
  • Ep 226 - The world is on fire. Is spirituality the fire hydrant we need?
    Jul 3 2024

    After the appalling decisions made by Scotus this past week (being homeless is a crime & presidents can get away with anything), many of us are falling into despair or rage or both. What is this world we live in and how did we get here? Are we going to survive?

    In this week's episode, I'm bringing our focus back to the bigger picture: we exist beyond this three-dimensional plane. So how does this world on fire help us to grow and evolve as spirit-souls? If you think about the universe, there are plenty of things dying and exploding all while the universe continues to expand. Is this moment our supernova (where Empire is the dying star)? (“A supernova is the cataclysmic explosion of a massive star at the end of its life.”) Tune in to learn more!


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: Three of Pentacles

    • “Cucumbers and Prayers” by Hafiz

    • Book: The Sum of Us: What racism costs everyone and how we can prosper together - Heather McGhee


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    • Subscribe to mailing list + community: suryagian.com/subscribe and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos”

    • Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: leslieann.substack.com

    • Instagram: @leslieannhobayan
      Email: leslieann@suryagian.com

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    41 mins
  • Ep 225 - Share your gifts! Don't keep them hidden
    Jun 26 2024

    How do we know what our gifts are to the world? And how do we know with whom to share them? Do we even want to share them? The body can help. Tune in to learn more!


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: Oyster

    • “We Might Have To Medicate You” by Hafiz


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    • Subscribe to mailing list + community: suryagian.com/subscribe and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos”

    • Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: leslieann.substack.com

    • Instagram: @leslieannhobayan

    • Email: leslieann@suryagian.com

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    23 mins
  • Ep 224 - Best of Spiritual Grit - “Both/And”: You Can Be An Activist in Your Everyday Life
    Jun 19 2024

    Many of us compartmentalize our lives, putting things in boxes as if our lives are a bunch of multicolored beads that need to be separated and sorted.. Parenting goes in one box. Job goes in another box. Writer work in yet another. Activist work in another. This isn’t how we’re supposed to live. WIth the continuing gen0-side, compartmentalizing is a survival tactic. “If I can just focus on my job, I can look away from what’s happening in Pal-es-tine.” The thing is, the magnitude of these atr0cities is affecting our daily lives, whether we’re aware of it or not.

    In this week’s episode, I talk about how everything is inextricably linked. We cannot compartmentalize. We must stay connected to our humanity. We must continue to bear witness AND to live, to continue the daily activities of our small lives AND do what we can to demand a ce@sefire and fight for a freé Pal-es-tine. How do we do that? How can we act in our daily lives in ways that begin to shift change? Tune in to learn more!


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: Queen of Pentacles

    • Poem: “You are Brave in that Holy War” by Hafiz


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: ⁠leslieann.substack.com⁠

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    38 mins
  • Ep 223 - Cultivating discernment when connecting with community
    Jun 12 2024

    Since the quarantine years, many of us have been hungry for community. We've been longing for real connection. But how badly do we want it? At what cost?

    Not all communities are created equal. Not all communities are built with your best interest in mind. Are we willing to compromise who we are in order to feel like we belong somewhere?

    During this time of jen-0cide of Pali-stin-ians, it's becoming harder to find communities of care and support. It's on us to create them and communicate that it's a safe place. Tune in to hear my experience of a community that suddenly became unsafe for me and how we might build the safe community that we need.


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: Ten of Cups

    • “Too Beautiful” by Hafiz


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    • Subscribe to mailing list + community: suryagian.com/subscribe and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos”

    • Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: leslieann.substack.com

    • Instagram: @leslieannhobayan

    • Email: leslieann@suryagian.com
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    27 mins
  • Ep 222 - Is it okay to thrive during such a violent time?
    Jun 5 2024

    The world is on fire. How can we continue to live our lives while so many lives are being lost every day? How does our passion, our calling in life matter during times like these? How do the things that light us up help fight for a free Palestine?

    What about our relationships? The ones where the people we love have been silent. Not those actively advocating for the elimination of an entire people, but rather those who have not spoken out. Why have they not said anything? Do we cut them off entirely? Or can nuance be applied? The answer: it depends.

    In this week's episode, I explore some possibilities for these questions. Tune in to find out more!


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: Double Mission

    • “Between Our Poles” by Hafiz


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    • Subscribe to mailing list + community: suryagian.com/subscribe and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos”
    • Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: leslieann.substack.com
    • Instagram: @leslieannhobayan
    • Email: leslieann@suryagian.com
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    34 mins
  • Ep 221 - What is your impact and who is your community
    May 29 2024

    Who are your people now?

    As the jenny-side continues to drive us down into witnessing deeper barbarity and the grief and rage mount higher and higher, we might be looking around and asking ourselves: who are our people now? Who are our truest people? And: what difference can I make, if any at all?

    In this week's episode, I explore ways that we can make a difference– no matter how small– in the face of despair. And how we can keep going even though our friends and family start to fall away because you can no longer stand their silence on gen-0-side. We do have support and a community. It's just a matter of remembering where to find them. Tune in today!

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    30 mins
  • Ep 220 - Community is Crucial to Thriving
    May 22 2024

    After the quarantine years, a lot of us have forgotten how good it feels to be in community with others. A lot of us have even forgotten how to do it. It's kind of like when you are sick for an extended period of time that it becomes your new normal and you don't know what it feels like to be healthy until the sickness goes away and then you remember.

    Do you remember what it's like to feel seen? To be in a group where people get you? Or what it's like for someone to train with you when you are trying to prepare for a triathlon? Doesn't it feel good to share in a commonality with others?

    In this week's episode, I am reminding all of us how crucial it is for us to be in community with each other so that we can grow and evolve in uplifting and unexpected ways. So that we might thrive. Because, after all, isn't that why we are here?


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: The Seas of Mintaka

    • “I Imagine Now For Ages” by Hafiz


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    • Subscribe to mailing list + community: suryagian.com/subscribe and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos”

    • Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: leslieann.substack.com

    • Instagram: @leslieannhobayan

    • Email: leslieann@suryagian.com

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    42 mins
  • Ep 219 - Finding balance between the personal and the collective
    May 15 2024

    How do we stay present for the people in our lives while we are fighting for social justice? How do we stay vigilant about not becoming consumed by our activist work? And when it comes to conscientious parenting, how much do we guide our children and how much do we allow for them to figure it out on their own? The line keeps moving… in waves.

    And while we ask these questions, our personal relationships start to come into question as well. Maybe some of your friends are aligned in social justice, but when it comes to genny-side, they are silent and take a step back from the front line.

    Tune into this week's episode as I explore possibilities for these inquiry questions.


    Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:

    • Oracle card: Loosen your grip

    • “I Hope You Won’t See This Old Man” by Hafiz


    Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned:

    • Subscribe to mailing list + community: suryagian.com/subscribe and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos”

    • Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: leslieann.substack.com

    • Instagram: @leslieannhobayan

    • Email: leslieann@suryagian.com

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    29 mins