge in haram earnings and how such actions affect one's spiritual life and hereafter.

    The speaker references various Islamic teachings and quotes from the Quran and Hadith to illustrate the severity of this issue. The episode also touches on the importance of adopting piety, maintaining purity in one’s earnings, and the benefits of solitude and seclusion in nurturing a closer relationship with Allah. The discussion concludes with practical advice on adopting good etiquettes during travel and the significance of cleanliness and proper conduct in mosques.

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    38 mins
  • Virtues of Dzikr & Darood p.1 3-31-1990
    Jun 8 2024

    The Eternal Blessings: Understanding the Importance of Durood

    In this episode, we delve into the profound significance of sending peace and blessings (durood) on Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as commanded by Allah in the Qur'an. Our teacher, Bābā Barakat Ali, explains how Allah and His angels continuously send blessings on the Prophet, highlighting a unique and unparalleled honor given to no other human being.

    We explore the humility of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his exemplary character, and why following this divine command is an act of worship of Allah. Bābā Barakat Ali emphasizes the boundless nature of this act of devotion, its impact on our closeness to Allah, and how it transcends typical forms of worship by having no fixed number or limit.

    The episode also addresses common questions and misconceptions about the practice of durood, illustrating its spiritual depth and the immense virtue it holds. Lastly, a call for unity and collective effort among Muslims is made, urging us to focus on spreading the true message of Islam with the same zeal seen in other religious missions.

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    19 mins
  • The Essence of Iman: A Deeper Understanding
    Jun 2 2024

    A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

    This episode continues our exploration of Baba Barakat Ali's "Words of Wisdom," focusing on Volume No. 2. Today's discussion centers around the concept of Iman (faith) and its profound significance as articulated by Baba Barakat Ali. He emphasizes that the foundation of Iman begins with believing in the one who invites us to Iman—the Holy Messenger, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

    Barakat Ali explains that true salvation and success depend not just on our actions but fundamentally on our Iman. Good deeds, while rewarded in this world, do not hold eternal value without faith in the Prophet ﷺ. He elaborates on how the strength of our Iman directly correlates with our trust in Allah and our understanding of His oneness.

    The episode delves into the unique angle that Iman in the Prophet ﷺ is the gateway to Iman in Allah and the unseen truths conveyed through the Prophet's teachings. This foundation is crucial for understanding the Day of Judgment, paradise, hellfire, and other unseen realities.

    The discussion also highlights the importance of steadfastness (Isthaqamat) in our practices and the necessity of strong belief in the Prophet ﷺ to truly follow and obey his teachings. Barakat Ali expresses gratitude for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who guided humanity from darkness to light.

    In conclusion, the episode underscores that the fulcrum of our faith is the Prophet ﷺ, and the stronger our Iman in him, the stronger our overall Iman becomes. Listeners are encouraged to deepen their love and adherence to the Prophet’s teachings, thereby strengthening their faith in Allah.

    May Allah grant us the strength of Iman in the Prophet ﷺ and enable us to follow his example in every aspect of our lives. Ameen.

    Subhanakallahumma bihamd. Shadu l-la ila ilan tostah fil ma'at wa tu'l-layk.

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    21 mins
  • Sharia - March 10, 1990
    May 30 2024

    The Role of Hadith in the Compilation of Islamic Sharia

    In this episode, recorded on March 10th, we delve into the profound role of Hadith in the formation of Islamic Sharia. The episode begins by exploring the qualifications required for a transmitter of Hadith to be considered reliable, as agreed upon by scholars and jurists of Islam. Key figures such as Imam Bukhari, Ibn Majah, and Imam Malik are discussed, highlighting their contributions to the science of Hadith.

    We further examine the classifications of Hadith based on their reliability, including Sahih, Hassan, and Da'if, and the different categories within Da'if Hadith. The episode emphasizes the importance of understanding these classifications to avoid misconceptions, particularly the distinction between weak and fabricated Hadith.

    Additionally, we touch upon the teachings of notable Islamic scholars and saints, stressing the significance of accurate transmission and the spiritual dimensions of Hadith study. The episode concludes with reflections on the importance of time management, silence, and excellent manners in the life of a believer, as well as the centrality of Iman (faith) in ensuring the acceptance of good deeds by Allah.

    Join us as we navigate through these intricate topics, aiming to enrich our understanding of Islamic jurisprudence and the pivotal role Hadith plays within it.

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    51 mins
  • Virtues of Dzikr and Darood part 2 - July 12, 1991
    May 28 2024

    The Path of Purification: A Journey Through Zikr, Repentance, and Love

    In this episode of our Thursday Zikr Majlis, we delve into the deeper aspects of self-purification through Zikr, exploring its roots, virtues, and connection to the larger framework of spiritual cleansing. Continuing from our last discussion, we provide an overarching view of the paths leading through Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Abu Bakr, emphasizing the importance of verifying the authenticity of our spiritual guides.

    The discussion highlights the essential components of purification, focusing on Tawbah (repentance) and Istighfar (seeking forgiveness), and how these practices cleanse the heart and soul. We also examine the significance of Durood (sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and its profound impact on our spiritual journey.

    Through various Quranic verses and Hadiths, we explore the transformative power of these practices, understanding how they help us align our inner selves with the teachings of Islam. The episode underscores the ultimate goal of purification: to attain the pleasure of Allah and experience the divine light within our hearts.

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    37 mins
  • Eemaan part 2 11-17-1991
    May 28 2024

    Daar-ul-Ehsaan Center USA

    The Abode of Excellence in Worship

    Center #567

    Title: Eemaan part 2

    By: Bhai Sahib Muhammad Akthar 'Ali

    Recorded on November 17, 1991

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Eemaan Part 1 10-27-1991
    May 28 2024

    Daar-ul-Ehsaan Center USA

    The Abode of Excellence in Worship

    Center #567

    Title: Eemaan part 1

    By: Bhai Sahib Muhammad Akthar 'Ali

    Recorded on October 27, 1991

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    1 hr