Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Spring Secrets: Unveiling Mysteries of the Changcheng Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-03-10-22-34-01-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 春天的长城像一条巨龙蜿蜒在山脉之间,古老的砖石在阳光的照耀下显得格外温暖。En: In the spring, the Changcheng, like a giant dragon, winds through the mountains, and the ancient bricks and stones appear particularly warm under the sunlight.Zh: 周围的山坡上,桃花开得灿烂,像是给大地铺上了一层粉色的毯子。En: On the surrounding slopes, peach blossoms bloom brightly, as if covering the earth with a pink blanket.Zh: 这一天,学校组织了一次郊游,目的是参观伟大的长城。En: On this day, the school organized an outing with the purpose of visiting the great Changcheng.Zh: 梁、梅和他们的历史老师璇一起同行。En: Liang, Mei, and their history teacher Xuan went together.Zh: 梁是个充满好奇心的学生,喜欢观察周围的一切。En: Liang is a very curious student who likes to observe everything around him.Zh: 他的好朋友梅则总喜欢寻找刺激,有时会闯进麻烦。En: His good friend Mei, on the other hand, always seeks thrills and sometimes gets into trouble.Zh: 璇老师是个热爱教学的人,总是希望让学生们爱上文化和历史。En: Teacher Xuan is passionate about teaching, always hoping to make students fall in love with culture and history.Zh: 漫步在长城上,梁的心中充满了疑问,他想寻找一个关于长城的小秘密,这样可以让璇老师刮目相看。En: Walking on the Changcheng, Liang was filled with questions, wanting to find a small secret about the wall to impress Teacher Xuan.Zh: 可是,时间有限,梅不停地想办法找乐子,令他有些分心。En: However, with limited time, and Mei constantly looking for fun, this distracted him somewhat.Zh: “梁,你看这里有个小洞!En: "Liang, look, there's a small hole here!"Zh: ”梅兴奋地叫道。En: Mei exclaimed excitedly.Zh: 梁被吸引过去,看到了墙壁上一个小小的凹陷。En: Liang was drawn over and saw a small indentation on the wall.Zh: 他心想,也许里面藏着什么故事。En: He thought there might be a story hidden inside.Zh: 于是,他做了一个决定,专注于长城的一部分,试图找到隐藏的铭文。En: So, he made a decision to focus on a part of the Changcheng to try to find a hidden inscription.Zh: 经过一番寻找,梁发现了一个古老的铭刻,上面似乎记载了一段不为人知的历史。En: After some searching, Liang discovered an ancient engraving that seemed to record a previously unknown piece of history.Zh: 他激动地叫来梅,两人一起研究着上面的字迹。En: Excitedly, he called over Mei, and the two together studied the writing.Zh: 铭文似乎提到了某个古代的一场重要防御战,恰好在这个不显眼的角落记下。En: The inscription seemed to mention an important ancient defense battle, recorded right in this inconspicuous corner.Zh: 回到学校后,梁带着他的发现去找璇老师。En: Back at school, Liang took his discovery to Teacher Xuan.Zh: 璇仔细阅读后,露出了赞赏的微笑。En: Xuan read it carefully and smiled appreciatively.Zh: “梁,你的发现很有趣!En: "Liang, your discovery is very interesting!Zh: 你应该继续探索和学习,历史总是充满了惊喜。En: You should continue to explore and learn; history is always full of surprises."Zh: ”梁因此充满了自信,他意识到自己也能揭开隐藏的故事,对历史产生了更深的兴趣。En: As a result, Liang was filled with confidence, realizing that he too could uncover hidden stories, developing a deeper interest in history.Zh: 长城不再只是风景,它承载了无数的秘密,等待着被人们发现。En: The Changcheng was no longer just a sight; it carried countless secrets waiting to be discovered.Zh: 春风中,梁似乎听见了时间的低语,那是过去的回响和未来的启迪。En: In the spring breeze, Liang seemed to hear the whispers of time, echoing the past and enlightening the future. Vocabulary Words:giant: 巨龙winds: 蜿蜒slopes: 山坡bloom: 开得particularly: 格外outing: 郊游curious: 好奇心thrills: 刺激trouble: 麻烦passionate: 热爱observe: 观察puzzle: 疑问indentation: 凹陷inscription: 铭文engraving: 铭刻inconspicuous: 不显眼的appreciatively: 赞赏enchanted: 启迪whispers: 低语blossoms: 桃花blanket: 毯子impress: 刮目相看distracted: 分心secrets: 秘密echoing: 回响enlightening: 启迪bricks: 砖石recorded: 记载discover: 发现confidence: 自信