• Cursing the FIG TREES in My Life
    Aug 21 2022

    I’m so glad Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice (Jn. 10:27).” When He speaks to me, I’m reminded of the Twenty-Third Psalm and how comforted and protected I feel, knowing He is MY Shepherd and He is so close to me, I can hear His every word.

    This message began as I was praying about some health issues and felt very impressed to call out a spirit of cancer and curse that demonic spirit at the roots. As I did that, I heard the Lord say, “I cursed the fig tree so you would know that you have authority to curse that which takes valuable resources but produces no Kingdom fruit!”

    As I opened my Bible, I learned that Jesus connected fig trees and mountains as anything that hinders us from achieving God’s ultimate purpose for our life and ministry. He then demonstrated how to overcome them with spiritual warfare and the “God kind of faith.” This study concludes with two important questions: (1) What FIG TREES need CURSING and (2) What MOUNTAINS need MOVING in your life? Expect to hear the Lord speak personally to you as you study and seek Him. Steve & Varvah

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    49 mins
  • What's a Muddled Gospel Anyway?
    Sep 25 2022

    We live in a divided world. Everyone has an opinion, yet there seems to be little or no agreement on anything. And now that we have social media, the variety and sheer number of opposing thoughts we and our children encounter daily has increased exponentially. The Apostle Paul also lived in a divided world, yet he carried a message from God that was so powerful, he was able to shift the narrative of his day from “what we believe,” to “WHO we believe,” and His name is Jesus! The good news is that as Christians, we carry that same message. It’s called the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it still has the same power to bring peace into a mind, as well as a world filled with confusion. This message is sure to help you better ignore all the “whats” that are constantly vying for your attention and focus on the “WHO” that really matters. We hope you enjoy! Steve & Varvah

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    50 mins
  • How to Fight Against Burnout
    Oct 9 2022

    This message centers around Megan Shen, an expert in loss and grief. She is an Associate Professor at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Megan does research on how we can better support patients and their families through the challenging process of walking through terminal illness and the grief that follows. She was asked to speak at the GeekWire 2022 Summit, which brings together engineers, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators to discuss the future of business and technology. Surprisingly, Megan spoke to them about how to fight against burnout; how to find hope and resilience in the face of challenging times and circumstances. They loved it. We played her talk for our weekly gathering and the Lord used it to open up some much-needed discussion, as well as deep healing for many of us. You can hear Megan’s talk here or you can watch it on YouTube by clicking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci_LotgySoM. Enjoy! Steve & Varvah

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    52 mins
  • 2023: What is God Saying About It?
    Jan 9 2023

    Jesus said in John 16, that the Holy Spirit would tell us things to come. It has become our yearly tradition to gather after the New Year and share what we have heard the Holy Spirit tell us about the coming year. When we came together this year, we heard some interesting things about 2023 and felt impressed by the Lord to share them with you. Be blessed as you listen! Steve & Varvah

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    40 mins
  • Learning to HEAL THE SOUL - Session 1
    Jan 30 2023

    Session 1: Identifying and breaking ancestral bondages and curses.

    God’s plan from the beginning was to make man like Him. When we surrender our hearts and lives to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes in and we become “born-again” believers. Our spirit is fully saved, but our soul (our mind, will and emotions) begin the process of salvation and must be renewed daily so we can think, speak, and act like our Lord. But we still carry hurts and traumas that hinder our new life in Christ. Our need for spiritual healing and deliverance is critical. As we receive healing, the Lord will use us to help others get healed and set free. Session 1 is an introduction to this teaching series designed to help equip the saints to HEAL THE SOUL. Blessings, Steve & Varvah

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    56 mins
  • Learning to HEAL THE SOUL - Session 2
    Feb 6 2023

    Session 2: The real-life relationship between spiritual sickness of the heart and sickness of the body. Plus, an amazing live demonstration of healing chronic neck, back and leg problems.

    Melanie teaches how to heal spiritual issues of the heart, such as unresolved offence, hurt or rejection that can manifest physically in the body as chronic sickness and disease. She shares an enlightening cause and effect list of physical ailments and how to heal them spiritually. Melanie echoes the Truth upon which our ministry functions: it’s LOVE that HEALS!

    Varvah then presents an amazing step-by-step live demonstration of how to release healing to those suffering from chronic neck, back or leg problems. She then releases and supervises the group in applying and practicing what they learned by ministering to one another. Blessings, as this teaching series continues to equip YOU to HEAL THE SOUL! Steve & Varvah

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    1 hr
  • Learning to HEAL THE SOUL - Session 3
    Feb 13 2023

    Session 3: Seeing Jesus as “The Balm of Gilead:” a key to understanding inner healing. Plus, a practical demonstration of how to heal "emotional baggage from bad parenting."

    Melanie presents a profound key to inner healing by revealing Jesus as “The Balm of Gilead.” Varvah explains a much-needed strategy for healing “emotional baggage from bad parenting,” then releases the group to practice it through one-on-one ministry. Blessings, as this teaching series continues to equip YOU to HEAL THE SOUL! Steve & Varvah

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    26 mins
  • Learning to HEAL THE SOUL - Session 5
    Mar 6 2023

    Session 5: What is required to experience and sustain true inner healing and deliverance vs. what is required to experience and sustain true revival and a major outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    Steve & Varvah present a unique look at some striking contrasts and similarities between true inner healing and deliverance vs. true revival and a major outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May you be blessed and enriched as this teaching series continues to equip YOU to HEAL THE SOUL! Steve & Varvah

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    47 mins