• Ep 042 – Cosmetologist (My Barber Gilbert)
    Oct 7 2023
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! On today's episode of Take Me Through Your Day, we have my barber Gilbert! This was definitely one of the most fun and enjoyable episodes we've ever recorded and is dedicated to Gilbert and his family. #TakeMeTYD #barbershop #cosmetology Listen to Take Me Through Your Day TakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/apple TakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotify TakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcast Connect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.com Instagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagram Facebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebook Twitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter #TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ============================================== About the Podcast WHAT AM I LOOKING AT? This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers. WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available! WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • Ep 041 – Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto
    Sep 2 2023
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! This one is a big one for us. We happily welcome, probably our most famous guest thus far, the 60th mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto! This is only the beginning of our discussion with Bill and we look forward to having him on again for him to really take us through his day. Enjoy!#TakeMeTYD #politics #mayorListen to Take Me Through Your DayTakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/appleTakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotifyTakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcastConnect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.comInstagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagramFacebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebookTwitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter#TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ============================================== About the PodcastWHAT AM I LOOKING AT?This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers.WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available!WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    53 mins
  • Ep 040 – Audio Visual Technician
    Jun 23 2023
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! Join us today as we dive into the fascinating world of an audio visual technician. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as we unravel the hidden wonders that bring your favorite events to life! #TakeMeTYD #hdmicable #ihatecrocsListen to Take Me Through Your DayTakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/appleTakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotifyTakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcastConnect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.comInstagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagramFacebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebookTwitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter#TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ==============================================About the PodcastWHAT AM I LOOKING AT?This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers.WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available!WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    1 hr and 42 mins
  • Ep 038 – Screenwriter Greg Dawless Pt 2
    Mar 2 2023
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! We're back on Greg Dawless for part 2. Enjoy the show! #TakeMeTYD #MovieNerds #FailureToLaunchListen to Take Me Through Your DayTakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/appleTakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotifyTakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcastConnect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.comInstagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagramFacebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebookTwitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter#TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ==============================================About the PodcastWHAT AM I LOOKING AT?This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers.WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available!WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Ep 037 – Screenwriter Greg Dawless Pt 1
    Feb 10 2023
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! On this two-parter we introduce Greg Dawless. A screenwriter that takes us on an exciting ride through the screenwriting process with the big guys. #TakeMeTYD #MovieNerds #FailureToLaunchListen to Take Me Through Your DayTakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/appleTakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotifyTakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcastConnect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.comInstagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagramFacebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebookTwitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter#TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ==============================================About the PodcastWHAT AM I LOOKING AT?This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers.WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available!WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    1 hr and 53 mins
  • Ep 036 – Billy Bailey Pt 2 (aka DJ Dolla Bill)
    Oct 30 2022
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! Today we bring back our good friend from episode 026, Bill Bailey. Also known as, DJ Dolla Bill. Awesome ideas, great conversation. Enjoy! #TakeMeTYD #Party #Charity Listen to Take Me Through Your DayTakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/appleTakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotifyTakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcastConnect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.comInstagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagramFacebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebookTwitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter#TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ==============================================About the PodcastWHAT AM I LOOKING AT?This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers.WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available!WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • Ep 035 – 6th Grade Teacher
    Oct 1 2022
    Welcome back to Take Me Through Your Day! On this Crash Course episode we run through the day in the life of a 6th grade teacher in under 20 minutes! We have plenty more episodes in the bag so stick around for more! #TakeMeTYD #6thGrade #SaladsOfInstagram Listen to Take Me Through Your DayTakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/appleTakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotifyTakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcastConnect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.comInstagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagramFacebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebookTwitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter#TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers #DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5 ==============================================About the PodcastWHAT AM I LOOKING AT?This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people to give you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers.WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are out there and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different job opportunities available!WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymous individuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. The people we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employee to a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with an individual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating for us. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’t quite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking for options.
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    20 mins
  • Ep 034 – Chemistry Researcher
    Sep 2 2022
    Welcome to our first full episode back since our little hiatus! We happy to finally be back uploading again. This week we have a chemical researcher that that talks about that stuff that makes your fridge cold. We have a bunch of new episodes recorded that will be coming out in the coming weeks! We plan to release at least two episodes a month to get this ball rolling again! #TakeMeTYD #ChemicalResearcher #Refrigerator Listen to Take Me Through Your Day TakeMeTYD on Apple Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/apple TakeMeTYD on Spotify: http://takemetyd.com/spotify TakeMeTYD on Google Podcasts: http://takemetyd.com/gpodcast Connect with TakeMeTYD Website | http://takemetyd.com Instagram | http://takemetyd.com/instagram Facebook | http://takemetyd.com/facebook Twitter | http://takemetyd.com/twitter #TakeMeTYD #TakeMeThroughYourDay #AlwaysCareerDay #Podcast #Careers#DayInTheLife #Opportunities #FindingaJob #9to5============================================== About the Podcast WHAT AM I LOOKING AT? This is a podcast that take you through the daily lives of regular people togive you some insight on what it’s like to work in different careers. WHAT’S THE POINT? To show the world all of the different jobs that are outthere and to hopefully give some insight to someone looking for different jobopportunities available! WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? Most of the people interviewed here are anonymousindividuals who offered to share their story with us and our listeners. Thepeople we interview could be anyone from your average Joe coffee shop employeeto a famous local radio host to a top business executive. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Having a genuine conversation with anindividual that is willing to share their experience is very fascinating forus. In addition, we’d love to share these stories with everyone who doesn’tquite know what they want to do with their life and is just looking foroptions.
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    1 hr and 7 mins