
  • Star Trek 2x13 - "The Trouble With Tribbles" Review
    Feb 11 2025
    We have Federation officials and klingons who like to quibble, but they ain’t no trouble like the trouble with tribbles, maman! We’re heading to Deep Space Station K7 to have a drink with Cyrano Jones and review the hallowed, well-loved classic, Star Trek 2x13, “The Trouble With Tribbles”! They're born pregnant, maman!

    Episode Reviewed:
    Star Trek 2x12 - "I, Mudd"

    David C. Roberson
    Effie Ophelders

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues young Effie's first watch of Star Trek in production order. Guiding her on this journey: Dave, a stalwart fan of almost four decades who rewatches along with her, provides trivia, insights and the occasional excitement-stoking minor spoiler.

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    38 mins
  • "Star Trek: Section 31" Review
    Jan 26 2025
    Georgiou is back, but the film’s getting flack! Is it as bad as you’ve heard, or is the hate undeserved? We’ll be bringing you our spoiler-free thoughts, followed by our spoiler-filled thoughts on "Star Trek: Section 31"!

    David C. Roberson
    Matthew Carroll

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since the late1980s.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
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    54 mins
  • Star Trek 2x12 - "I, Mudd" Review
    Jan 7 2025
    Gather, ye subjects and pledge purpose to his royal Mudd the first! The non-human Norman done hijacked the Enterprise, maman! He took us to a world of safety, technology beyond imagination and of course endless unaging android ass! Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad, and this episode of Star Trek Universe is a review of Star Trek 2x12, “I, Mudd”, maman!

    Episode Reviewed:
    Star Trek 2x12 - "I, Mudd"

    David C. Roberson
    Effie Ophelders

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues young Effie's first watch of Star Trek in production order. Guiding her on this journey: Dave, a stalwart fan of almost four decades who rewatches along with her, provides trivia, insights and the occasional excitement-stoking minor spoiler.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
    Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast
    Spotify: http://bit.ly/StarTrekUCast
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    25 mins
  • Lower Decks 5x09 & 5x10 | Series Finale Review
    Dec 27 2024
    Saying goodbye to Lower Decks sucks, maman. Hopefully we'll get more from these characters somewhere in the future. Time for our final review of Lower Decks, maman. They set so much up...

    Episodes Reviewed:
    Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x09 - "Fissure Quest"
    Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x10 - "The New Next Generation" (Series Finale)

    David C. Roberson
    Matthew Carroll

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since the late1980s.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
    Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast
    Spotify: http://bit.ly/StarTrekUCast
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Lower Decks 5x07 and 5x08 - "Fully Dilated" and "Upper Decks"
    Dec 9 2024
    Catching up on two more episode of Lower Decks, maman. We got a purple Data head and tales of the upper decks, maman. Lurks and clicking jerks. Something's happening, maman.

    Episodes Reviewed:
    Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x07 - "Fully Dilated"
    Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x08- "Upper Decks"

    David C. Roberson
    Matthew Carroll

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since the late1980s.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
    Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast
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    46 mins
  • Lower Decks 5x05 and 06 - "Starbase 80?!" and "Of Gods and Angles" Review
    Nov 27 2024
    It's a double review this round, maman! We're catching up on the final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks! We're taking a trip to Starbase 80 and retreading over some already-too-well-tread ground involving feuding peoples and young lovers. It's a real mixed bag, maman!

    Episodes Reviewed:
    Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x05 - "Starbase 80?!"
    Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x06 - "Of Gods and Angles"

    David C. Roberson
    Matthew Carroll

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since the late1980s.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
    Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • "765874 - Unification" Review
    Nov 23 2024
    "765874 - Unification" isn't just the return of William Shatner as James Kirk, it's also the return of Robin Curtis as Saavik and Gary Lockwood as Gary Mitchell. But what does it all mean, maman?

    We're talking about all of the OTOY/Roddenberry Archive shorts up to the latest, Unification, as well as the extended media that inspired the content from the shorts such as William Shatner's "Return" novels, the Marvel Star Trek: Early Voyages story that introduced the Well of Tomorrows and gave us Yeoman Colt's serial number (765874), Star Trek #400, and the novel "Vulcan Heart" as well as give our thoughts about this short and what it might mean.

    765874 https://youtu.be/Ng8qTIythnA

    765874 - Memory Wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzeznWVQu5o

    765874 - Regeneration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KXU2Ob8gYY

    765874 - Unification https://youtu.be/mgOZFny7F50

    David C. Roberson
    Matthew Carroll

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since the late1980s.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
    Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast
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    29 mins
  • Star Trek 2x11 - "The Deadly Years" Review
    Nov 11 2024
    Break out the Bengay, slip on your nicest track suit, and ready your angry ageism e-mails for next week’s feedback, maman! The nights are warm and the days are young, but the same can’t be said for the brave crew of the Enterprise who are about to stop going boldly and start going oldly! Them worry lines, maman...

    Episode Reviewed:
    Star Trek 2x11 - "The Deadly Years"

    David C. Roberson
    Effie Ophelders

    Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues young Effie's first watch of Star Trek in production order. Guiding her on this journey: Dave, a stalwart fan of almost four decades who rewatches along with her, provides trivia, insights and the occasional excitement-stoking minor spoiler.

    Join Us:
    Site: http://startrekucast.com
    Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast
    Spotify: http://bit.ly/StarTrekUCast
    Spreaker: http://bit.ly/StuCastSpreaker
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    35 mins