If there is one thing the the big C church is good at; it is taking out all of the supernatural out of our faith. As grafted in parts of the kingdom spiritual DNA is part of who we are. We are supernatural beings now existing on the ethereal plane of the the spirit world. The structured C -church has so organize our faith that there is no time in a service for the Spirit of God to move. There is 13.25 minutes of worship, 23 minutes of teaching, a 3 minute greeting time. 24 minutes for announcements and offering. The big C church is safe and predicable. Predictably boring week after week. A cursory read of the bible especially the new testament is anything but predictable and boring. Time to wake up and rebel.
Time for "The Real People of GOD" to come forth and subdue the earth again. Don't be that which is spit out. Yup I am amped.
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