We’ve got the hammer and tongs ready for this episode! Join DMs Brian, Fulongamer and Glen as they explore the intricacies of the forge, and the rise of a new legend! After taking care of some emails, we put on the heavy apron and fire it up. First, they discuss the blacksmithing NWP and the differences between the Armorer and Weaponsmithing NWPs, then they continue their God Talk series by getting into the working of the Artificer, Gond. Then finally, they Brainstorm about a legendary blacksmith, and the myriad problems that he has.
Email from DM Derek – Using social media to enhance and move a campaign forward
Email from DM Chris – FR Dragons power upgrade, using anime as D&D sources, favorite supplement by TSR aside from the “obvious” ones, biggest “fun” mistake made as a DM
You can find us on Facebook (Thaco’s Hammer Podcast, 2e AD&D Podcast), Instagram (THACOs_Hammer), Tumblr, and Threads (@thacoshammer). We are now part of our own podcasting network, GamerNation Productions, and our episodes will be on Spotify under the name Thacos Hammer. We will be uploading our old episodes a little bit at a time, so please be patient. We have an RSS feed for the new location, and that address is: https://anchor.fm/s/f67dd77c/podcast/rss. We still have our old episodes on archive.org, and the address is: https://archive.org/details/episode_archive. It has been reorganized, so you can find episodes much easier now. If you are looking for our Actual Play (AP) podcasts, you can go to https://archive.org/details/HammersOfTheDuchySession0. You can also email the show at thacoshammer@gmail.com, and you can leave a voicemail for the show at 734-623-0832. Please indicate in the voicemail if you’re calling for Thaco’s Hammer, because the number is shared with another podcast.
It’s here! It’s live! Join our Discord server and interact with the staff as well as your fellow gamers!! https://discord.gg/nxj98Ms6
Also, we now have T-shirts thanks to Zazzle.com, and they are designed by DM Glen and DM Cory!! Get yours today! Here are the links:
Design by DM Glen: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_t_shirt-235437242428047038
Design by DM Cory: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_shirt_1-235721719516592459
It’s In The Book – Blacksmithing NWP
Rule Zero – God Talk: Gond
DM Brainstorm – The Blacksmith In Town AKA The Legend of Chuck