• Bruneian students shared their experience with COVID-19 in China
    Apr 3 2020

    The World Health Organisation declared that COVID-19 is a pandemic, a global health emergency on January 30th. Two Bruneian students who studied in China shared their experiences about it. One was stranded in Hubei Province and one has taken an early step to go back to Brunei before the lockdown began in China. Listen to know more!


    Since Brunei imposed the practice of social distancing, this podcast is recorded over the internet in our respective houses. You may hear some delays and glitch depending as the recording rely on the speed of our internet connection.

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    1 hr and 48 mins
  • Does speaking English with an accent makes you superior?
    Mar 15 2020

    Why aren't we proud to speak in our native language proudly? Are we scared to be judged by others for not knowing how to speak the "Common Language" even though the audience would understand the same context if you were to say it in your native language?

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Is the grass is greener on the other side or is it just a perception?
    Feb 15 2020

    This week I have a special guest, Angie! She is among the fantastic people (insert your name here) who helped to make this podcast happen. In this episode, we talked about Youth, the Creative Arts, amazing people of Brunei, and how we ended up where we are now!

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    2 hrs and 11 mins
  • Sudah kawin kah belum?
    Jan 24 2020
    An insight into what millennials think about weddings, its significance to the Malay culture and how today’s progress changed everything.
    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 58 mins
  • Introduction
    Jan 22 2020

    Launching January 24th, this is the Taboo & Stigma podcast by Ajrul Mail. Its a place where no topic is off-limits and where I will be asking the questions that we are all thinking but usually don't dare to ask! Expect raw honest life experiences, candid conversations and priceless words of wisdom from our guest. Hold on to your chairs for some juicy Taboo & Stigmatised topic coming your way! Please subscribe, rate and review and if you like what you hear, tell a friend to tell a friend.

    Follow me on social media @ajrulmail

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    2 mins