S6 EP1 | With the likelihood of a fourth a final Chris Pine led Stark Trek becoming slimmer and slimmer, the studio demands a blow-out exit for the Kelvin Timeline, taking the Enterprise where no one has gone before. Fatherhood, Klingons, and Picard... oh my.Creators & Guests
- T.C. De Witt - Host
- Jim Burzelic - Host
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Click here to view the episode transcript.
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- Another Pokémon Podcast - It’s super effective! Another Pokémon Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all things regarding the Pokémon series!
- Returning Student - A podcast about a 40-year-old who returns to the very same school that he left 20 years ago so that he may finish the college degree that he never got.
- Find other great shows from Sixfive Media here: sixfive.media
The views, information, or opinions expressed during The Studio Demands It are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Sixfive Media and its employees.
This has been a production of Sixfive Media.
Thanks to our monthly supporters - Chris Wall
- Michael Carey
- Shane Redding
- Bencompetence
- Fionnegan Justus Murphy
- Eli McCaig
- David Geisler