Happy Summer solstice friends, what a beautiful time to set intentions for the season! The gang sets some goals for Summer and they dive a bit deeper into their own intentions. Jess from Tree Three Media spills what she has brewing behind the scenes with specmoto.ca and gives us more details on this new moto media outlet. Which segways into the wrap up of the Canadian Womens West National Championship this past weekend in Manitoba. The ladies give you details on the Top 10 WMX finishers and some stands outs on each rider. Indulge on some deep thoughts, fun stories, inspiration, and everything in-between. Come along for the ride with hosts Danika White, Lexi Pechout and Jessica Longname on this week’s episode of Bikes, Berms & Brews! SHOW NOTES: SPECMOTO.CA JULY 1ST 2024 LAUNCH STAY TUNED! https://www.instagram.com/specmoto.ca/ THOR WMX West Overall Championship Eve Brodeur (166) https://www.instagram.com/ebrodeur41/ Viviana Contreras (157) https://www.instagram.com/vivianacontreras50/ Kaylie Kayer (140) https://www.instagram.com/12_kaylie_12/ Annalyse Lopushinski (122) https://www.instagram.com/annalyse09/ Katrine Ferguson (110) https://www.instagram.com/katrine_ferg51/ Tea Ferguson (85) https://www.instagram.com/tea_ferg275/ Ani Ferguson (83) https://www.instagram.com/aniferguson_105/ Lauren Puhlman (79) https://www.instagram.com/laurenpuhlmann333/ Brooke Greenlaw (74) https://www.instagram.com/brook_greenlaw122/ Ciel Ferguson (67) https://www.instagram.com/cielferguson/ Ferguson Racing https://www.instagram.com/ferguson.racing/Heartbeat Hot Sauce (Try that Dill Pickle Serrano and Pineapple Habanero) https://www.heartbeathotsauce.com/Red Ember Pizza in Winnipeg https://www.redembercommon.com/ Heartland Season 17 THERE’S DIRT BIKES! And you may know a stunt double in here… https://gem.cbc.ca/heartland/s17?cmp=DM_CM_blog_heartland